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i was playing the new deux ex until I got some game breaking bug near the final level

the fact that i'm not that bothered about it summarises  how meh it all is IMHO, particularly the plot, which in summary is basically;




some pretty buildings though, shame they're all full of videogamily predictable vents 


when will the reverse vampires learn not to make their buildings riddled with vents big enough for me to crawl through



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just built a new gaming rig in one of these mini-itx cases:


i7 6700k, 16gb ram, mini 1070 gtx... running Fedora with gpu passthrough to a Windows 7 virtual machine. It's an absolute beast playing everything smoothly at 1080p. Currently tackling Dark Souls 3 (never completed the first few) and The Witness. Haven't really sat down and played a game in a while. Don't really want to waste my time with rehashes. Hopefully games like Routine, Scorn, and Agony will bring something new to the table

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running Fedora with gpu passthrough to a Windows 7 virtual machine.

this is interesting. did virualization thru linux reach an acceptable stage already? did you have a chance to benchmark pure win7 vs virtualized?

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started playing irl mtg with my wife again and then downloaded magic duels on steam. never played a digital mtg but it seems pretty fun so far. i've been going through the campaign and i haven't even gotten to any deck building but should be right around the bend. it's f2p but i haven't encountered anything that has inclined me to put real money into (not that i would even if i did).

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No surprise to anybody, but Playstation VR's initial reviews aren't looking too good... mostly centered around the fact they are using 6 and 3 year old tech (PS Move controllers and PS Camera), plus the PS4 being underpowered to run decent VR.


Of course, Sony's answer will be "Well, the definitive PSVR experience can be had on the Playstation Pro..."


I suspect there will be a lot of VR headsets in closets a year from now...

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started playing irl mtg with my wife again and then downloaded magic duels on steam. never played a digital mtg but it seems pretty fun so far. i've been going through the campaign and i haven't even gotten to any deck building but should be right around the bend. it's f2p but i haven't encountered anything that has inclined me to put real money into (not that i would even if i did).


The main gripe I have with MtG and similar CCG games is need for land cards to do anything. There might be ways to mitigate that aspect of the game, but I moved on to Android:Netrunner by then. In Netrunner, you always have the ability to gain credits instead of drawing cards in the hope to have enough money to do your actions. It still has all the usual foibles of deck builders, but I feel the variety of ways to build decks and play the game is larger and more interesting than MtG.


It's a definitely a rabbit hole once you get into it though.

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started playing irl mtg with my wife again and then downloaded magic duels on steam. never played a digital mtg but it seems pretty fun so far. i've been going through the campaign and i haven't even gotten to any deck building but should be right around the bend. it's f2p but i haven't encountered anything that has inclined me to put real money into (not that i would even if i did).

The main gripe I have with MtG and similar CCG games is need for land cards to do anything. There might be ways to mitigate that aspect of the game, but I moved on to Android:Netrunner by then. In Netrunner, you always have the ability to gain credits instead of drawing cards in the hope to have enough money to do your actions. It still has all the usual foibles of deck builders, but I feel the variety of ways to build decks and play the game is larger and more interesting than MtG.


It's a definitely a rabbit hole once you get into it though.

eh. at this point the nostalgia factor is too strong with mtg as i've been playing on and off for about 20 years. can't really see myself getting into another card game or trying to get any of friends into one =\

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started playing irl mtg with my wife again and then downloaded magic duels on steam. never played a digital mtg but it seems pretty fun so far. i've been going through the campaign and i haven't even gotten to any deck building but should be right around the bend. it's f2p but i haven't encountered anything that has inclined me to put real money into (not that i would even if i did).

The main gripe I have with MtG and similar CCG games is need for land cards to do anything. There might be ways to mitigate that aspect of the game, but I moved on to Android:Netrunner by then. In Netrunner, you always have the ability to gain credits instead of drawing cards in the hope to have enough money to do your actions. It still has all the usual foibles of deck builders, but I feel the variety of ways to build decks and play the game is larger and more interesting than MtG.


It's a definitely a rabbit hole once you get into it though.

eh. at this point the nostalgia factor is too strong with mtg as i've been playing on and off for about 20 years. can't really see myself getting into another card game or trying to get any of friends into one =\



Understood! I only got into deck building games in my mid 30s! I can't imagine where I'd be if I looked into CCGs in my teens. :P

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No surprise to anybody, but Playstation VR's initial reviews aren't looking too good... mostly centered around the fact they are using 6 and 3 year old tech (PS Move controllers and PS Camera), plus the PS4 being underpowered to run decent VR.


Of course, Sony's answer will be "Well, the definitive PSVR experience can be had on the Playstation Pro..."


I suspect there will be a lot of VR headsets in closets a year from now...

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I suspect there will be a lot of VR headsets in closets a year from now...

I'm guessing that this is going to happen no matter what. Sure there'll be some that stick to the experience and probably a few interesting games, but I'm betting this will be a step on the road to good tech 10 years from now, but that's all.

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No surprise to anybody, but Playstation VR's initial reviews aren't looking too good... mostly centered around the fact they are using 6 and 3 year old tech (PS Move controllers and PS Camera), plus the PS4 being underpowered to run decent VR.


Of course, Sony's answer will be "Well, the definitive PSVR experience can be had on the Playstation Pro..."


I suspect there will be a lot of VR headsets in closets a year from now...


Tried the Oculus for the first time a couple of days ago. I played some DIRT Rally and it was a blast. I was way better at the game in VR than I normally am.

I remember Data talking about a universe/galaxy experience/app/game he played while lying in bed. I really wanna try that.


But I don't see myself ever playing a 30 hour VR game. Not unless something drastic happens.

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VR would be a lot more tempting to me if most of the games didn't seem like stuff I could play on my phone or shallow tech demo experiences at a premium price point. Are there any really great games out for VR? I wish there was, but as far as I know there's nothing that seems very appealing to me. Nothing that'd make me shell out that kind of money anyhow.

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VR would be a lot more tempting to me if most of the games didn't seem like stuff I could play on my phone or shallow tech demo experiences at a premium price point. Are there any really great games out for VR? I wish there was, but as far as I know there's nothing that seems very appealing to me. Nothing that'd make me shell out that kind of money anyhow.


Well, it hasn't really been out for that long so it'll probably take some time before someone actually figures out what makes a good VR game. Kinda like with the Wii. Nintendo was like, "Awww yeah, Red Steel! FPS! Swing that sword!"

But then it turned out that the Wii wasn't any good for FPS games.

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running Fedora with gpu passthrough to a Windows 7 virtual machine.

this is interesting. did virualization thru linux reach an acceptable stage already? did you have a chance to benchmark pure win7 vs virtualized?



It definitely works and works well. However, it's not like I can just play games on Linux and Windows, the GPU is isolated from the Linux OS for the VM to take complete control over it. However, as far as running it simultaneously with Fedora or whatever other dedicated virtual environments I want, it does that all just fine. No benchmarks, but I've since tested it with a few games that are both GPU & CPU intensive, like the Witcher 3, and it runs that well also.


I followed this guide, it's fairly straightforward:


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I wonder how hard it is to port FPS games to PS VR, a version of The Witness, or Bioshock or even COD would be interesting.

The Witness on PC is getting a VR version if I remember correctly - not sure about on PS4.


The biggest issue I have read about with FPSes in VR is the VR sickness you get when your character is moving forward, and you are looking off to the right or left. The Batman VR game for PSVR doesn't allow you to walk around; you basically move from scene to scene like an interactive movie.

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I wonder how hard it is to port FPS games to PS VR, a version of The Witness, or Bioshock or even COD would be interesting.


I'm not sure I would want to play that. It'd make me sick as hell.

What I want to play are games like SuperHyperCube VR. Games where the VR factor actually plays a part of the gameplay.

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I wonder how hard it is to port FPS games to PS VR, a version of The Witness, or Bioshock or even COD would be interesting.


I'm not sure I would want to play that. It'd make me sick as hell.

What I want to play are games like SuperHyperCube VR. Games where the VR factor actually plays a part of the gameplay.


Imagine Mirror's Edge in VR, gack!

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I wonder how hard it is to port FPS games to PS VR, a version of The Witness, or Bioshock or even COD would be interesting.


I'm not sure I would want to play that. It'd make me sick as hell.

What I want to play are games like SuperHyperCube VR. Games where the VR factor actually plays a part of the gameplay.


I must admit SuperHyperCube is the only VR game I'm remotely interested in playing just because I am a puzzle game/Tetris fanatic


But, I wouldn't buy PSVR just for it.

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LOLWUT, it's a fun if flawed little game (hello stealth sections), but it's nothing like any of those games. Those who haven't played it should give it a shot though.

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Oculus Rift controllers 199.00 USD a pair, extra sensors (for 360 movement) 79.00 USD a piece...


Makes PSVR's price tag look pretty damn good, even if a flawed experience. Still not compelling enough for me to jump into VR.

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