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inside llewyn davis


so good. weird elliptical tale that is direct and affecting while maintaining a kind of free form creativity that i admire. lots of grumbling people as i left the theater, probably a good sign.


wolf of wall street


this was so much fun. the fight on quaaludes was worth the price of admission alone. didn't mind the excess. you can see where the bloat is on this movie, where it could be punchier, but i think it's perfect as is.


american hustle


really enjoyed the first half hour or so. had a punch drunk, woozily romantic quality to it that unfortunately gets lost once the actual plot kicks in. some enjoyable performances but a lot of it feels too much like acting to impress oscar voters. the music cues every twenty seconds got pretty irritating. still, pretty entertaining, especially from this director, who i kind of hate.

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The Change Up 7/10 some really funny lines but much of the plot was pretty sloppy in that 80s movie kind of way. some of it was very cheesy


Tyrannosaur 8.5/10 really good, nicely shot and well written. i really thought Olivia Coleman was great in this. nice surprise ending too.


Cloud Atlas 5/10 this film is so bad, really confused and all over the shop plotwise, pretty uninspiring casting and production design.


Seeking a Friend for the end of the World 6/10 blllleeeeuuuuuuuuurrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! why, just why.


If you don't like something and think that it's worthless dross, why give it a 5 out of ten, or a 6 out of ten for that matter, and then just two and an half points more and you quite like a flim! No one will judge you if you head into 4 and below territory, they are not negative numerals and are still whole numbers with which you are rating the films and it will better illustrate the distance between shit films and those which are worthy.


Perhaps it's because you are used to using the 'out of five' scale, and so can only keep within that range even when given more numbers to play with.


Sorry, but these things erk my tiny mind.

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The Hunt


Full marks from me. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliant at conveying emotion through his eyes. Found it gripping throughout and quite heartbreaking. At so many points I thought it was going to go down more cliched roads but it stayed beautiful and subdued. Highly highly recommended, possibly film of the year for me. Just been added to Netflix so you have no excuse.

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was gonna see 47 Ronin but now the studio is taking like a $175 mill write off for it so yeah it sucks. Saving Mr Banks is next on my list.


CAN ANYONE FIND A US THEATER PLAYING ZERO THEOREM? WTF it's like it disappeared off the face of the earth. Gonna have to wait for the EU opening, then torrent a horrid cam capture unless I wanna wait another year for the blu-ray. Terry Gilliam just can't win. Once he's dead his life would make a hell of a biopic.

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The Hunt


Full marks from me. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliant at conveying emotion through his eyes. Found it gripping throughout and quite heartbreaking. At so many points I thought it was going to go down more cliched roads but it stayed beautiful and subdued. Highly highly recommended, possibly film of the year for me. Just been added to Netflix so you have no excuse.

wow, the reviews on rottentomatoes look good, 93% recommended but 94% "liked it", those are unusually high audience marks. Hmm, subject matter looks depressing though...

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Wolf of Wall Street - Bit directionless and far too long for its own good... Acting was phenomenal however, as was the writing (for the most part). Still unsure about this one. - 6/10

Blue Velvet - Fantastic atmosphere, solid acting, gorgeous cinematography and art direction. - 8/10

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The Change Up 7/10 some really funny lines but much of the plot was pretty sloppy in that 80s movie kind of way. some of it was very cheesy


Tyrannosaur 8.5/10 really good, nicely shot and well written. i really thought Olivia Coleman was great in this. nice surprise ending too.


Cloud Atlas 5/10 this film is so bad, really confused and all over the shop plotwise, pretty uninspiring casting and production design.


Seeking a Friend for the end of the World 6/10 blllleeeeuuuuuuuuurrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! why, just why.


If you don't like something and think that it's worthless dross, why give it a 5 out of ten, or a 6 out of ten for that matter, and then just two and an half points more and you quite like a flim! No one will judge you if you head into 4 and below territory, they are not negative numerals and are still whole numbers with which you are rating the films and it will better illustrate the distance between shit films and those which are worthy.


Perhaps it's because you are used to using the 'out of five' scale, and so can only keep within that range even when given more numbers to play with.


Sorry, but these things erk my tiny mind.


sorry delet.. i then re-mark them both



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The Hunt


Full marks from me. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliant at conveying emotion through his eyes. Found it gripping throughout and quite heartbreaking. At so many points I thought it was going to go down more cliched roads but it stayed beautiful and subdued. Highly highly recommended, possibly film of the year for me. Just been added to Netflix so you have no excuse.

wow, the reviews on rottentomatoes look good, 93% recommended but 94% "liked it", those are unusually high audience marks. Hmm, subject matter looks depressing though...


Yes, it's a depressing movie, but it's really so well executed and gripping. It's one of my faves as well.

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Yeah Lumpy you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not seeing it. It's not one of those relentlessly bleak for the sake of it kinda films (ala Gaspar Noe), it's just a really human story.

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The Hunt


Full marks from me. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliant at conveying emotion through his eyes. Found it gripping throughout and quite heartbreaking. At so many points I thought it was going to go down more cliched roads but it stayed beautiful and subdued. Highly highly recommended, possibly film of the year for me. Just been added to Netflix so you have no excuse.

wow, the reviews on rottentomatoes look good, 93% recommended but 94% "liked it", those are unusually high audience marks. Hmm, subject matter looks depressing though...


It's not a happy chritmas movie, but if you want a proper drama film this is it.

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Wallace and Gromit the Curse of the Were rabbit 6/10


some really great cinematography and performances throughout. the plot line however had some massive holes in and was ruined with a deus ex machina ending which was entirely implausible. luckily i was on hand to point all these points out to my nieces and nephews who were all too stupid to notice this.

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Pretty solid - does what it sets out to do in a well paced manner. V.interesting subject matter.


Body cavity check/10 hqdefault.jpg

It's based on a true story of an event that happened at a Kentucky McDonald's Back in the 2000s.
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Blue Velvet - Fantastic atmosphere, solid acting, gorgeous cinematography and art direction. - 8/10

lol? All that but 8/10? Tough critic...


It did have its weaknesses - acting was solid, but not fantastic across the board. Felt a bit meander-y near the end, despite some amazing shots. Maybe more like an 8.5/10 - idek tho - number scores = not that important in my book. I choose pretty loosely.

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It's based on a true story of an event that happened at a Kentucky McDonald's Back in the 2000s.



indeed! Tis' mad reading up on it - seems the prank caller in question was never actually charged with anything (lack of evidence i think) which is insane when you see that...



the man who was ordered to strip search/molest/rape the girl did do time...not that he should not have...tis' quite a morally messed up scenario


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- Pennies From Heaven (1981)

Bad movie. How did Steve Martin follow up The Jerk with this steamer?



-Inside Llewelyn Davis

Meh. Good acting. Well shot. Fine editing. Nice music. Decent script. Shitty story. Unlikeable chatacters. Blah.



-Dallas Buyers Club

MathMac was solid as usual. J Leto was good, but not incredible. Jennifer Garner felt like she was poorly written. Decent story. Eh. 6/10


- wolf of wall st

Best movie Scorsese has done since Goodfellas.


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American Hustle-5/10


What an overrated mess. Constant soundtrack montages that were completely unnecessary, the story was so forced and over-the-top it became stupid only about 15min. into the film, and not in a ha-ha-funny way either. Its like Russell just got everyone from Silver Linings Playbook back together to fuck around with Baz Luhrmann as the cinematographer.


The only saving grace for this movie was Jennifer Lawrence; only time I really laughed in the entire movie. Everything else was either retarded or uninteresting. Even Louis C.K. was disappointing (though its definitely not his fault).

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Guest trananhhung

Just finished watching "The Exorcism" episode from the "Dead of Night" 70's BBC series. It's basically a play shot on real-time with a clever haunted house setting that turns into a horror socialist allegory. The long "possession" monologue from one of the actresses near the end is quite an experience. Terrific actress.

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saw the hobbit again in 3d IMAX. Went stoned as shit. A combo of pot brownies and shrooms, the latter of which i haven't done in a decade. What an experience. When smaug sheds his gold coat in the night sky and says "I am death" I started freaking out. Left the theater with tears streaming down my face, didn't even know I was crying. 10/10

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saw the hobbit again in 3d IMAX. Went stoned as shit. A combo of pot brownies and shrooms, the latter of which i haven't done in a decade. What an experience. When smaug sheds his gold coat in the night sky and says "I am death" I started freaking out. Left the theater with tears streaming down my face, didn't even know I was crying. 10/10


did it look like your avatar?

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