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Here's what's inside the Switch dock, not a whole lot really. Empty space to dissipate heat, and not shown, the USB-C connector inside the base for docking.  It seems boneheaded to me, that with what's included in the box, you'll need to open this up, and unplug the power cable every time you want to charge the joy con grip, or pro controller, much less take it on the go.  I still haven't seen one single game journalist realize this yet, but you bet they'll bitch about it upon release day.  So yeah, extra cables people.




I read the empty space inside the dock is to accommodate USB > LAN adapters, so that makes sense.  It also sounds like the Joy Con Grip that's included with the system is not the rechargeable version, and is just an empty plastic shell.


for fuck's sake. another console w/o an ethernet port? and the grip not charging is gonna make the controller charging scenario so shitty... so you can only recharge the controllers by putting them in the dock or plugging the tablet with the controllers attached...


so if you actually buy another set of controllers you need to buy the charging grip if you want to be able to charge them at the same time pushing the cost of a second controller to $110?

plus the bundles they're selling certainly look like charging grips



100% agree on the lack of ethernet port - I guarantee you that a ethernet port costs no more/less than a USB port; Nintendo is probably thinking "wow, we'll make residual sales from LAN adapters too".


And by not having charging ports on the controller grip included with the console is just plain stupid - what about people who aren't going to take their Switch everywhere, or prefer playing at home most of the time? Now you have to spend another 30.00 for a plastic shell with a USB port on it to charge your controller. It's like Nintendo not including a fucking AC adapter with the 3DS - I mean, really!

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then again... http://www.tydknow.com/did-you-know-that-in-2008-mcdonalds-saved-278850000-by-removing/


honestly i don't know that i'll need the shit i'm bitching about them not including since i'm only getting zelda (and maybe 1-2-switch) which only require a single pair of controllers that last for 20hrs on a charge. i'll probably just dock everything at the end of a session anyways just to keep the shit put up. 


my wife on the other hand...


she will probably close her eyes, spin around 20 times and through the controllers in different directions and goto sleep and then say that she never touched them. 

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Guest bitroast

if i get this, especially with it being an expensive ~500 dollar handheld computer tablet thing .. i can see myself keeping this thing as more of a docked console most of the time and ignoring it as a handheld. having said that, the short train ride to / from work could be perfect for the shitty ~3 hour battery life on zelda etc. 


like, people like to complain about the battery life being short. but realistically, i am never playing a handheld for longer than 2 hours at a time. just need to be super vigilant about keeping the thing plugged in and charging, which is hardly anything new with todays consoles / wireless controllers / gamepads / tablets / HD screen 1080 mobile phones / etc. 



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if i get this, especially with it being an expensive ~500 dollar handheld computer tablet thing .. i can see myself keeping this thing as more of a docked console most of the time and ignoring it as a handheld. having said that, the short train ride to / from work could be perfect for the shitty ~3 hour battery life on zelda etc. 


like, people like to complain about the battery life being short. but realistically, i am never playing a handheld for longer than 2 hours at a time. just need to be super vigilant about keeping the thing plugged in and charging, which is hardly anything new with todays consoles / wireless controllers / gamepads / tablets / HD screen 1080 mobile phones / etc. 



really good illustration of how ugly the wii ugamepad is

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i don't know if it's been brought up in this thread but if the joycons are as good as they are supposed to be they would be great for vr.  :emotawesomepm9:
































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I have seen home mods better than that Wii U pad - this is a multi million made device - it looks like Donald Trump sat on it on his private (public now?) jet, flattened the plastic case then tried to put it back into shape like a dog pawing at a bone. 


The Switch looks cleaner than Teresa May's snatch walking out of Brazillian Wax Company saying "OOOh ahhh oooh ahhhh". Good work Nintendo. 

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Guest bitroast

i don't know if it's been brought up in this thread but if the joycons are as good as they are supposed to be they would be great for vr.  :emotawesomepm9:



was listening to giantbomb podcast and dude was expressing disapointment at the switch reveal so far.

especially the return to wii style motion control gameplay. saying how like, nintendo pioneered motion controls in a way by forcing out the wii wiimote motion controls back when absolutely noone was even thinking about it. but now we have VR and motion controls make a lot more sense in VR in a way that never made sense when playing with motion controls while facing a static tv screen. 

+ even more insane when u consider nintendo trying to pitch the idea of 2 people with a switch each, playing ARMS multiplayer against each other both looking at a tiny screen. 


the motion controls just seems like a really bad move for the switch and is a complete 180 on their original marketing pitch of a console/handheld system targeted at adults/serious gamers. + it's adding more price to the accessories for consumers. it's just ... dumb and confused. 

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fun for party games but that's about it. the system is way too underpowered to do vr i imagine. maybe (probably) someone will write a custom driver to use them on pcs.

hell, steam's been adding support for xbox and ps controller's themselves so maybe they'll support switchmotes

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i don't know if it's been brought up in this thread but if the joycons are as good as they are supposed to be they would be great for vr.  :emotawesomepm9:



was listening to giantbomb podcast and dude was expressing disapointment at the switch reveal so far.

especially the return to wii style motion control gameplay. saying how like, nintendo pioneered motion controls in a way by forcing out the wii wiimote motion controls back when absolutely noone was even thinking about it. but now we have VR and motion controls make a lot more sense in VR in a way that never made sense when playing with motion controls while facing a static tv screen. 

+ even more insane when u consider nintendo trying to pitch the idea of 2 people with a switch each, playing ARMS multiplayer against each other both looking at a tiny screen. 


the motion controls just seems like a really bad move for the switch and is a complete 180 on their original marketing pitch of a console/handheld system targeted at adults/serious gamers. + it's adding more price to the accessories for consumers. it's just ... dumb and confused. 



There definitely seemed to be an online backlash this week.  They hate us cause they anus

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Guest bitroast

my impression from original reveal (marketed as focused gaming device for adults) to the conference where it's being marketed as a weird all-in-one do everything device + motion controls targeting casual audience again. that shift definitely deflated my hype a bit. 


but more than anything else, i think the marketing for this thing has overall been really strong. and i think that's important to get people excited and buying into the system. + they said they're only doing 2 million initial units shipping world wide at launch, with more coming later. so they seem to be super aware on what they're doing and how to handle the launch.


i'm still on board but i 'm also really cautious on nintendo fucking it up. i just really want it to be good. :^) 

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If it has a strong virtual console lineup for 2017 that could make a big difference I think. The obviously want to recapture the Wii casual audience and families, so maybe release some of the best selling Wii games digitally, Wii Sports Club would be a great introduction to the new system, and people that skipped the Wii U would have never played it. Suck new buyers in with what they know, then show them the versatility of the system. Just limit the amount of gimped 3rd party ports from other consoles, that always gave them a black eye.

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Guest bitroast

with them only shipping 2million units to begin, + not having even sorted out the live account membership for launch, + kind of weak launch line up. i get the feeling 2017 will be a slow year for the switch. hopefully 2018 is the year they attack hard with an actual line up of games to get excited about ..

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with them only shipping 2million units to begin, + not having even sorted out the live account membership for launch, + kind of weak launch line up. i get the feeling 2017 will be a slow year for the switch. hopefully 2018 is the year they attack hard with an actual line up of games to get excited about ..

I'unno if I'd say the launch lineup is weak, per se. They have stuff including Nintendo's IPs, but I'm just kinda wondering how it's gonna fare in the years down the road, as it felt like the Wii seemed to have a much healthier lifespan full of titles than the Wii U did, forgetting about the shovelware people just kept making for the Wii like clockwork during those six years before the Wii U had retail availability. If the same thing happened with the Switch, it'd be kinda depressing to witness.

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the launch lineup is terrible, other than the gimmicky motion control crap it's all wiiU and xbox 360 games.

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+ zelda, which is being released on wii u and giving current nintendo/wii u fans zero incentive to buy the new system. 

And now I feel like a dumbass because I assumed "Super Mario Odyssey" was a launch title, however they're not releasing it until the fourth quarter.

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+ zelda, which is being released on wii u and giving current nintendo/wii u fans zero incentive to buy the new system. 


Twilight Princess was also a dual gamecube/wii release, and most of the Gamecube heads were buying Wiis nonetheless...You could say that it was more of a leap forward from Gamecube to Wii compared to Wii U/Switch but I disagree with that point - I really feel it will be a great system and a major improvement.


Wii U feels a bit like Windows Vista between XP and Seven tho :cisfor:

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i think the launch lineup is fine. Zelda is the obvious game to get and then one or two other games can go along side it until other bigger releases come out shortly after.


NBA 2k18 and Binding of Isaac have been announced to release on launch day as well.


Zelda, Bomberman and Isaac are more than enough to keep me busy until ARMS, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart (+others like Snipperclips which looks way fun) are released shortly after launch.


i don't understand why anybody needs more than 2-3 games A MONTH to keep them busy. if you have that much free time on your hands i truly envy you.

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Guest bitroast

it's more just a matter of having variety to account for different peoples tastes. 


the quality of the games coming out does seem good tho, agreed there. 

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i think there's a good variety.


Zelda for the big "gamers" game

1, 2 Switch for the families

Skylanders for the young uns

Just Dance for the young uns/teens/girls

NBA2k18 for sports game fans

Isaac and Bomberman for more left-field offerings


if they released a AAA 1st person shooter there would be something for every market

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