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enemy - everything this director did is an overwrought, contrived and dull piece of shit, like a high budget film project of a talentless film grad student. i gave this a chance because of the interesting premise but it fit exactly into that pattern.

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eugene, sometimes i wonder why you even bother watching new movies at all. it's clearly not something you enjoy. or is it just that you only choose to review the shit ones?


last action hero - FUN

pompeii - SHIT

robocop 2014 - FSHITUN

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let's look at the data on my film ratings in this thread from last year, i coded it in a binary way: 1 - enjoyed, 0 - didn't enjoy:


enemy - 0
joe - 0
immigrant - 1
machine - 0
dom hemingway - 0
only lovers left alive - 0
snowpiercer - 1
llewin davis - 1
american hustle - 0
her - 1
short term 12 -1
wolf of the ws - 1
12 years a slave - 1
all is lost - 0
the congresss - 0
out of the furnace - 0
don jon - 0
fruitvale station - 0
gravity - 1
thor 2 - 1
prisoners - 0
olympus has fallen - 0
drinking buiddies - 1
before midnight - 0
wolverine - 0
white house down - 1
missions impossible 4 - 1
beyond the hills - 1
elysium - 0
disconnect - 0
the east - 0
wwz - 0
pacific rim - 0
the heat - 0
the iceman - 0
magic magic - 1
mud - 1
neighboring sounds - 1
it's a disaster - 1
trance - 0
songs from the second floor - 1
europa report - 0
spring breakers - 0
the place beyond the pines - 0
the rainmaker - 0
a hijacking - 1
journey to the west: conquering the demons - 0
hahithalfut - 1
the pursuit of happyness - 1
the company you keep - 0
iron man 3 - 0
starlet - 1
upstream color - 0



you'll see that i enjoyed about 41.5 % of the films i mentioned, therefore your remark is factually incorrect.

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The Private Eyes (1976)

Oh my, what a gem! Hilarious stuff. Hong Kong comedy, great skits, great characters, great sound track - GREAT FUN!


70's Hong Kong is so cool/10



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Anchorman 2 = couldn't even fucking finish it /10


I was a huge fan of Farrell/McKay stuff--Anchorman and Step Brothers are probably my two favorite comedies of all time--but oh my god this was terrible. Felt like it was ghost-written by the people that wrote The Hangover 3.


So bummed. Legacy is tarnished. How did this happen?

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about anchorman 2, farrel wrote the second half, mckay wrote the first half. writing a sequel to a huge success is asking for disappointment; people who want a copy of the original will be disappointed by an original sequel, and people wanting an original sequel will be disappointed by a duplicate. will farrel i think would want to go weird and original, which would have left most viewers disappointed imo, so they came up with the idea to have mckay do the first half, set it up like reasonable sequel, then farrel kind of jazzes it out with the second half. tbh i was playing guitar and half paying attention for a lot of it and then didn't really want to rewatch it, but i thought the second half picked up the pace, and the ending was pretty good, too.

Edited by very honest
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Heh, I watched that the other night, thought it was a bit rubbish to be honest.

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Wrong Cops 9/10 - enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. Enjoyed Rubber, liked 'Wrong' but thought they were much weaker films overall than Steak. This movie almost had the opposite of 3rd act syndrome, the last part tied it all up very nicely and weirdly.
Best Oizo movie since Steak

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I know you are right for picking that avatar!



The Sacrament - 2/10 - An offensively horrible film.


Vice should be ashamed of themselves for letting the writers use their brand as an advert. There was nothing similar in the shooting of this film to any Vice piece I have ever seen.


The acting and edits were movie magic within the found footage genre, black magic. Cuts that would be impossible. JUST FUCKING SHOOT A FILM ABOUT JONESTOWN!!!!!! A better one than the TV film made with Powers Boothe.


The Knife really should have denied the use of their music. Hopefully they had no idea how terrible this film would be. The music was so distracting throughout.


So the reason I really hated this film, above all other technical, acting and writing mistakes made, was the fact that they exploited the story of Jonestown. A terrible event in history. They used the horrors that took place there to try and make a horror film that was never frightening, not once. Only visually shocking. And not that shocking!


Ti West is a filthy hack and has only made exponentially worse films. May he continue to make awful films. Amen.

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I haven't seen the sacrament, but everything you wrote about Ti West is true. Never really got the hype for house of the devil either, even though a lot of seemingly bright people claim to love it.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I Give it a Year

I lolled. Not a good film but I lolled and it cleared a bad mood I had so 2 thumbs up


Sleeping Beauty

Wife's choice. I fell asleep towards the end but got the gist of it. pretty incredible for the amount of work it took. looking forward to maleficent now

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Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

3 3 hour films? oh god. the songs! the awful cgi of dwarves running. did i mention the songs? james nesbitt looking like anthony kedis. tim from the office. lots of golem. was anyone asking for more golem? and the fucking hawks again. IF YOU ARE ON AN EPIC LONG JOURNEY AND CAN SUMMON GIANT HAWKS - WHY ARE YOU WALKING? if they flew it could be 1 film


Also why did benedict cumberbatch in the credits for smaug? smaug was barely seen (an eye only) and he didnt talk, so cumberbatch did what? opened his eye with motion capture balls on his face?



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