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evil dead - great.

evil dead 2 - awesome.

evil dead 3 - fun, but a little too much on the goofy side. felt like a bad benny hill sketch at times.


is it worth checking out the 2013 version? i hear it's all gore/torture porn and none of the dark humor.


Watched it yesterday. If you like horror/gore movies with cheap scares then go for it. It doesn't really kid around. It's straight to the point and terrible stuff happens.

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depps the ninth gate was pretty good


Ed Wood alone cements Depp's reputation as a supreme person who plays characters in movies. Depp in tons of makeup is always a bad sign though.

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Superman 1978 Special Edition - The first fifty minutes were alright, they were thinking about the shots and it seemed like following storyboarding very closely, looked nice. Then they get into the daily planet chapters, Christopher Reeve overdoing his Clark Kent bumblisms is a bit tiresome, it's almost like he had parkinsons before he was a quadraplegic, poor guy. I was surprised that Lex Luther's sidekicks weren't as distracting and cringeworthy as they might have been, they seemed to have skimmed that hollywood millstone across the surface of this film without it dropping through and smashing the whole artifice.


As an extended edition, i could tell parts that would have been cut back for the screened release. Like where lois goes into some quivering poetic internal dialogue about flying with a god whilst flying superman takes her up through the clouds. I swear that they must have had a shag up there inside some cloud, and that super made her forget using that neat trick of his.



Anyway, it's an interesting but flawed time capsule/10

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Prometheus - 0/10


Ah cumahhhn! It wasn't that bad.


Whatever few good parts there were only served to made the overall level of shit seem even worse.



If you don't like Prometheus you might like this...




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evil dead (2013)


best part was bruce campbell going "groovy" after the end credits. also the chainsaw scene at the very end looked pretty cool.

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Prometheus - 0/10


Ah cumahhhn! It wasn't that bad.


Whatever few good parts there were only served to made the overall level of shit seem even worse.



If you don't like Prometheus you might like this...






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Fuck that Prometheus is beautiful and fun to watch. I also disagree with some of the things brought up as bad plot points/shitty writing. Some of it is unnecessarily critical.

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even when not associated with the other Alien films, Prometheus was bland as if each scene made a point of being anticlimatic and flat. Especially the scene where they get the head back into the ship and start experimenting with it, which should have been a monumental moment but instead had most of the actors assuming disinterested stances just standing around. Also the discovery of the alien creature scene with the two guys, what the fuck was that it felt like something out of a disney film. Gah!

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I found I couldn't even enjoy the visuals as I was too distracted by the completely unnatural decisions the characters were making. The writing was absolutely horrible and shallow.

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I would rather have seen Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale, and even Bubbles himself face off against the aliens in Prometheus, because those scientists clearly lacked street smarts. (serious)

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Superman 1978 Special Edition - The first fifty minutes were alright, they were thinking about the shots and it seemed like following storyboarding very closely, looked nice. Then they get into the daily planet chapters, Christopher Reeve overdoing his Clark Kent bumblisms is a bit tiresome, it's almost like he had parkinsons before he was a quadraplegic, poor guy. I was surprised that Lex Luther's sidekicks weren't as distracting and cringeworthy as they might have been, they seemed to have skimmed that hollywood millstone across the surface of this film without it dropping through and smashing the whole artifice.



As an extended edition, i could tell parts that would have been cut back for the screened release. Like where lois goes into some quivering poetic internal dialogue about flying with a god whilst flying superman takes her up through the clouds. I swear that they must have had a shag up there inside some cloud, and that super made her forget using that neat trick of his.



Anyway, it's an interesting but flawed time capsule/10


you forgot to mention how gorgeous margot kidder used to be. she was like courtney cox after masters of the universe but with knee length skirts

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Guest zaphod

star trek into darkness


i hated this film more than anything in recent memory. not one scene made any logical sense. the contempt of advertising for an oblivious audience was all over it, the lost brain trust was all over it. there are surface references to various star trek memes littered all over the film. tribbles, klingons, khaaaan. none of it means anything. there is mayhem for two hours, yet no tension at all. the villain's motivations make absolutely no sense, to the point that he is fooled by the most obvious scheme despite supposedly being a superhuman. and why do they need khan's blood? why not one of the seventy superhumans sitting on the enterprise. why were they in torpedoes? why does a tribble have human blood? why are spock and kirk friends at all? they should hate one another. why is khan being played by a british guy. he's indian. is it that hard to get an indian actor to play a villain in a major hollywood film? they're probably dying for the exposure. why was the mega star ship so secret if robocop had a model of it on his desk? is there going to be a planet in the next film that goes around blowing things up? i guess there will be since the next film is fucking star wars. is scotty in a relationship with his little alien friend? are they at a gay future disco? how do you get shot out of warp and not split apart into atoms? why is carol marcus in the movie? she literally serves no purpose other than to take off her shirt. why were kirk and spock at the starfleet secret meeting? why have star ships if we have a transporter that can send someone across the galaxy? why were they right next to the moon, then getting "sucked into earth's gravity"? what the fuck? and then finally, the biggest, most recognizable emotional beat in all of star trek is shoehorned in, embarrassingly, to lend gravitas to a film completely lacking in consequence. honestly, this is just shy of being the worst star trek movie. it is only marginally better than nemesis, and that's probably due to the cast not having a median age of 75.


what a colossal fucking piece of shit.

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I would rather have seen Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale, and even Bubbles himself face off against the aliens in Prometheus, because those scientists clearly lacked street smarts. (serious)

They seemed to lack any kind of smarts/procedure. Why would you take your helmet off on an unfamiliar planet, even if the air was breathable? Especially if you are in a colony built by creatures who need a similar habitat, in which said creatures are no where to be found (later obviously dead). Why would you even enter a structure on another planet without observing it for at least a night? Why would you even land at that structure without exploring the rest of the planet? Why would you run a test on an alien specimen with a heavy current before even analyzing a sample of it? The movie progresses completely dependent on these leaps. They could have avoided it by putting just a little bit of thought into the script.


I'd rather die from inhaling the fumes of $140 million dollars being burned than watch that pile of garbage again. If I ever meet Ridley Scott I'm going to punch the face off his head.

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Guest Teribal Felafal

evil dead redid - nice gore but little else 5/10

johnny to's drug war - gripping police procedural drama which ends in an awesome bloody shootout 9/10

springbreakers - i get it and liked it, wish it was a little more like gummo though 6/10

takashi miike's lesson of the evil - probably the most exploitive thing miike has done imo 9/10

no one lives - meh 4/10

the hobbit - total ballache, really wish guillimero del toro helmed this one, didn't make it in very far

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I would rather have seen Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale, and even Bubbles himself face off against the aliens in Prometheus, because those scientists clearly lacked street smarts. (serious)

They seemed to lack any kind of smarts/procedure. Why would you take your helmet off on an unfamiliar planet, even if the air was breathable? Especially if you are in a colony built by creatures who need a similar habitat, in which said creatures are no where to be found (later obviously dead). Why would you even enter a structure on another planet without observing it for at least a night? Why would you even land at that structure without exploring the rest of the planet? Why would you run a test on an alien specimen with a heavy current before even analyzing a sample of it? The movie progresses completely dependent on these leaps. They could have avoided it by putting just a little bit of thought into the script.


I'd rather die from inhaling the fumes of $140 million dollars being burned than watch that pile of garbage again. If I ever meet Ridley Scott I'm going to punch the face off his head.




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Guest jasondonervan

I keep meaning to proceed with my plan to completely re-edit Prometheus into something more akin to a moody sci-fi movie by ripping out most (all?) of the scenes with dialogue/general stupidity and splicing together all of the purdy CGI/landscape shots (will probably end up with about four minutes worth). Oh, and soundtracking the whole thing with Autechre. I did that kinda-music video using the Weyland files shorts from the Blu Ray extras and a bit of 'chre, I just need to give enough of a damn to go all in on the full film. I imagine it will be quite satisfying binning scene after scene in order to get to my own director's cut.


Ridley pls

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Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing: pretty good, funny, low-budget version of this play. I'd say you would like this if you like either JW or Shakespeare.

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8/10 or something? i dunno, i really enjoyed it.

Edited by data
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