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Guest bitroast


Battlefront is pretty fantastic.

Sucking pretty bad and finding it *all too easy* gettingabso- obliterated by some out of sight oponent time n time again..

but man, it's still fun.


The star wars design is sooo spot on. The sound design (pro tip!! Default is set to stereo not surround) sound effects, the visuals etc are all so good. It all feels v top notch and definitely has that feeling that lots n lots of money has been poured into it.


Now to keep playing and try n get good n maybe not get slaughtered in seconds maybe.

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It's pretty damn sweet!


Said the star wars fanboy, if this had been skinned like a regular shooter I would probably hate it.


I'm easy like that.

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Guest abracadabra

Finally getting around to playing Okami (the HD remaster on PS3). It's great. Also been buying a lot of PS3 games off eBay and Amazon for cheap. At this rate, I don't think I'll be moving on to next-gen for a while :/

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Darkest Dungeon is really fucking annoying! Fuck you Darkest Dungeon!


*goes back to playing Darkest Dungeon*


edit: actually no, still fuck Darkest Dungeon. Going into a dungeon and watching all my characters die endlessly with nothing to show but either dead corpses or afflicted fighters who can barely fight any more isn't really what I call a fun game. Too roguelike!

Edited by Bechuga
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Been trying to get SS rank on every mission on Transformers Devastation on the hardest difficulty because my life has no meaning.

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I'm not sure how to feel about this - on one hand, great, but the other - PUT THE GODDAMNED RESOURCES INTO ZELDA WII U FFS GIRKJLKJ:LKASJFLKFJ:LK

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hey tell me how it is, I just started Chibi-Robo Ziplash

Usually the SMT games are rather long, I think Nocturne took me around 80hrs. But I should have a good idea if it's going to be enjoyable over the next few days. I really like the SMT releases, like the Persona series, Digital Devil Saga, Devil summoner, etc.

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I'm not sure how to feel about this - on one hand, great, but the other - PUT THE GODDAMNED RESOURCES INTO ZELDA WII U FFS GIRKJLKJ:LKASJFLKFJ:LK

I wonder if they'll skip the Wii U and put it out on the NX as a launch title?

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Man, I'm having a hard time destroying those tanks in MGS5. Do I need the grenade launcher or something? I've been sneaking up on them and planting C4 on them but nothing happens?

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Man, I'm having a hard time destroying those tanks in MGS5. Do I need the grenade launcher or something? I've been sneaking up on them and planting C4 on them but nothing happens?

C4 is no timebomb! You need to activate it once it's planted (LT+Y on my xbox controller). I've always planted at least 3 C4 on tanks in case less wasn't enough, because it's not like you get that much retries. If you're talking about the "Back up back down" mission you'd better get a rocket launcher though.


But all of this will be memory once you unlock vehicle-fultoning. Gotta extract everything.

Edited by Perezvon
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