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Awesome! But can you like... train them? Or do they even like being petted and so on?


Well I never tried to teach mine tricks or anything but yes they are very sociable - mine used to like crawling up my sleeves and would stand up and watch me walking round the room. I heard that they can learn their own name and will come if you call them. Mine also used to push it's nose into your ear holes. God knows why! Maybe it wanted to eat my brains

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If you're getting one, think about getting two, and I think females are better together though I might be wrong. Someone told me that if you get one they can get really lonely and stressed out. Also, get hypo-allergenic for the cage, they are prone to respiratory infections

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beware of mr. baker - retrospective documentary on top drummer and total cunt, ginger baker. very entertaining indeed... what a drummer! what a cunt!!

Yeah, this is definitely a must watch, loved it! Even more so because I primarily watched it for the Fela Kuti story, but the rest turned out to be even more awesome.


Also, "what a drummer! what a cunt!!" should be the catchphrase of the documentary if it should ever be released on DVD.

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beware of mr. baker - retrospective documentary on top drummer and total cunt, ginger baker. very entertaining indeed... what a drummer! what a cunt!!

Yeah, this is definitely a must watch, loved it! Even more so because I primarily watched it for the Fela Kuti story, but the rest turned out to be even more awesome.


Also, "what a drummer! what a cunt!!" should be the catchphrase of the documentary if it should ever be released on DVD.

I watched on dvd!

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my cow orker told me today about a movie he watched about 7 years ago which left a powerful impression on him and which he's been trying to rediscover ever since, having forgotten the name. apparently there were no big-name actors in it. the story was about a bunch of people (approx 20) who find themselves in a large estate/mansion where a Big Brother-type figure orders them over loudspeakers to hunt/kill each other to survive. only one person is able to leave at the end, with a shitload of money. the guy who makes it to the end opens the door to find past winners of the survival contest standing there.


anyone know what this movie is?

Perhaps, it's My Little Eye?

Not seen it since it originally came out so can't remember the ending but sounds similar to what you describe. Pretty decent film as i recall. Directed by a mad Welsh bastard as well. I'll need to watch it again, quite eerie.

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If it is the film usagi is talking about he's given away the ending. But it might not be, so the ending could still be a surprise. I do remember there was a twist in the tale....

Definitely worth a watch anyway.

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is it really that good? i've kept putting off watching it for the past 15 years and now i just have this feeling that it's gonna seem really dated for some reason (like pretty much every late 90's movie).

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bit depressing before bed. I was never a cream listener but it's intriguing to watch these types of things for the music and the history of it all, shame i didn't make it up to the afro beat all this talk of lost earnings is getting to me. heh.

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is it really that good? i've kept putting off watching it for the past 15 years and now i just have this feeling that it's gonna seem really dated for some reason (like pretty much every late 90's movie).


i don't like the main actors in it, i'm especially put off by nicole kidman, and of the brief glances i've seen it doesn't look particularly pretty, which was supposed to be the hallmark of a kubric picture, so i'm glad to be giving this a miss. Maybe the story is good is that what you liked hogman.

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It's an excellent film about sexuality that is one of those you can't easily conceptualise - it has it's own unconscious level of communication that I love in all creativity

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Guest bitroast

90's Cheesiness will be enhanced if viewing movie in 4:3.

4:3 not recommended. will look cheesy in 4:3.

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Liked it on first watch, but only truly understood it after reading an online synopsis by a heavy Kubrick geek. Reading deep insightful interpretations on a film can make what first seems a confusing or average film turn into a thing of splendor. This most recently was the case with Enemy. Just need the gaps filled in a little.... a little help with the jigsaw.

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If i can't understand a movie, there's gonna be no way in hell that my ego would allow me to change my opinion on it through the conduit of some snotty little film snob's thesis.


heh. unrepentant swine. --->>>av-100.gif?_r=0

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my cow orker told me today about a movie he watched about 7 years ago which left a powerful impression on him and which he's been trying to rediscover ever since, having forgotten the name. apparently there were no big-name actors in it. the story was about a bunch of people (approx 20) who find themselves in a large estate/mansion where a Big Brother-type figure orders them over loudspeakers to hunt/kill each other to survive. only one person is able to leave at the end, with a shitload of money. the guy who makes it to the end opens the door to find past winners of the survival contest standing there.


anyone know what this movie is?


Sounds like this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280969/


I made the mistake of going to see that with a girl on a first date on the grounds that she liked the show Big Brother.



asked the dude and it's not this, apparently. he said it was def more people.

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I love Eyes Wide Shut so fucking much. I really just look at Kidman and Cruise in it as vessels to move the story forward. The story is so original, amazing and mysterious. Kubrick is a scientist with his method. The film holds a subplot, that works its way into my thoughts on the film after every viewing. It seems to speak to me, so this is why I love the film. It is alive.

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Knowing Kubrick and his disregard for movie stars, i, too, see their couple in Eyes Wide Shut as another masking layer. The film is stunningly beautiful. I don't think 90s or 80s or 70s or 60s have anything to do with any Kubrick film post-Strangelove. You can call Clockwork Orange cheesy, but i think it was made to be extremely cheesy even then. Others are stylistically out of the flow.

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the late 90's were a special time for movies though. im not sure what it is, but movies from 1998/9 can feel so much more dated than ones from the 60s-80s. like early 3d games on the playstation 1 feels a lot more dated than the beautiful 2d pixel adventures that came before them. that's probably a stupid analogy, can't really explain it. i'll probably give eyes wide shut a go anyway.

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my cow orker told me today about a movie he watched about 7 years ago which left a powerful impression on him and which he's been trying to rediscover ever since, having forgotten the name. apparently there were no big-name actors in it. the story was about a bunch of people (approx 20) who find themselves in a large estate/mansion where a Big Brother-type figure orders them over loudspeakers to hunt/kill each other to survive. only one person is able to leave at the end, with a shitload of money. the guy who makes it to the end opens the door to find past winners of the survival contest standing there.


anyone know what this movie is?


Sounds like this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280969/


I made the mistake of going to see that with a girl on a first date on the grounds that she liked the show Big Brother.



asked the dude and it's not this, apparently. he said it was def more people.



Hmm, then maybe House of 9 but that has Dennis Hopper in it, making the no-name stars bit invalid. I don't know, perhaps your colleague just had a very vivid dream?

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