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On 10/23/2019 at 3:39 PM, goDel said:

enjoyed this explanation. ridiculously long and the way he tries to read Lynch quotes in character is annoying as f*ck, but great insight makes up! ?

Yeah the title screamed clickbait when it popped up on my recommended videos, currently only 90 mins through but the bold claim definitely stands up so far. His 'Lynch-quote' voice totally reminds me of Mark Proksch's impressions on On Cinema so they unintentionally give me a chuckle every time ... 

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Yeah the title screamed clickbait when it popped up on my recommended videos

That shit annoys me but I completely understand why he would. He reluctantly posted on the twin peaks subreddit to address a lot of the flippant and dismissive criticism of the video, which he spent 2 years researching and editing. If I had spent that much time and energy I wouldn't force myself to have a clinical title to the video, I'd give in and give it a clickbait title as well. At this point a lot of substantive YT channels and videos have to in order to reach the same new audience as shitty clickbait titled videos.

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To clarify I meant it sounded like a clickbait title due to the claim being so wild and am so used to the majority of Youtube videos that are titled in a similar way only to be nothingness opinion pieces. It was nice to have such a bold title that has (so far) completely delivered for a change

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Yeah i got about halfway through, and aside from the cringy Lynch impersonations I could follow everything he was saying and nodded along at most bits (so far)

Interested to see how he manages to string this out for another 2.5 hours though

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From 2:50:00 onwards he def goes more into the third season stuff. Really interesting take. To the point that I'm wondering whether he in some way had direct access to Lynch himself, btw. As he's really schooling us, the viewers. We're basically an integral part on why the third season is what it is. 

In short: even if you're satisfied after the first couple of hourse, def take the effort to sit this one out!


edit: and please don't skip the first 2:50:00 if you're only interested in the third season. it's pretty much a package deal. it doesn't work to just dive in

Edited by goDel
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Do both. Start with Corn pone flicks. As he's got an interesting take. The 4 hour one completely destroys it though, but it is interesting nevertheless. Gets you mind rolling. The 4 hour one goes completely meta and you might even want to avoid it if you love having/creating theories of your own and aren't interested in anything else really. As you might end up losing the need to fantasise about new theories.

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9 hours ago, goDel said:

Do both. Start with Corn pone flicks. As he's got an interesting take. The 4 hour one completely destroys it though, but it is interesting nevertheless. Gets you mind rolling. The 4 hour one goes completely meta and you might even want to avoid it if you love having/creating theories of your own and aren't interested in anything else really. As you might end up losing the need to fantasise about new theories.

Before I watched the 4.5 hr one by Twin Perfect the Corn Pone overviews were the most concise, well-thought out and substantive YT videos I'd watched about season 3. I'd def rec them, especially as primers for season 3 theories / interpretations I've seen on reddit - which are wildly varied. Lot of mediocre videos seem to just re-hash that content or put out redundant click bait. The Corn Pone vids are a good warm up for the Twin Perfect video as well. 

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On 10/31/2019 at 12:32 PM, goDel said:

From 2:50:00 onwards he def goes more into the third season stuff. Really interesting take. To the point that I'm wondering whether he in some way had direct access to Lynch himself, btw.

Yeah, those "this guy is a like a Lynch scholar" comments are indeed not hyperbole. The unfinished Ronnie Rocket insight being a good example. I'm curious if he's got any other theories about Lynch's other work.

The beautiful thing about the Twin Perfect vid is how much of the evidence is in plain sight. That's why I found it still very compatible with all of Frost's input and the plethora of other references, tangents, layers of theories in paranormal, legends, obscure history, etc. as well as the core mystery and intrigue of the show itself. 

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On 11/1/2019 at 7:39 AM, goDel said:

Just like TP season 3? ;D


On 11/1/2019 at 7:50 AM, Squee said:

It definitely had some cringeworthy shit, but the highs were so high they annihilated the lows

kind of curious what didn't you guys like about season 3 or find cringeworthy? 

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2 minutes ago, Drum Up said:


kind of curious what didn't you guys like about season 3 or find cringeworthy? 

I didn't like that they brought real Cooper back so early.

Should've kept Dougie around until like, 2 mins before the end.

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11 minutes ago, Drum Up said:


kind of curious what didn't you guys like about season 3 or find cringeworthy? 

Read the thread. Can't be bothered to go though that again. Sorry. If you read you'll understand why I won't be bothered. Gotta be around page 80 or sumting

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22 hours ago, oscillik said:

I didn't like that they brought real Cooper back so early.

Should've kept Dougie around until like, 2 mins before the end.

When the season aired I had earnest hopes for Dougie to stick around at least long enough for him to meet Albert. 

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On 11/1/2019 at 9:45 AM, kieselguhr kid said:




Uhf, I'm over an hour into it, and I don't know... he's definitely interpreting the shit out of Twin Peaks, and he makes sense, but I also think he's reaching a bit in some places.

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keep with it. in the end the puzzle largely fits like a glove. too much is in plain sight for it to be nonsense. and it also 'gets' all the stuff which previously made no sense. even from the cone flicks perspective. and this is basically where its strength is. it's an all encompassing theory which can explain anything.

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