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Guest Shit Attack


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ah right yeah i do remember that pod people stuff now, was actually pretty surprised morpheus outran that building too looked like hed spent a few too many evenings hitting the mcdonalds drive thru recently . and yeah ^ i think that was supposed to be the order of the events but really who knows ? you could probably swap the bartender/fishing boat incident but it wouldnt make much difference . kinda seemed like they were just making it up as they went along a bit Also


at the end when superman met lois lane at the newspaper, did she know it was superman ? and how would the military and everyone else in the world not know his identity either they must be really spectacularly thick the bad guys even attacked his mother + family farm and everything. . didnt lois lane already tell that internet reporter guy the whole story when morpheus wouldnt print it anyways ? maybe they covered all this and i just lost attention after the 468th building explosion tho, or maybe its just a dumb superhero flick . still how can they spend all those millions of dollars not get the basics right

In this day and age, I think it's much harder to believe no one would know that Clark Kent and Superman are the same guy.

Now, we have the Internet and cellphone cameras. i mean, for real. Especially after he is on every TV in the world. I think there's a chance someone would recognize him.



its kind of a problem of making these modern day superhero flicks so serious but still not bothering to make the story believable . the batman ones kinda work cos you can kinda believe bruce wayne is just some eccentric billionare who can do all this shit on the sly, and pretty sure part of the iron man movies is that they know who iron man is and it isnt a big deal. but the superman one just seems kinda stoopid specially when the story is that some bad dudes are gonna destroy earth if they dont give up 1 person who lives on the entire planet, and also with modern technology and everything theres no way he could hide . its really like they wanted to make people take it seriously but at the same time just count on them being too thick/numbed by 40 mins of explosions to even notice that it makes no sense.


anyways you could really spend a long time ripping this movie apart, but it was still ok more or less

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Please stop fucking up this thread with huge ass screenshots, when you're not even grading or commenting on the movies you've watched, MJ...

i'm sorry, i thought you'd all appreciate it, i don't understand why you would say i'm fucking up the thread though...


once again i'm really sorry, i'll never do it again. in fact i only started doing it because someone said they enjoyed it...

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yea i really enjoy them...makes one want to investigate the film further

Beyond the Black Rainbow
third times a charm, the first two times i had tried to watch this I was either too tired or too inebriated - anywho, love it for what it is. Does exactly what it set out to accomplish
style over substance never felt so good/10

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Please stop fucking up this thread with huge ass screenshots, when you're not even grading or commenting on the movies you've watched, MJ...

i'm sorry, i thought you'd all appreciate it, i don't understand why you would say i'm fucking up the thread though...


once again i'm really sorry, i'll never do it again. in fact i only started doing it because someone said they enjoyed it...



I fixed up the mess. Don't take offence, but this thread worked pretty well when it was just txt reviews. Perhaps if you were to do this again, find smaller film plates. People will still consume the same information, it just won't carry the same data load. Also, [ spoiler ] img.jpg [/ spoiler ].

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It was an a bad misjudgement to wreck the thread like that, especially without any comment on the movies. It seemed quite ego driven ''Look at the cinema i'm watching, it's very avant garde. I don't even need to write any text, i'll just leave these massive screenshots for you to digest, while i swagger off into the sunset. I'll check in with you guys later, bye''


Behind The Candelabra 6.5/10

Wreck It Ralph 8.5/10

Devil 5/10

Being Flynn 7/10

Room 237 6/10

The Bay 5.5/10

What Richard Did 2/10 (Ghastly, lazy film for fans of Sound Of My Voice)

The Last Stand 7/10

Bullet To The Head 5/10

V/H/S/2 7.5/10 (Let down by a poor final segment but redeemed by a penultimate segment which must rank up there with some of the best horror cinema in the last 10 years)

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The new Star Trek movie made me want to watch the first ones. I just watched Star trek, the motion picture and I thought it was a brilliant sf film. Wrath of Khan was also great and the third, Search for Spock was if not so great, very entertaining.


In what circles of hell the makers of the new movies will burn is beyond me, but they'll have to pay big time.

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Cloud Atlas - get's lost in its own pretentiousness whilst trying hard to be a deeper and more meaningful film than it actually is. The Oriental sci-fi bit was ok but I found it a mish mash of good and bad with no focus or real thought to the ending. 6/10


A Dose of Reality - a bizzare improbable scenario that tries to tie it all together with a few surprise twists and turns. Fairuza Balk makes the film watchable but the rest of the few weaker cast members aren't helped by a bland script. 4/10


The Dark Knight Returns Parts 1&2 - Animated adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel that shows where Nolan got a lot of his ideas from although this is tons better. Part 1 has an excellent story and Part 2 gets really epic especially with Superman 8.5/10.

Edited by soundwave
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Guest RadarJammer


The Dark Knight Returns Parts 1&2 - Animated adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel that shows where Nolan got a lot of his ideas from although this is tons better. Part 1 has an excellent story and Part 2 gets really epic especially with Superman 8.5/10.

i thought the animation was full of distracting brightness. i kept squinting my eyes at my monitor. too much contrast i guess. anyone else feel that?

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can't believe there are people who would pay to watch 'man of steel'. i haven't watched a superman film since the christopher reeves ones and i even thought those were too many superman films. then i watched 1 episode of lois and clark (with dean cain) and realized superman isn't believable when it's not christopher reeves.

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haven't not read either of the Frank Miller comics ( I have an aversion to him in general) I thought they were both pretty good. For some reason i enjoyed part 1 far more than part 2.

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The Master


I think I liked it! The acting was incredible. There was something really addictive about the film, even though it doesn't flow like your average movie.

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The new Star Trek movie made me want to watch the first ones. I just watched Star trek, the motion picture and I thought it was a brilliant sf film. Wrath of Khan was also great and the third, Search for Spock was if not so great, very entertaining.


In what circles of hell the makers of the new movies will burn is beyond me, but they'll have to pay big time.

you're awesome, gaarg. I rewatched all the early star trek movies about 6 mos ago, and couldn't agree more. As a kid I remember being disappointed with the first one, but on rewatch I thought it was highly enjoyable. All of them were, actually, up through and including the save the whales one. Then they started to get spotty.

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