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Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest


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are we sure? I've heard that repeated many times, but haven't seen proof

Yea I'm not 100% convinced either.

Granted the edited&chopped up reworking of it that someone put on Twoism does sound quite close, by my problem is once he did all that to it, it no longer sounds like it had to be the 11 sample.

Put another way, he may have perfectly figured out the method they used to mangle a vocal sample, but perhaps they used another sample source.


But I could be wrong, and 11 could be right.

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Guest Starblazer

It definitely contains portions of it, chopped, slowed and pitched.
I've heard what that other person done on twoism and does sound more like it....but it'll take a bit of work to get it right in the boc style lol.

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I said that in the palace posy thread here


I hear the vocals as either "we have everything (we need)" or "do we have everything?"
In either case it makes me think of a family evacuating their house and frantically grabbing what is deemed essential for life after society collapses

I also saw someone say that in the Twoism thread

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I think part of the charm of that bit in Palace Posy is that it's slightly unintelligible nature makes you fill in the blank. I heard "be yourself" the first time I listened through.

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ooh i like that much better than bff. im going to force myself to hear that over what i think i am hearing. i know it is not bff, but that is driving me crazy.


1st world problems.

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i am not one to bump my own posts, but i am getting a kick out of my review from when the track titles were announced...





01 Gemini - warm synth melodic loop intro with dark undercurrents. vintage boc but you can tell this is going to be dark

02 Reach for the Dead - mathy repetitive beat with very precise sounding snare hits. part way through this big warm melody arches over the top of everything and really sets the tone for the record. i think there is some back masking but it is hard to tell. at about 2:36, i think i heard 'yermo' backwards but it i could be saying "i'm yours" too

03 White Cyclosa - sort of an ambient interlude but sound like slowed down explosions from an old documentary mixed over radio transmissions that are struggling to break through. there is a little beat in the back but it disappears before it can establish itself

04 Jacquard Causeway - this is a beast. the longer track time fooled me as there is a long coda at the end that spirals out from what was a sinister beat. there were children voices sampled in this one but they weren't laughing and playing. they were screaming as if their flesh was being torn from their little skeletons. probably from a nuclear explosion

05 Telepath - a warm analogue tone repeated to cleanse the palette. it kind of reminded me of something but i couldn't remember what it was. it made me feel nostalgic

06 Cold Earth - right out of the gates this has tons of numbers being repeated in a similar fashion of the code transmissions. then a little beat loop drops in and it starts to feel like the end of telephasic workshop but very very evil

07 Transmisiones Ferox - another little interlude. beatless and dark. feels like a carpenter soundtrack

08 Sick Times - that wasn't fake you guys. just kidding. it was. but this is in a similar category. there are guitars and what sounds like a saxophone but very dissonant and repetitive. sounds like there is a bomb shelter siren in the background. but it sounds warm and fuzzy.

09 Collapse - a warm analogue tone repeated to cleanse the palette. it kind of reminded me of something but i couldn't remember what it was. it made me feel nostalgic

10 Palace Posy - this is where things get very dark. this really lays the brickwork for the second half of the album. this has a hip hop beat with warm analogue wobbly synths. it kind of reminded me of something but i couldn't remember what it was. it made me feel nostalgic

11 Split Your Infinites - wow. this starts with a simple beat but then it kind of doubles up on itself and then doubles up on itself again. it seems like the timing keeps changing depending on what rhythm you are following but they all work together too. this is box magic for the new world order. very precise beats. sounds like they worked on the kick for two years straight. it is perfect. i can't tell what the voices are saying it it but it is a combo of sesame street stuff and broadcast radio emergency test systems

12 Uritual - another little interlude. bealess and dark. feels like a carpenter soundtrack

13 Nothing Is Real - this track is not even real

14 Sundown - this begins the final four track sequence that really works as 1 long track. beats appear in the back. they are very precise and it sounds like the snare is cutting through my face

15 New Seeds - the beat that peaked out in sundown gets brought to the forefront here. about halfway though, this majestic huge warbled synth line peaks through the clouds and envelops you in a magic warm glow that feels like your mommy hugging you as a baby. you will be instantly transported to a safe place and know everything is going to be ok

16 Come to Dust - the beat shifts back to darker places as does the main synth line. this reminded me of that scene in the perfect sotrm where they get a hint of sunlight but the storm just won't let them out

17 Semena Mertvykh - the entire track references bits of the whole album but there is a russian voice on a submarine saying things that are hard to make out. i think this track is going to lead into the next album and that is going to be warm and happy, but also dark and sinister


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lol me too. I had a good laugh when I first read it haha.



I've given the album some repeat listens and I'm finding this a very powerful album...


Where MHTRTC had a distinctly nostalgic feel, and I found Geogaddi distinctly creepy, Tomorrow's Harvest has a distinctly melancholy feel to me. Most people suggest a post apocalyptic theme for this album and I'm not getting that. Rather, it feels like the album plays out like the life cycle of something..



Some of the bigger moments: Reach for the Dead sounds like death itself.... the rising intensity leading into the skittery beats that ultimately fizzles out very quickly and fades out sounds like it could be a "death event"... Cold Earth makes me feel like I'm a corpse in a grave, in the cold dead earth. Skip forward to Nothing is Real, it sounds like confronting god or some sort of higher being and the voices are giving you a chance to go back or start over. Then New Seeds hits and it's like re-birth or something...?


I bet this is sounding like nonsense but that's how I'm hearing it.


edit: some of the vocals in Nothing is Real says "Promising Eternal Life"... ?

Edited by StephenG
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Guest jasondonervan

that's cool jason. Image searches of the names i take it.


Cheers. Yeah, just using the track titles in an overt literal fashion.

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I tried to listen to this album for the first time yesterday with some friends and a bucket bong and didn't make it past side A1 before descending into a four hour hallucinatory catatonia of existential terror.


Well at least you only smoked a bucket bong and didn't take longer-lasting psychoactive molecules, you might have freaked out even more. I think Tomorrow's Harvest is quite psychedelics-friendly in many ways. Yours is one of the ways it is. It might seem like an easy-going album on the surface but there seems to be darker elements at play. You seem to have experienced these elements more than most people here.

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Tomorrow's Harvest and a tryptamine synergize into a magical experience you don't forget. I got crazy deja vu from Telepath and jarred me out of the trance i was in from the start. Cold earth - Take off...


Gemini + Reach for the dead - thinking it's my all time fav Boc opener. Drums and sample programing are awesome, and so is the buildup to it.

Telepath + Cold Earth - was teleported straight to MHTRTC and Olson + Pete standing alone type deja vu

Jacquard Causeway - synthesizers gently weep

Sick times - you're truly welcome

Come to Dust - Strong, big, moving and beautiful


Telepath's like a mash up of Gyroscope and Geogaddi but the synth reminds me of Olson ver3 especially + Heard through Telegraph lines a bit.

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Tomorrow's Harvest and a tryptamine synergize into a magical experience you don't forget. I got crazy deja vu from Telepath and jarred me out of the trance i was in from the start. Cold earth - Take off...


Gemini + Reach for the dead - thinking it's my all time fav Boc opener. Drums and sample programing are awesome, and so is the buildup to it.

Telepath + Cold Earth - was teleported straight to MHTRTC and Olson + Pete standing alone type deja vu

Jacquard Causeway - synthesizers gently weep

Sick times - you're truly welcome

Come to Dust - Strong, big, moving and beautiful


Telepath's like a mash up of Gyroscope and Geogaddi but the synth reminds me of Olson ver3 especially + Heard through Telegraph lines a bit.


I did a 2CI and mushroom mix. It was nice.

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it's also wonderful sober.

there's no doubt. I was only referring to my first listen which was a big deal because it had been built up and planned that i was going to buy it on the 10th and listen to it at a friends recording studio (ironically called Sunshine Recorder) non sober.

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