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New Tool record end of year?


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Okay, this is bullshit. Not the interview, But this fucking quote system and the fucking copy/paste shit that gives this black shit that I CAN'T GET RID OFF really fucks up the whole readability. Annoying. Wtf watmm.

Is Adam or the interviewer saying that part?

They both said it simultaneously. Well, first they said "No, you go first. No you. No you" for about 15 minutes. Also simultaneously. Kinda wierd. One of those one in a trillion cosmic chances. This moment has inspired a few new Alex Grey paintings that are totally whoa dude like far out bro, and the next Tool album title: 10,000 Simultani Sentencus.


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  • 5 weeks later...

So these stools will be playing shows in Australia starting April 27th... what are the bets on new material being dropped? slim to fuck all?


I'll be there, so I'll report. Who knows, maybe I'll even record one of the songs through shitty camera phone. I'll make sure to record it in portrait mode next to a drunk guy shouting and a group of people talking disinterestedly, for maximum cringe.

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in between sips of coke, psn said:


I saw them back in 93 when I had been an OGT since 92 from the first EP and I don't give a damn in my 501's.


i really doubt they'll be debuting new material though. to anyone's knowledge, has maynard practiced with the band at all?

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no way will there be new material imo




but a few people better get ready, i will be making their avatars for a month :emotawesomepm9:

Howdy Jules,

I have been thinking about our little bet of late, I haven't forgotten :biggrin:



me neither :biggrin:

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the short of it is that azatoth and beerwolf have seemingly lost their bet with me that boc would release a new album before tool. in winning, i get to create their avatars for a month. i may open a new thread for suggestions.

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i said seemingly for a reason buddy. but things are looking rather bleak for you.



plus i am not sure i have ever seen you without that bert avatar...

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