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Guest Iain C

Fast & Furious 6 - two stars. Not my cup of tea but my partner's teenage sister wanted to see it so we all went. Surprisingly diverting way to spend two hours and I must admit I fucking love Vin Diesel. Whenever he's on screen or especially when he's talking, I'm rapt. I think I've got a bit of a (huge) crush on him, don't tell anybody.


Stewart Little - three stars. An odd fim, politically. All kinds of racial subtexts to be picked out of it, but I'm not sure what exactly it was trying to say: was it critiquing assimilation or endorsing it? Lean towards the latter but it seemed a little too clever for that. After all, Stewart boards the good ship WASP - a term hardly used uncritically - and encounters choppy waters to say the least. The refusal to cast any non-white actors must have been a deliberate choice, but why? Need to watch this again with a notepad. Good CG on the cat's face.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

F&F6 was awesome you big pansies! "over the top"? it's the 6th fast & furious film - where else could they go?

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Upstream Color - 5/10 - I had to go the wikipedia page to figure out what the hell was going on after seeing the film. Needlessly obtuse is a good way to describe it. I see what Carruth was going for about processes and how we go through them and they connect us but ultimately I didn't buy the connection. Once the stuff with the pigs came in the film kinda lost me. He probably shouldn't have acted in his own film and as much as he loves that Malick-y style of editing (cutting between multiple locations during a single conversation) ultimately it didn't help to portray the relationship we're supposed to buy the most. I felt more interested in a character that only shows up for the beginning of the film. The cinematography was beautiful although it's always weird for me to see characters walking around my city on the big screen. I do hope Carruth makes another film. I think he has a lot of potential especially if he keeps trying to interject some humanity into his films.

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Glengarry Glen Ross.


How have I never seen this movie before? It's fucking brilliant.


utterly amazing. i was floored when i first saw it. Lemmon did a phenomenal job. I can't think of anyone that could have played that role better.

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Quite a few intense scenes. I liked the ending. Benicio Del Toro is excellent at getting you to hate him.

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Kill BIll vol. 1 & 2 - just brilliant fun and the best fighting scenes


I just got the blurays, was going to watch them tonight. I NEED HANZO STEEL!!!

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Behind The Candelabra




At first, I was really worried that none of the main actors were gay in reality, but the performances and chemistry were top knotch. Great story and great script too. Check this out if you get a chance. Highly enjoyable.

Edited by J3FF3R00
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

star trek into darkness

so this is kind of a remake with actors doing impressions of the original actors. for shame. for shame.


now you see me

now i wish i hadn't seen this.

ok it wasn't terrible but there is nothing special here. very silly. the ending made no sense. made the prestige look good


this means war

silly rom-com with tom hardy and chris pine as spy's chasing the same girl.

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Valhalla Rising. Pretty good I think. Not nearly as slow as everyone make it out to be.


Omg, that movie felt like an eternity.


I thought it was pretty nice to look at, so that one and a half hour went by quickly for me.

Dune on the other hand..

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Upstream color came in the mail


Can't get myself to watch it

I´ve never read so many good critics about a movie like this !


Its a very complex and difficult movie but beautiful to watch !



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Upstream color came in the mail


Can't get myself to watch it

do it, you won't be sorry. Worst that can happen is you just saw a well executed very unique film that didn't appeal to you.




quite shit.

beyond shit, It was like Oliver Stone was trying to rekindle the Natural Born Killers/U-turn vibe but with far less success. His movies used to be hilariously dark, now with Savages he's just trying to be dark and edgy but without the laughs and without ending up being edgy at all (unless you consider a 3 way relationship between 2 spoiled pot dealer burning man tourists and an unappealing leather tanned surfer girl 'edgy')

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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My weekend of poo

The ABCs of Death 2/10 - Hated it. tooo looooong, so much stupid tasteless shit, maybe four decent segments.

Sinister 4/10 - good tension building in places, nice music, 100% cheap jump scares, TEH MOST WORSTEST ghost child actors and story ruin everything.

The Innkeepers 5/10 - I kind of enjoyed the laid back chit-chatty mood, too bad about the dumb green ghost and plot. Hmm... the old dude ghost was kind of creepy. Kind of.

Die Hard 4.0 internets/10 - meh, pointless.

Fryktelig Lykkelig 6.5/10 - fairly enjoyable danish take on weirdo village / noir comedy with traces of spaghetti western and the coen bros.

I also watched some stupid heist film with the bar boy from cheers, james bond, and Tom Cruise's ex wife, there was a beach and some attempts at humour, dunno, failed to pay attention, girlfriend did. 1/10 what were they thinking.

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Sinister 4/10 - good tension building in places, nice music, 100% cheap jump scares, TEH MOST WORSTEST ghost child actors and story ruin everything


Ohgawd, the music in Sinister was TERRIBLE! It sounded like they had taken Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' soundtrack for The Proposition and made it dark and... well, sinister... but poorly executed. It didn't fit the movie at all!

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