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sounds like trackermatte, hi burglar!




pretty good fake huh?


watmmer made that


did you see him or her push the render button?



Nope but what does that matter?


Did you see richard push the render button on any of his releases? How do you know they weren't all made by his cat who is a visitor from another galaxy that only landed here to make us listen to strange sounds?




You're right Coolandfrank, Syro does sound a lot like Trackermatte so far. I doubt either of them would be offended, they're both great artists.


And Stephen, I know you're trying to hold together the seams here with respect to keeping the community intact. But I'm convinced Mug Bass was made by RDJ. It's not outside the realm of possibility that RDJ made his own 'fake' Tuss song. besides, Nobody else could have made it because it has the inimitable squidgy bassline exactly like in minipops (2:40-) No other musician or song that I've heard utilises this, unless one of you who know more could share such a youtube or soundcloud clip.


psh, its music forensics 101

Edited by skibby
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I don't care if some tracks are 'bricked' if it augments then in some way, but many tracks work because of the dynamics right? I just don't want to be listening to my super illegal whole syro album upload on soundcloud since I'm trying to make money off of the ads and be staring at a rectangle for a waveform.

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Guest Chesney

After all these years I've finally realised that Alberto Balsam sounds like shit.


attachicon.gifScreen shot 2014-09-09 at 14.02.23.png


And Windowlicker is a terrible production.


attachicon.gifScreen shot 2014-09-09 at 13.58.28.png



Exactly what i'm talking about. You liked the tracks before you analysed them? You thought they sounded good? then why not now you have seen the waveform? trust your ears! eyes have no place in music enjoyment. If you like those tracks less becuase of that then your brain is never going to come up with anything special.

Edited by Chesney
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gonna load up the album in audacity first and if i see anything slightly rectangular i'm throwing the record in the fucking garbage along with the japanese CD.

Would you mind mailing me your trash then? I'll pay shipping! Might be cheaper than importing the Japanese CD :)

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It's a perfectly acceptable thing to discuss, the problem is that people are embarassing themselves.


Zoom in one one of the more offending sections of minipops and all you get is this:




Compare a typical soundcloud joint from this year:




We are zoomed to less than a second and it still looks like shit, some very rough squashing of whole bass transients and stuff. This is what the average person is exposed to with most electronic music out there and you're getting hissy about what minipops looks like?



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So to get the stickerz you need to pre-order? Is it the vinyl or CD? None will come with a regular non pre-order vinyl if I pick it up locally? NEED STICK

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So to get the stickerz you need to pre-order? Is it the vinyl or CD? None will come with a regular non pre-order vinyl if I pick it up locally? NEED STICK

Does something somewhere say you get stickers? I guess you just get the "limited [to 5,000] edition" card if you pre-order at a store, but no stickers?

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Well it clearly states on the release that minipops was mastered by Beau thomas whereas the rest of the album is mastered by Mandy Parnell. I also have a friend who went to the listening party in london and they mentioned that minipops was a lot more distorted as opposed to the rest of the album. There was obviously a decision at somewhere along the line to have minipops mastered differently as perhaps it will be the only single release?? anyway I've heard from numerous close sources that another album is also on its way. It seems like that perhaps syro was indeed an album for the fans and that we can hopefully expect something else as well very soon : ) definitely think everyone needs to calm down on here though. It sucks that Richard has to put up with so much judgement. The people who complain about it not being mindblowing enough or that the waveform is fucked etc. I think have lost their way.

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never should have downloaded minipops i'v probably listened about 100times


i still don't get it and that can only be a good thing :aphexsign:

I've been waking up every morning with minipops playing in my head...


Not complaining

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Aphex Twins music looks rubbish. Confirmed.


Come to think of it, his face looks squashed as well! I guess that's what you get when you compress your photographs too f-ing much!

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