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Damn... PSN (with PS+) has so many good games for cheap I want to play... but no time to!


The Puppeteer - 7.00

Rain - 3.75

Tales of Xillia - 10.00

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - 5.00


I might buy them since they're so cheap and hope one day I can get the chance to play them.


I tried Don't Starve on PS4 (ironc title considering it's on PS4) - why are people hyping this game so much? Seems kinda boring.

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Guest Roksen Creek


No one here playing Broken Age?


It's pretty good.

I got play 15 min of it and I loved every second of it! That music!



The audio is incredible. Especially with headphones.


I'm around 3 hours in. Finished Shay's part, it was too short and easy unfortunately. Vella's part seems meatier and more in the traditional point n' click adventure mould, but I'm worried I'm nearing the end of that too.


The story, writing and characters are great as expected. I just hope it gets more challenging in the second episode, if only to prolong the experience.

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Guest Pennywise

Path of exile on hardcore league. Pretty easy so far, on level 14 and have used my healing potion about 10 times overall. Im a witch and I'm leveling up fire skills. Its fun but these games are super repetitive. To do it properly you have to stick with the same fighting stratedy and that is tedious.

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back into Tribes: Ascend. HiRez have discontinued support/development on this but there are still tons of people playing.


I'm a pretty decent Jugg. I've also been working on my Pathfinder skills (no more llama grabs!) and generally on projectile-weapons accuracy as well. I've sort of gotten the hang of leading and landing hits a bit more accurately but it's still hard as fuck. I can only really do it at relatively low speeds with the Doombringer's chaingun and its huge clip size that I can just hammer constantly without having to reload. trying to do it with a Soldier's rifle (28 rounds in a clip) is much harder.


they should've made XP just a bit easier to earn in this game. it takes forever to gather enough to unlock shit. 44100 XP to unlock the Jugg's epic MIRV launcher took me forever to grind, considering you get about 1000 XP per decent match.

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Guest disparaissant

^^ Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Killer 7, Metroid Prime 1 + 2 (though they are better if you can get the Wii versions), MGS: Twin Snakes (only downfall to this version is gray fox's voice acting)


still playing Descent. plays SO GOOD with an xbox controller. still absolutely brutally hard, too.

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MGS: Twin Snakes (only downfall to this version is gray fox's voice acting)



And the change in music. The music for the original MGS on PS1 was much better.

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Anybody know some cool gamecube games?


Mario Kart, F-Zero GX, LOZ: Windwaker, Pikmin 1&2, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Sunshine

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Anybody know some cool gamecube games?


Pikmin 1&2, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Sunshine




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Just got a sweet reproduction copy of "Mega Man: The Wily Wars" for Sega Genesis. That was the one game I was pining for the most, and then Sega made it some exclusive to their weird early download service back in '94 (I think it was called the "sega channel"). I know it was released in the UK, but all the Mega Drive copies I've seen sell for over $200 bucks. Whoever made this version actually went the extra distance with the packaging, sticker, and even instruction manual. The game itself is not perfect (it's basically a "Super Mario All-Stars" type 16-bit upgrade of the first three games), but it's just what I've always wanted. Perfect way to round out my library of old games.

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back into Tribes: Ascend. HiRez have discontinued support/development on this but there are still tons of people playing.


I'm a pretty decent Jugg. I've also been working on my Pathfinder skills (no more llama grabs!) and generally on projectile-weapons accuracy as well. I've sort of gotten the hang of leading and landing hits a bit more accurately but it's still hard as fuck. I can only really do it at relatively low speeds with the Doombringer's chaingun and its huge clip size that I can just hammer constantly without having to reload. trying to do it with a Soldier's rifle (28 rounds in a clip) is much harder.


they should've made XP just a bit easier to earn in this game. it takes forever to gather enough to unlock shit. 44100 XP to unlock the Jugg's epic MIRV launcher took me forever to grind, considering you get about 1000 XP per decent match.

lower your sensitivity, you should only be able to turn 180-270 degrees from one side of a mousepad to another, also what's your ping?

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Guest Roksen Creek

Finished the first part of Broken Age. I thought Vella's story was a lot more satisfying than Shay's. Felt a lot more like a classic lucasarts adventure game. The puzzles were still easy, but it felt like there was more to do and discover. And all the characters were brilliant.


The ending was pretty great and leaves me impatient for the second episode.

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Guest viscosity

^^^ haven't finished my playthrough of Broken Age yet, gonna boot it up right now. I agree though, so far the puzzles are super easy.. but its makes up for it with character and charm. I hope Tim Schaefer continues making adventure games for a long time





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back into Tribes: Ascend. HiRez have discontinued support/development on this but there are still tons of people playing.


I'm a pretty decent Jugg. I've also been working on my Pathfinder skills (no more llama grabs!) and generally on projectile-weapons accuracy as well. I've sort of gotten the hang of leading and landing hits a bit more accurately but it's still hard as fuck. I can only really do it at relatively low speeds with the Doombringer's chaingun and its huge clip size that I can just hammer constantly without having to reload. trying to do it with a Soldier's rifle (28 rounds in a clip) is much harder.


they should've made XP just a bit easier to earn in this game. it takes forever to gather enough to unlock shit. 44100 XP to unlock the Jugg's epic MIRV launcher took me forever to grind, considering you get about 1000 XP per decent match.

lower your sensitivity, you should only be able to turn 180-270 degrees from one side of a mousepad to another, also what's your ping?



ping is like 200+ on average :/


I'll try the mouse sensitivity trick

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Iwata is steering a sinking ship @ Nintendo, the 3DS is keeping it afloat...for now. I like how after the worst earnings report they've had in a decade, he was basically like "good luck trying to vote me out of my job". Obviously the Yamauchi heirs don't have the balls their father did to stand up to this shit.
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As far as I've heard, people in big companies in Japan don't really get fired. Instead they get moved around and then someone else takes over their position. I don't know if it's true or not, though.

But Nintendo will do alright, because the 3DS is busting balls - 42.4 mio 3DSs sold!

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I think I read an interview with Miyamoto some time ago in which he explained that even if Nintendo does poorly for a few years, they'll be fine. He was explaining that the company is sitting on a lot of reserve money or something like that.

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