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So, the total lack of in game loading or title/chapter divisions in the Last of Us makes it really hard not to play for 5 hours without so much as a pee break.

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So XCOM: Enemy Within is due out tomorrow in North America (15th everywhere else). Shame I don't have a rig that can optimally run it.

Looks like they've spiced things up from EU tho. New alien types like Seekers and Mechtoids (Sectoids in hulking mech suits), as well as a rogue organization called EXALT. Mechanical augmentations and gene modifications are incorporated as individual upgrades for soldiers as well. I also understand there are new terrain types, and the return of XCOM base invasions. There's a video glimpse of it here: http://kotaku.com/xcom-enemy-within-the-kotaku-review-1462241341

If anyone here gets the opportunity to play it over the next week or so, I'm eager to hear your impressions.

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that's System Shock 1. I haven't played that one myself, but I have played SS2 and it is absolutely worth it. I'm currently playing through Bioshock 2 for the first time and have also got Bioshock Infinite ready to go right after that.


there is a consistent feel across all the *Shock games, in the environments, atmosphere and storytelling. right now I feel like they're my all-time favourite franchise, more so than the Half-Life series which has proved to be so intermittent that my loyalty is starting to fade.



I didn't even realize that it was the same franchise. Wow.

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Guest Pennywise

lol, yeh sry its a shit drunken way of saying that it probably doesnt have a very big team /funds behind it for such a good concept. yes i could be wrong, wtf do i know

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Nah I think you might be onto something, haha, I just wasn't sure what you were getting at.


I thought the trailer looked amazing before all the weird zombie cultist shit came in. Invariably every game has to have some brutal violence these days right? It stopped it from being a lush, atmospheric thing and turned it that much more generic. Also yeah, looks visually too good to be true for a little indie team to pull it off properly



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Guest Pennywise

I hope its good too. it could be something like the AI or the animations that lets it down, or bugs etc. Thats sort of what i was getting at.

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Currently at the chapter "Entanglement" in Half-Life 2. Will go into the prison block and defend myself with some turrets. Me and my waifu Alyx just realized that Dr. Mossman had betrayed us.

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Currently at the chapter "Entanglement" in Half-Life 2. Will go into the prison block and defend myself with some turrets. Me and my waifu Alyx just realized that Dr. Mossman had betrayed us.

First time playing HL2?


That chapter's a bitch if I remember correctly. You'll see.



If you've already played HL2 before, disregard.


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Nah, probably the sixth or seventh time already. The game is so well designed, and is in my top 10 games absolutely.


Computer just crashed because my CPU is overheating (have to apply some new cooling paste.. again).


Well, let's give it another shot

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Guest Gravity

I'd agree that most generic shooters can be boring, but Battlefield is actually really fun when your whole team is working together + vehicles and all that. That said, I haven't played since BF2 so 3 and 4 may not be as good, donno.

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Guest Gravity

yes. i've been utterly bored by bf4 campaign but bf's multiplayer have always been incredibly fun (i've played bf2 and bf:bc2) so i still consider buying it.


Yeah as I said earlier in the thread, seems they just include singleplayer campaigns in BF nowadays to compete with CoD, but what they do best is multiplayer. There's really no need whatsoever for singleplayer in BF. I'll never forget how much fun me and my friends had with 1942, holy shit. There was nothing else like it at the time.

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Playing through Assassin's Creed III right now. It looks amazing, but the controls are so bad that I'm just rushing through the main story to get it over with. I'm far more interested in Desmonde's story than the actual story of the game.


Anyone playing IV? I hope there's been improvement.

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Heh, he seems to be reallty into his game.. I can't help but feel that these multiplayer first person shooters would be a lot more fun if everyone had the same approach, although with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

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