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Guest RadarJammer

The Master: whoa, I consider myself a PTA fanboy but this was rather lame, no? I'll go out and say it - I think both PSH and Joaquin Phoenix were miscast. PSH plays a whiny, craven duplicitous pussy like a pro, but lacks the charisma and menace I'd associate with a cult leader. And Joaquin Phoenix is, seemingly, a real-life junkie, so I wouldn't exactly call this acting. He looks mummified and shriveled, occasionally gets in fights, and does a creepy laugh. In other words he plays himself.


I actually turned it off about 1/3 of the way through and had to force myself to continue it the following day. Not the sign of a gripping flick. Most of the scenes cut before they build up any tension. For what it was it was ok, but it felt like it could have been much more. Most of the "processing" scenes, which should have been somehow gripping or suspenseful or creepy, seemed to fall flat (I'm thinking particularly of the "window to wall" sequence). I guess PTA was going for something very subtle but it ended up being too flat for my tastes. I thought Amy Adam's performance was better than either lead, but she didn't get much screen time and her transformation wasn't handled as well as it could have been (I thought the masturbation scene was unintentionally bad).


Though it may end up growing on me in hindsight, for now I'm gonna say 6/10. I'd go lower but at least it was filmed pretty, and seemed ambitious.


if you watch again keep in mind that the "window to wall" sequence and lots of the processing scenes follow these real scientology practices


there probably would have been a limited number of high profile actors willing to take a roll in a film that parodies scientology

Edited by RadarJammer
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When I first saw The Master, I also thought it wasn't engaging enough. But it stuck in my head for a while and I just kept thinking about it, so then, when I saw it for the second time, I finally "got" it. It is a masterfully subtle film, with dramaturgy like no other, where the little flickers, reactions and body movements make up the story. The relationship between The Master and Freddie is of course the center of the film. They are like two dots, each on the other end of the spectrum, but they have so much in common that it's frightening. And in the end Freddie himself becomes The Master and The Master becomes a puppet of his own cult and his wife. Beautifully done.

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i'm more excited about PTA's upcoming film than i was about his last 2. Seems like it could be his return to more comedic material. I haven't been in love with him since he started doing 'weird' Oscar bait

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I am no James Bond fan, by a long shot, but I watched Skyfall and enjoyed it immensely, I particulary enjoyed the direction in Shanghai thought that was really nicely put together. I'd give it an 8/10.


The Last Exorcism 4/10, best bit was the last 10 minutes lol, saying that I didn't mind watching it, passed some time.



I have The Devils Backbone to watch this afternoon.

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really? It's probably one of my favorite sci-fis. I'll admit it borders on cheesy, but the message is good (human spirit triumphing over determinism). At the very least it shows how you can do "more with less", a la Stalker.

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Guest isaki

hanna - well this movie was fucking weird :cerious: I only watched it as a fan of the chemical brothers though, they did the soundtrack - and it was good to listen to it in context


also I hate Cate Blanchett's face.

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Guest zaphod

anyone know any movies that aesthetically resemble the shootout in the deserted town midway through no country for old men? like, americana relit as a horror film. other than night of the hunter or blue velvet. i always liked how that scene felt like it was happening down the street from edward hopper's nighthawks.

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really? It's probably one of my favorite sci-fis. I'll admit it borders on cheesy, but the message is good (human spirit triumphing over determinism). At the very least it shows how you can do "more with less", a la Stalker.

Hm, I found it rather shallow, and indeed a bit cheesy, with the swimming game and all. Both Stalker and Solyaris are fantastic films btw.

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anyone know any movies that aesthetically resemble the shootout in the deserted town midway through no country for old men? like, americana relit as a horror film. other than night of the hunter or blue velvet. i always liked how that scene felt like it was happening down the street from edward hopper's nighthawks.


ever since i saw No Country for Old men it seemed like it was channeling the original Terminator in that regard, but i'm sure you've already seen it. That's a good request, because i know I've seen other movies that had that same aesthetic but i can't think of any right now.

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really? It's probably one of my favorite sci-fis. I'll admit it borders on cheesy, but the message is good (human spirit triumphing over determinism). At the very least it shows how you can do "more with less", a la Stalker.

Hm, I found it rather shallow, and indeed a bit cheesy, with the swimming game and all. Both Stalker and Solyaris are fantastic films btw.

yeah, the swimming game was cheesy, but also, isn't that something we all hope is true? That our innate drive and desire to "be something" will win out over cold science? And, it may not even be true, it's pretty clear "chemically augmented" athletes will always do better than un-doped counterparts. Deep Blue will always trounce Garry Kasparov. But hey we can dream...I mean, Stalker is sort of the same dynamic: "excessively rational thinking leads to endless debate and ultimately, utter futility...meanwhile, a little mutant kid no-one has noticed may be quietly holding the key to a different future." Not to mention Rocky 2, haha.


For me Gattaca was unique because it was the first film I'd seen to address the potential future dangers posed by DNA tracing and manipulation (eugenics). Still relevant imo, despite the cliche trappings. Plus Jude Law does a nice job in it, and there's a cameo by Ernest Borgnine :-)

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really? It's probably one of my favorite sci-fis. I'll admit it borders on cheesy, but the message is good (human spirit triumphing over determinism). At the very least it shows how you can do "more with less", a la Stalker.

Hm, I found it rather shallow, and indeed a bit cheesy, with the swimming game and all. Both Stalker and Solyaris are fantastic films btw.

yeah, the swimming game was cheesy, but also, isn't that something we all hope is true? That our innate drive and desire to "be something" will win out over cold science? And, it may not even be true, it's pretty clear "chemically augmented" athletes will always do better than un-doped counterparts. Deep Blue will always trounce Garry Kasparov. But hey we can dream...I mean, Stalker is sort of the same dynamic: "excessively rational thinking leads to endless debate and ultimately, utter futility...meanwhile, a little mutant kid no-one has noticed may be quietly holding the key to a different future." Not to mention Rocky 2, haha.


For me Gattaca was unique because it was the first film I'd seen to address the potential future dangers posed by DNA tracing and manipulation (eugenics). Still relevant imo, despite the cliche trappings. Plus Jude Law does a nice job in it, and there's a cameo by Ernest Borgnine :-)


Gattaca is a very good film i think, if they made something like today Uma Thurman would be played by Kristen Stewart and Ethan Hawke played by Michael Cera.

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