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My first Steve McQueen film (waiting for 12yrsslave on VOD..soon maybe?) and I thought it was really good. Seeing Fassbender pee was on my bucketlist.

I thought it could have gotten a little worse for him, he wasn't at the bottom really or at least I felt it could have gone darker. It was another film with unlikable protaganists (wolf wall street/ Llewellyn davis) that I still enjoyed despite not liking them.

Would anyone recommend Hunger? think I might watch that today.


Oh I forgot to mention I saw Shame as well. Didn't like it so much. The story was nicely told, also nice camera and so on. The acting seemed alright too. But overall, I felt it was a little pointless. I finished the movie and didn't know what the movie was trying to tell me. It seemed a little too well-behaved and very tame, considering its topic. I don't mean I need to see graphic sex scenes or anything, but I mean, the guy watches a lot of porn and is a bit fucked up, but ... that's not like THAT bad is it? I guess Shame might push some buttons for a lot of people, all the others I saw it with liked it (but they were mostly gay guys drooling over Fassbender, sooo ... ) Shame succeeded at what it was going for, but I just couldn't relate. For me, American Psycho is like a much better, more cynical yet also more relevant version of Shame.


And yeah Hunger, I saw that one after Shame also. It was very hard to watch for me due to the realistic portrayal of violence and its consequences. But nonetheless, I liked it much better than Shame.


Oh and ew, another one I absolute HATED was The Master. Nicely shot but what the fuck kind of storytelling is this. I saw the whole thing and it seemed utterly pointless, I took away nothing from that movie. Then again I already disliked There Will Be Blood ... I dunno about this guy, I don't get him.

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Barton Fink is a masterpiece. I got a chance to see it in a theatre that plays old movies that also serves Eye of the hawk on tap and it was fucking awesome. I've never gotten that comfortably drunk at a theatre, and made all the better by being able to do it while watching one of my favorite movies. It's weird watching movies while drunk,or maybe i'm just an 'emo drunk' either way it was a lot of fun. The movie took on a whole new dimension

I literally always get drunk in the cinema, and ive got no idea why, because drinking makes me bored shitless of films and just want to start talking and joking.

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atop - I really enjoyed the Cocaine Nights audiobook, have been gradually reading a book of short stories, I really like them, there's something quite fascinating and strange about his stories and the way he describes everything


Thanks man, will check it out.

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Winter's Bone - Whoa. This is some backwoods, hillabilly, gummo/deliverance family oriented business. Pretty dark.

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete - The young kids are good actors. I love Pete. Pretty sad, but another great excuse to get lost in entertainment.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Catching up on Ben Wheatley films. This was billed as a horror film think, but it was just funny. dark comedy I would say. I laughed alot. the best line for me was the one where she was writing her mother about Yorkshire and she said "they do smile and they do sell my pasta sauce" - says so much about both characters, and I know people who only eat one thing too.


The ending...well I guess that was the best way to end it. if both had gone or the opposite way around it would have been worse so I liked it.


I liked it more than A field in England I think, it was less lofty and more straight forward

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wolf on wall street was impressively dull, very well made but boring, zero point in it being made


Care to elaborate?


I feel the people that didn't like this movie, are the people who thinks it lacks a morale or a point.


But does everything has to have a morale or point? I don't think so, it was actually nice to see a movie that didn't shove some idealistic shit into your face for once. The humor couldn't be much more offensive and immoral, and that was just to make the ride as ridiculous and crazy as possible. Haven't seen anything like it before, that alone makes this movie incredible to me.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't sympathize with the protagonist at all. That Jordan Belfort dude must be the biggest asshole ever if just 2% of this movie is true. But again, it was just nice to see something different.

I thought it was a good movie and assume it's actually pretty close to how wall street actually thinks. Chen posted a good article the other day about how these people are actually money junkies.


The only scenes where I actually thought I was looking at a comedy was when they were at the swiss bank, and the scene where they took overdate lemon 714s. The way he opened his Lambo with his foot.... So much lols. ;D Most of the time it just felt like a hyperbolic version of a feel good drama with a bad ending.


I'm afraid that, if given the opportunity, lots of people would behave like the biggest asshole ever.

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the hobbit- the cgi of smaug- script written over a tea break,lots of staring off into space uttering a one-liner to connect the dots,panoramic scenery with cgi figures in the distance running from something,the smaug finale was good but lasts about 20 minutes of a 2hour 40 minute film,bloated pompous nonsense,recommend fast forward button for the talky/preachy bits 5/10 suppose its more for kids(i am 39 after all!)

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Just watched "Thief" (1981) for the Tangerine Dream soundtrack, mainly. But I was very impressed by the visuals (mostly night and city-lights out of focus stuff) and pretty good "nothin' to lose" characters. Still, the soundtrack was what I wanted, and I wasn't disappointed. I would recommend it to my fellow WATMMers on that basis alone. Criterion has a "dual format" release, which is worth it, in my opinion. Check it out, if you haven't already.

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Just watched "Thief" (1981) for the Tangerine Dream soundtrack, mainly. But I was very impressed by the visuals (mostly night and city-lights out of focus stuff) and pretty good "nothin' to lose" characters. Still, the soundtrack was what I wanted, and I wasn't disappointed. I would recommend it to my fellow WATMMers on that basis alone. Criterion has a "dual format" release, which is worth it, in my opinion. Check it out, if you haven't already.


Yeah, i got it the other day. Skimmed through to somewhere in the middle just dropped into the scene, and watched the whole rest of the scene. Quite engaging, so i will likely watch the film at some point. It also, looked very pretty.

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a typical piece of hollywood guff. basically, gladiator meets titanic on the edge of mount vesuvius and kiefer sutherland acting as a pompous roman senator from 'yes, prime minister'. also, it's been unnecessarily made into a 3d/RealD film which honestly adds nothing


also, at the same theater: this was taking place


4 flaming piece of molten lava out of 10

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

you went to the cinema in february to see a new release. what did you expect?


saw the trailer for pompeii last night - it looked ridiculous









I am really bemused by noah atm as I have loved everything aronofsky has done but what is going on with this film? is it going to be any good?

he gave up final cut to secure the huge budget. although i think he just said that his cut will be released

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you went to the cinema in february to see a new release. what did you expect?



don't hate the player. hate the game :emotawesomepm9:



I am really bemused by noah atm as I have loved everything aronofsky has done but what is going on with this film? is it going to be any good?

he gave up final cut to secure the huge budget. although i think he just said that his cut will be released


it's very silly (at least, from the 10 minute teaser). i think after 'the fountain' aronofsky has lost it since 'black swan' was basically a 'perfect blue' ripoff

Edited by Nebraska
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I liked black swan alot. i actual transformation was kind of silly but the rest I liked.

I also liked the fountain.

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The Selfish Giant 9/10.


A near perfect film in my opinion. I didn't find the slow place mundane at all and the last third knocked the wind out of me. Great insight into a subculture that I had no idea existed. Also best drag race scene in a movie ever. I'd recommend this to people who appreciated Nil By Mouth, Red Road etc.



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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

The Selfish Giant 9/10.


Great insight into a subculture that I had no idea existed.




what is the subculture?

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Watched Synecdoche, New York for probably the fifth or sixth time in the midst of something of a Philip Seymour Hoffman marathon... still one of my favourite movies. This one really taps into some truth, some of the blackest comedy I've ever seen, gives me the biggest feels, and I love how it just kind of disconnects in the last half hour.


Charlie Kaufman you dog

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