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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Having seen them live about 4 times, and as much as I enjoy the soundboard recordings available, I can see their point. There is something totally magical about going to hear brand new Autechre music in that setting, especially engineered and made for the tour - knowing that it's just for that moment, that experience in time.



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That's not what they are saying. They just said that they didn't want to release live music without the room ambience and it's natural reverb. They feel like there would be something missing if they released the soundboard only. Also, as previously mentionned, they want people to come see them live and have a full blown AE experience.


I know that's what they say, but as they say in acoustics, microphones do not differentiate between room reverb and direct signal like the human brain naturally does. As in, live room recordings are far, far more reverberant than the experience of actually being there. They always just come off sloshy and muddy to me. (Also, my room has more than enough reverb when I play it through my speakers.)


What would be perfect I think, would be something like what Orb did with Live 93, a mix of DI and room mic throughout the album. All I can say is, bless whomever caught those last two soundboard recordings for Untilted. The Glasgow one alone totally got me back into Autechre after a long hiatus. The room recordings of that set lost all the intimate textural/timbral details that made is so freeeking sweet.


IMO their live work is typically stronger than their albums. The quaristice tour was amazing. I wish there was a soundboard of it, for the above reasons.

Edited by TwiddleBot
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an album is not a live show, however


@Awe: while I would love for that to happen as well, that's probably where the other thing comes in about Ae wanting to keep the live experience exclusive to the people who attended. they're churchy about it, I guess.


Now this I never understood - I doubt there's a single person at any of their gigs going 'wow, this is great, I just hope they don't release a soundboard as that would make it less exclusive'. I saw the untilted tour and I love those 2 soundboard recordings that came out later. The stuff they're playing at the moment is just a bit too much to take in all in one listen, seeing the gig AND listening to the soundboard gives you the best of both worlds.

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The stuff they're playing at the moment is just a bit too much to take in all in one listen, seeing the gig AND listening to the soundboard gives you the best of both worlds.


This. Oh well, our pleas are falling on deaf ears, so to speak, lol.

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is that's the case then why not have at least one of the shows on the tour be professionally recorded by someone who uses room stereo mics + direct soundboard with the skill level of Brian Albers? He's such a nice dude who has a genuine love for good electronic music that I'd bet he'd fly himself out at his own cost to wherever AE would allow him to record and the result would be better than any soundboard


Hah, should have read this first before repeating the thread.

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The reason Sean gave for not putting out any live set soundboards for sale is because they didn't want to look like they were "milking it".

I remember him saying that in the audio interview done around Quaristice period.

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Thanks god, bands like Fenn O'Berg are "miking it" with killer releases. (Their last one, recorded in Japan [in Hell] seems pretty underrated while i think its a very strong album of electronic drones with pretty weird samples all over the place. Recommanded)

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Call me old fashioned, but I'm ok with artists releasing their own material however the fuck they want and I don't feel like I'm entitled to anything.

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^ i agree, but i was just saying...an overwhelming number of people love the live stuff. some more so than the records. it just seems a bit sucky to know everyone wants something you can give them and not do it because you'd rather someone is in a pitch black room at the very moment you are playing it from your machine rather then them playing it on their machine.

i do think that as an artist that makes a living off of their fans, you do owe them to an extent though.

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The reason Sean gave for not putting out any live set soundboards for sale is because they didn't want to look like they were "milking it".

I remember him saying that in the audio interview done around Quaristice period.

I also remember him saying that but I would believe that is THE main reason IF they would provide the recordings by themselves as free dw later....2-3 yrs later would be just fine with me.

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Thanks god, bands like Fenn O'Berg are "miking it" with killer releases. (Their last one, recorded in Japan [in Hell] seems pretty underrated while i think its a very strong album of electronic drones with pretty weird samples all over the place. Recommanded)



They're not milking it because In Hell isn't released on CD at all and it pisses me off dagnabbit because I want that CD.

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I'm annoyed about the lack of soundboard recordings because the implication is that I can just go out and see them live any old Saturday evening. Not only do they take years in between tours, but they don't always come to North America, and even then I'm lucky to see them once in a year.

I get that they want people to hear it live but if they can't release soundboards they should tour more often. Otherwise I almost see it as holding the music hostage, and if I had access to a helicopter and a million dollars I'd pay.

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yeah Autechre are semi gods of electronic music, they put out loads of records (i'm also a fan of the DVD collab with the Hafler trio) and i'm actually surprised by the absolute quality of their recent albums : after 18 years, most bands dont put out records like Oversteps. But i'm also surprised that they keep some fantastic "recordings" (hoping they have archives) for themselves... perhaps they'll change their minds. Yeah artists choose whatever they wants to release, but sometimes (i'm thinking about the Squarepusher tunes [like the one DJ'ed by Aphex in 2002 in Roma), fantastic music is forgotten...

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pretty sure they have archives of those, in fact i remember Sean mentioning that they did in one interview. Some day those are going to see the light of day. It took what 6 years or so for the Confield tour soundboards to leak? I almost suspect those were leaked by AE themselves, similar to that really early pre-incubula live set that mysteriously leaked not too long ago.

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it was floating around here for a while, and it was really good too. Anybody remember what the name of it was? I might be wrong about it being pre-incunabula but as far as i could tell none of the songs on it were ever released (at least officially) and they sounded sort of like a more dubbed out less melodic version of stuff on incunabula

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