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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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i'm happy tuinorizn leaked in 320kbps (thanks to that podcast on soundcloud)! i can happily wait a few more days with this song on all the time


you mean spl9?

no, i mean tuinorizn. spl9 leaked in 128kbps

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not this discussion again. everybody knows that 128kbps far exceeds the frequency range of the human ear, unnecessarily increasing frequency cutoff resonance bands LFO (128 x 320 = 40960) is just plain filesize pollution. think of the children.

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not this discussion again. everybody knows that 128kbps far exceeds the frequency range of the human ear, unnecessarily increasing frequency cutoff resonance bands LFO (128 x 320 = 40960) is just plain filesize pollution. think of the children.

how about crafting a legible sentence... WTF are you talking about?

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not this discussion again. everybody knows that 128kbps far exceeds the frequency range of the human ear, unnecessarily increasing frequency cutoff resonance bands LFO (128 x 320 = 40960) is just plain filesize pollution. think of the children.

how about crafting a legible sentence... WTF are you talking about?


every single time these threads derail into some sort of technical discussion about linear domain processing LFO mp3 filter FFTs, but let me tell you this shit has been discussed before, next you're going to say vinyl has lower resolution.

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worst freaking friday

no post from bleep in email

my player silent


same here...thinking of building my own exai tracks... .. .

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Well, 206 pages and we've managed to maintain our focus and dignity. I, for one, am impressed.


I wouldn't say that we're "focused" lol.


And exm : do it ! Exai fakes could be great now !

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Sean, Rob, Mira love triangle, pls. Joyrex, pls. Pixelives, pls. Cheesedick blog twitter guys, pls. Tdr, pls.


For fucks sake somebody, pls.

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btw, funny thing is i emailed warp records a month ago to ask for a promo because i work for a dutch blog that, besides news, also does music and film reviews (i reviewed the new flying lotus for instance), but i never heard from them again. im gonna email a second time

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Was really expecting this today, but yeah, no bleep emails...

Someone has to have the balls to leak their promo this week end, so that we call all be happy on Monday, and instill some freshness in this thread (loved the debate about actress btw)

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