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Assault Android Cactus is pretty fun :3



Wow, that looks pretty cool!



It really is! And I believe it's on Wii U too...


Wait, it's available now?



It's on Steam now but Wii U next year.

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I regret buying Final Fantasy Type-0. Kinda boring. Not that I spent much on it but still...what a waste. :/

I actually liked it. Played 50+ hours. I liked the limitations on what you could do before mission time.

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Super Meat Boy (PS4) is pretty fun - I can see how this game resulted in broken controllers/keyboards... so far, up to the second world boss and it's starting to get challenging.


Star Wars Battlefront open beta tomorrow - Star Wars might be just the thing to get me interested in FPSes again...

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Guest bitroast

my ps4 version of meat boy has some pretty glitchy music atm. seems to play song varations/new songs without stopping the previous track, and the music starts piling ontop of itself and turns into this big gross unlistenable mess.

was funny cos the main difference between original meat boy and this sony re-release is the soundtrack has been re-done, so was paying extra attention to it and the "it literally sounds like multiple songs playing at once" criticism turned into "wait.. hang on..". hopefully gets patched soon : |!!!!

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Guest bitroast




orig composer blog post::

"Hey guys!

Many of you have probably already seen the news, but my soundtrack for Super Meat Boy will not be in the PS4/Vita versions. This is because I no longer have a working relationship with Team Meat. You may also know that I did not do the soundtrack for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. I made a decision a couple years ago to end my working relationship with them for many reasons that don’t really need to be listed here. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause my fans.

I’ve heard rumors that there were creative differences between us; this is not true, or at least was never communicated to me.

I own all the rights to my music, and Team Meat approached me to license the music for the PS4 and Vita versions. I didn't feel like the license fee and exposure through PSN they offered was enough to make me seriously consider accepting the deal. I decided to decline their offer. I wish them and the new artists the best of luck with the game.

I genuinely appreciate all the outreach from fans today. I love you guys!



i understand personal things may have gotten in the way between composer and meat boy devs for them to continue working together, but man it's pretty shitty for fans of the meat boy game/soundtrack to have to lose out on this one and have new soundtrack.


losers here = the fans. no one else. petty move imo!!!!!!!!! *points finger and criticizes*






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Guest bitroast

n++ has a fantastic soundtrack.

i'd post examples but it plays them on shuffle and it's all been pretty solid so far


links to various artists soundclouds/bandcamps

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Wii U bundle announced for UK with the 32gb console, and Mario Kart 8 AND Splatoon included. Nice.

Why they never included a Pro Controller in any bundle is beyond stupid.



Because the Pro Controller doesn't highlight the gamepad, which was the focus of the Wii U.

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Wii U bundle announced for UK with the 32gb console, and Mario Kart 8 AND Splatoon included. Nice.

Why they never included a Pro Controller in any bundle is beyond stupid.



Because the Pro Controller doesn't highlight the gamepad, which was the focus of the Wii U.


just shows how ass backwards their marketing was in the US. with a Pro Controller, it's basically an Xbox 360 that plays Nintendo games, which is awesome. That turd brick of a controller with a 3 hour battery was way behind the times by the time it launched. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20. But I love my Pro Controller, 80 hours on one charge yes please. It better work with Zelda, unless the NX version tops it, in which case I'll wait for the next console. maybe.

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Star Wars Battlefront is a billion times better than I thought it would be, based on the "beat" alone. Waow.


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