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I really don't understand why more movies like 2001 aren't made. Cold (as in, clinical... which is a good thing in movies...), analytical, and free. I'm not "hollywood" buff, but you'd think more artists would want to flex their muscles and surpass the giants, instead of just paying homage to them. I did get the sense that Drive+ETBR are a new kind of filmmaking that goes beyond "homage." Still, I desire something stronger than even these films.

to be honest, alot of it just comes down to budget - 2001 was a studio film and had a budget of about 10.5 mill (which back in 1967/68 was alot of money) Beyond the Black Rainbow was pretty much an independently funded feature, and had a minuscule budget of about 1mill


Don't get me wrong, i'm the type of person who believes creativity doesn't amount to any budget - however, there are limits, and there are things that can be made possible with money


In terms of 'creating another 2001' it also comes back to a name you can back - Kubrick was pretty shit hot before he made 2001, and the studios trusted him, so they were happy to throw money at his project and allow him to do what he wanted - same thing has to happen again, it sort of happened recently with Ridley Scott and Prometheus (although i haven't seen it yet)

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Guest Mirezzi

Dark Knight Ad Nauseum


Well, that was really fucking underwhelming. One hour in, I thought it was shockingly decent, but for the next 90 insufferable minutes, it was Chaos Cinema 101: utterly incoherent, meaningless, dull, and filled with action for the sake of action. I was mostly struck by the uneven tone. There was the stoic, austere, unemotional and cold filmmaking Nolan is best known for, followed frequently by moments sponsored by Happy Meal.


I guess I "liked" The Dark Knight best of these three Nolan Batmans, but none of them really matters now and in 10 years, I think they'll be completely forgotten.


Oh, and Bane's voice? Again, for the first hour, I sort of defended it as a bold choice, then laughed like fuck at it toward the end, especially when he gives his Occupy Wall Street speech. For the choice to be both bold and successful, the script has to meet it halfway, and quite honestly TDKR didn't come close.


The most generous thing I can say about it, overall, is that it was dull...and exhausting.

Edited by The Overlook
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Dark Knight Ad Nauseum


Well, that was really fucking underwhelming. One hour in, I thought it was shockingly decent, but for the next 90 insufferable minutes, it was Chaos Cinema 101: utterly incoherent, meaningless, dull, and filled with action for the sake of action. I was mostly struck by the uneven tone. There was the stoic, austere, unemotional and cold filmmaking Nolan is best known for, followed frequently by moments sponsored by Happy Meal.


I guess I "liked" The Dark Knight best of these three Nolan Batmans, but none of them really matters now and in 10 years, I think they'll be completely forgotten.


Oh, and Bane's voice? Again, for the first hour, I sort of defended it as a bold choice, then laughed like fuck at it toward the end, especially when he gives his Occupy Wall Street speech. For the choice to be both bold and successful, the script has to meet it halfway, and quite honestly TDKR didn't come close.


The most generous thing I can say about it, overall, is that it was dull...and exhausting.


one can only fucking hope. along with inception.


did however see the matrix on film last week. It fucking holds up. almost a flawless movie in retrospect.

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Guest Mirezzi

Fuck yeah...


The Matrix was pure fucking cheese and it was perfect because it didn't care that it was cheese. All of the pretense of Nolan's films completely puts me off.


In fact, most of these recent comic book movies trying to be Shakespeare need to be stopped. Why can't one of these assholes make a lean, entertaining, 90-minute movie? Most these Chaos Cinema flicks are going on 3 hours long. Tedious *and* chaotic. Fuck me.

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Favourite Nick Cage film? GO!



wild at heart, raising arizona, moonstruck, matchstick men, bringing out the dead, leaving las vegas, peggy sue got married, the bad lieutenant

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Lincoln - dialogue heavy, i spaced out many times during the film. Some great moments of suspense and joy (i cried twice), Danny Day is amazing in this. 8/10

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my biggest gripe with the dark knight rises besides the awful fight choreography in the 2nd bane vs batman fight was how meaningless and stupidly ripped from the headlines the Occupy themes were. So since Bane was really just a goon for Talia, and he didn't have any motivation beyond doing her bidding, what was all that stupid anti capitalism posturing for? Plus he didn't 'rob' the stock exchange at all, he just staged a Bruce Wayne stock trade which bankrupted wayne corp. If they maybe even did a little bit of work to imply that Wayne is the symbol with everything wrong with Gotham because he's a rich prince who makes money off of defense contracting it might have made sense. Otherwise it just seemed to be a poor attempt at 'intellectualizing' a very generic comic book plot.

I enjoyed it for what it was, and got some amusement out of the fact that the Nolan-verse as people call it completely imploded. It was far more ridiculous and unbelievable than even Batman Begins, taking on the silliness level of Superman 2. Chris Nolan has nothing on Donner though, at least Donner wasn't masquering his superman movies as some sort of elevated art house stuff. I also think Nolan is still making his batman movies in Tim Burton's shadow while bashing Burton along the way. And Nolan criticizes Burton for 'killing the joker' well i'll do one better and make the claim that Nolan killed Heath Ledger by convincing a young troubled actor that his movies were serious affairs, and not casual fun super hero movies so he probably tried to impress Nolan by just getting super fucked up on pill cocktails until he 'became' the joker. Truly sad.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

The Dark knight Rises- Fuck this shit/10


seriously, this movie was an absolute shit fest. the movie in no way followed any of the comics, the acting was fucking horrible, and the special effects were crap. i could get past the fact that the movie didnt follow the comics, but the horrible acting made that impossible. Bane sounded like a horrible imitation of Sean Connery. As for the horrible special effects, im going to pick on one particular scene (i cant find a clip unfortunately). The scene was when that stupid cop kid was driving the car down the alley when Bane set off all the explosives. you can actually see the rig that flips his car. all the fucking money pumped into this movie and they cant even cover that up!?

the first one was tolerable, 2 was pretty good, but 3 SUCKED. it lacked any story. it just seemed like Nolan threw together a bunch of random scenes together and called it a movie.




Prometheus-the movie was so bad that i just decided to stop watching in the first half hour. wasn't going to waste more of my precious time.

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Prometheus-the movie was so bad that i just decided to stop watching in the first half hour. wasn't going to waste more of my precious time.


this is exactly how i felt. remarkably, they're making part 2 because the first was so successful

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Bane looked so stupid. the comic book version was so much better and what happened to the whole thing where he used that special chemical, im tired and forget its name, that he would pump into his body that made him super strong? instead they just said, "hey heres a guy whos.....strong.....and he can punch people." the end. really poorly done.


and i dont know about the new bladerunner. i mean, Ridley is a pretty good director. but why even bother? it was a great movie and doesnt need to be "updated" with a sequel, or whatever he plans on doing.


another Prometheus? well, i know what movie im not going to see.

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Burn After Reading - I skipped this movie when it first came out thinking it was going to be a borefest ... i was sooooo wrong, fantastic movie, that last scene when the two CIA guys were talking about the case was brilliant and funny. 10/10

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Bane looked so stupid. the comic book version was so much better and what happened to the whole thing where he used that special chemical, im tired and forget its name, that he would pump into his body that made him super strong? instead they just said, "hey heres a guy whos.....strong.....and he can punch people." the end. really poorly done.


and i dont know about the new bladerunner. i mean, Ridley is a pretty good director. but why even bother? it was a great movie and doesnt need to be "updated" with a sequel, or whatever he plans on doing.


another Prometheus? well, i know what movie im not going to see.


nice to hear someone agrees

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you guys dont understand, Nolan-verse is all about realism so he couldn't have used Bane's venom it would have gone against the whole universe he worked so hard to refine. This is why instead of venom he opted for an infinite energy source that was redesigned into a nuclear bomb, a magical sonar device using all the cell-phones in gotham projected into batman's mask in real-time, a teleporter that allowed batman to escape a mushroom cloud, a microwave emitter that caused only water in the sewer to turn gaseous but not water inside people's bodies, and an invisibility cloak that only Alfred could see through making it so one of the most famous rich men in the world could eat at a cafe in Paris without being seen.

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Guest trananhhung

HANEKE_2012_Amour_official_poster.jpgI went to this thinking that maybe Haneke finally found some existential peace and just wanted to make a nice film about a couple of elderly folks sharing their calm and happy third age.


It's his most disturbing and depressing film. Masterfully done but leaves you a wreck.

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Guest Mirezzi

Fucking hell, WATMM. You've gone and made me hate TDKR even more.


I was thinking the same about Bane, but just chose to ignore it. Seeing it spelled out for me though...yeah. WTF.


It was really just a shit movie. Don't even get me started on how shitty they handled Robin.

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HANEKE_2012_Amour_official_poster.jpgI went to this thinking that maybe Haneke finally found some existential peace and just wanted to make a nice film about a couple of elderly folks sharing their calm and happy third age.


It's his most disturbing and depressing film. Masterfully done but leaves you a wreck.


fuck yeh, gonna watch it today

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