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Grand Budapest Hotel. Highly entertaining, couldn't find anything that was not to like about this movie.


I generally enjoy Wes Anderson movies a lot and I will be watching this. I still haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom. Life Aquatic was my favourite of his. there, I said it.

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Grand Budapest Hotel. Highly entertaining, couldn't find anything that was not to like about this movie.


I generally enjoy Wes Anderson movies a lot and I will be watching this. I still haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom. Life Aquatic was my favourite of his. there, I said it.



There's nothing wrong with liking Life Aquatic. It's the one Anderson movie I've seen the most times, because it's just so great.

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Can someone recommend some sci-fi I should have watched by now. Think I've seen the obvious ones but list them to in case I missed it


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THX 1138


Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn


Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone




The Hidden

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I finally caught Searching For Sugarman the oscar winning documentary from last year. Not a huge fan of the guy but I can appreciate his music. Its a pretty crazy story that hasn't really ended yet. 2 thumbs up. Worth a watch


Reminded me how hard it was to find information before the internet. We forget so easily.

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Guest Milkweg

Thanks for the hot tips everyone. I'll post in here upon having recently watched them.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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The witches (1990) - I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as involving as I remember - very good though, some nice fx and the gran was a very good character. It made me think of my new book - On Ugliness (by Umberto Eco), because of the ugliness of the witches. I hope the book goes into stuff like that - you know, how bad guys are usually ugly

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Under the skin 8/10


I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. The pace is slow but it worked well, it was well shot abd I generally liked Scarlett in the main role. There are a few plot holes but nothing too jarring. Overall it reminded me a bit of both Starman and The Man who fell to Earth.

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Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



The Zero Theorem - An odd one, carries a nice message albeit a little weakly presented at times, felt like it could have done with a slightly larger budget for Gillam's visions to flurish, but pretty neat stuff. Also Mélanie Thierry was toooo attractive.
Mélanie Thierry/10


302? The sequel to 300... - whatever it's called, watched 3/4 before leaving to see Under the Skin...the entire time i was wondering where to plug in my controller. The whole film feels like a video game with annoying cut scenes that you can't skip. Saw the 2D version and it's shameful how 3D'ised it is inherently with all the CG floating particle effects and blood constantly splattering the screen.
Slow motion breasts/10


Internal Affairs (1990)
It was terrible. What gives Mike!?
Garcia was surprisingly good/10

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Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



What were the two small things?

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Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



What were the two small things?


I'll try spoiler this just in case:



Felt it hit a bit of a slow spot once Johansson shacks up with the Scot lad, starts to slightly drag and lose it's momentum, could have been cut tighter and still made it's point about her becoming more human etc. etc.


And the other thing was the ending - I had no idea it was based on a novel, so perhaps this is exactly what happens in the novel? But i just felt the burning thing was a bit silly - would have preferred if the man had just witnessed her transformation and then ran away - leaving us the viewer wondering "IT'S STILL OUT THERE, COULD BE ANYWHERE, ANYONE...WHEN WILL IT STRIKE NEXT!?"



But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


302? The sequel to 300... - whatever it's called, watched 3/4 before leaving to see Under the Skin...



please say you didnt pay to see 300 sequel but not under the skin!

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Under the Skin - Loved it. Two small things are stopping me from saying 'FILM OF THE YEAR!', but it's a darn good contender in a ridiculously strong year of film thus far. Great use of non-actors, loved the naturalistic cinematography, or rather videography(!), soundtrack and sound design were ace...and who can complain with seeing Johansson naked...multiple times!



What were the two small things?


I'll try spoiler this just in case:



Felt it hit a bit of a slow spot once Johansson shacks up with the Scot lad, starts to slightly drag and lose it's momentum, could have been cut tighter and still made it's point about her becoming more human etc. etc.


And the other thing was the ending - I had no idea it was based on a novel, so perhaps this is exactly what happens in the novel? But i just felt the burning thing was a bit silly - would have preferred if the man had just witnessed her transformation and then ran away - leaving us the viewer wondering "IT'S STILL OUT THERE, COULD BE ANYWHERE, ANYONE...WHEN WILL IT STRIKE NEXT!?"



But other then that, it was just great. Really refreshing to see such an experimental film in the mainstream cinemas.



I agree with your first point, I'm hoping that will improve on the rewatch and I can enjoy the journey rather than waiting to see what happens.


Second point is spoiler territory, don't go there unless you plan on reading the book, which you really should.



After gaining some empathy for humanity she has a man onboard that is going to the hospital to see his wife who is giving birth. She becomes distracted and crashes, injuring them both and trapping them in the car. A passerby offers to help and says they will find a payphone to call an ambulance. After failing to call the person back she knows her true identity will be discovered and presses a button that blows up the car and kills them both.


So err, a bit different but I guess the idea of her being burned and her remains floating to space is kinda similar. I've not really done it justice, sorry.


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snowpiercer - 6/10 - out of the recent batch of "big politics wrapped up in a dumb action film tropes" this one's the most entertaining and original, but it is also felt very uneven: shit cgi, chris evans, shaky cam action, not really knowing how to develop all those themes in an interesting fashion vs. genuinely interesting premise and setting, tilda swinton, decent direction. i guess what i wanted from it is to go completely balls deep into this deranged over the topness of tilda swinton's character but as it went along it conformed more and more to familiar and worn out tropes.

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i made it about 6 minutes into snowpiercer before turning it off. the over the top evil guard punching the old woman in the face made it feel like i was watching an episode of walker texas ranger.

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