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What other message boards do you use?


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is that were banned watmm members go to die?


I'm pretty sure the banned members go to the Facebook group or the unnameable counterpart forum.


I've been trying to communicate this but supposedly you can't type [] here without it changing to xltronic by default. I don't even know how Salvatorin posted that link because it wouldn't even allow me to post the post I made when I quoted it.


Edit: oh you were talking about it.


Hah, yep. Not sure how Salvatorin posted it.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

Set up an account for Xltronic around 4 years ago but only stayed for around 6 months. Since then I typically only read WATMM, although I lurk on Cook'd and Bomb'd, Uboachan (horrible community but pretty much the only place to find Yume Nikki style games) and a few subreddits from time to time.

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Sometimes I check the forums on ateaseweb.com the Radiohead fansite. The general music forum can be annoying with a lot of juvenile members, but there can be a lot of informative and helpful posts there for discovering new music. Plus you can post links to mediafire and shit.

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Guest placidburp

I've recently been checking abovetopsecret.com a few times a day. The majority of the stuff on it is utter garbage and it makes me angry with some of the things people post about. I just cant keep away from it though! I don't know why I keep going back!

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horse and hound






pure lols and getting angry at idiots who dont know how to look after a horse properly.




wow. I need to get a life.


Mumsnet is pure lol though.

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lol this is good stuff.



pure lols and getting angry at idiots who dont know how to look after a horse properly.



wanna post some excerpts?



mentallyscrewed Thu 27-Dec-12 20:56:20

My ds is going through a stage where he will chew whatever he's wearing.

He is very sensory and I think this is another new thing to add to the list!


Is there anything I can buy for him to chew rather than his clothes. Not only does he end up soaked but he will ruin his clothes!



notapizzaeater Thu 27-Dec-12 22:25:47

My ds (10) does this - drives me mad and it's a bloody fortune in school shirts - I've bought him a bandana for home but as yet he hasnt taken to it :-(



mentallyscrewed Fri 28-Dec-12 10:05:06

My NT brother used to chew the neck of his tshirt too but he also knew when to stop and knew full well he was doing it.


Ds doesn't, he will chew the entire front of his tshirt not just the neck until it is soaked and out of shape and then continue with his sleeves and then bend his legs so he can start on his trousers and it doesn't matter how many times I tell him to stop he'll carry on. Some days when there is too much going on he'll have 2 or 3 changes of tshirt or if we are at home and its warm we just let him take it off which is actually how he prefers to be.





JessinAvalon Tue 31-May-11 21:11:51

Hi all



I posted a couple of weeks ago about the 3-D breast cake, complete with nipples, and girlie calendars in the party bags, that was served at a 12 year old boy's birthday party. I cannot send out the photograph of the cake that was served at the party but if you google image 'Hooters birthday cake', and see the one with the naked breasts bursting out of the Hooters t-shirt, you will have some idea of what it was like. Hooters in Bristol also held their first 'bikini contest' for the staff the day before the birthday party in May.


The council are currently carrying out an investigation into whether there has been a breach of the licence and we are calling for there to be a review of the licence.


The new petition has been started to urge the council and responsible authorities to take action and to review the Hooters licence.


Please sign the petition and pass on to as many people as you think may be interested. Please also e-mail Marks and Spencer to urge them again to break their ties with this company (chairman@marksandspencer.com).


Thanks everyone







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The best shit is on the comments section of MSN.com though.




5 hours ago
Start packing dick wadd, our gun laws aren't going to change you may as well leave tomorrow, and take all the queers and atheists with you!


That is 238 thumbs up btw and 83 thumbs down.

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I've recently been checking abovetopsecret.com a few times a day. The majority of the stuff on it is utter garbage and it makes me angry with some of the things people post about. I just cant keep away from it though! I don't know why I keep going back!


I used to go there years ago when it was about UFOs and the paranormal, now its just right wing nutslugs cock-a-doodle-dooding about the government.

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slashdot - less and less these days, the fucking libertarians there make me want to bash my head in with a rusty fork.

maxxed football forums (fbtz.com)


used to hit up the planet-mu forums and warpnet.

now i try and spend less time on forums. read a few blogs related to political economy and economics and the Korean peninsula/East Asia.

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slashdot - less and less these days, the fucking libertarians there make me want to bash my head in with a rusty fork.

maxxed football forums (fbtz.com)


used to hit up the planet-mu forums and warpnet.

now i try and spend less time on forums. read a few blogs related to political economy and economics and the Korean peninsula/East Asia.


oh libertarians, how I weep for thee, as I was perhaps once one of their ilk. Thanks to you chen and a few others on this board and in real life, I have safely returned to reality. OF PROGRESSIVE ANARCHO COMMUNISM HAHAHAHAHAHA



i really love to lurk at somethingawful, but I refuse to pay money for a forum where mods can apparently ban you for no reason other than having a bad day. some great great links to info though.


does anyone know a way to get around the site lock up that seems to occur every three weeks or so for non paying users? it drives me nuts. i'd love to go to a free political forum if anyone has any good recommendations.


also the Free Republic forum is great if you want to see some bat shit crazy Obama-muslim conspiracy stuff. Freepers, they call'em.....unfortunately I think a few WATMMers would fit in well there. ;p

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