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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Can someone please list the new batch tracks available for download in 320, many thanks!


Tsim and Fogbeak was a day or two ago, then recently the jazz one as well as 31 Lifetrak2 EqTeac 1 and leaving home bradley

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Guest sloanster


mrgerbik, on 09 May 2015 - 7:00 PM, said:snapback.png

this may have been mentioned already but I just noticed that a few of the newer tracks now have the option to download (such as 2 fogbeak & 24 tsim 2)... they are HQ VBR mp3's. here's hoping he makes more of these available for dl :emotawesomepm9:


26 subbassjzzYvEntolins is now downloadable also.








Full list of tracks from the new batch in 320 would be peachy mahn!

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in the article when they say a 'fact mag reader' they really mean a watmm forum member right?


it's almost like they want people to think they do something remotely close to actual journalism

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in the article when they say a 'fact mag reader' they really mean a watmm forum member right?




it's almost like they want people to think they do something remotely close to actual journalism



the watmm member who uploaded that is anything but a "FACT" Mag fan


this is getting ridiculous

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i think at some point Fact just decided to start trolling us mostly out of insecurity probably because everybody on their staff knows less about electronic music than any computer random selection of 40 watmm members from the roster.

as much shit as Pitchfork deserves to get, at least they hire people like Philip Sherburne who knows actually knows what he's talking about.

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Can someone please list the new batch tracks available for download in 320, many thanks!

You've said this about 6 times. How much is too much?

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Like petina said, really glad to receive that Bradley Strider track digitally, even though I love my crackly vinyl pressing :) one of his best tracks from that period, absolutely magical and on a scale from 1-10 it rates 25 on the nostalgia scale.




RDJ likes MDE, guess I can't say I'm surprised

Where did he say that?

he put a MDE video link (mind=blown) in his account profile description


RDJ put a link to the 2010 era (when pornography was allowed her) watmm 'nice tits thread' in one of the earlier tracks. he must have somehow kept his own archive of the old watmm posts. It was classier than Mike P just posting 'pussy wall' over and over again the comments section of his SC dump



Which track is that? Weird thing to do...

in the article when they say a 'fact mag reader' they really mean a watmm forum member right?


it's almost like they want people to think they do something remotely close to actual journalism

They linked to my upload of the most recent batch (in 128kbps, called 'Fourth batch') before it went down, citing the source as 'from the internet'. This massive .zip however, came from a user on Reddit. And yeah, Resident Advisor and Fact have shown how horrible they are performing their profession when RA made an entire article based on a misinformed tweet as the source (that spoke about that Caustic Window account being legit) without any factchecking, then Fact Mag just copied their entire article, linking to RA as the source.


Can someone please list the new batch tracks available for download in 320, many thanks!

None, all the new downloads are VBR :dadjoke:

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Guest sloanster


Can someone please list the new batch tracks available for download in 320, many thanks!


Tsim and Fogbeak was a day or two ago, then recently the jazz one as well as 31 Lifetrak2 EqTeac 1 and leaving home bradley


Nice woon, cheers fellah!

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Somebody send Fact Mag 54 remixes of "Throatie" and a couple of "Shit Smothered", keep them on their toes.

or we could take this approach, but then we'd be kind of borderline rapey


Bill Cosby didn’t rape me but what he did has always given me the creeps
Less than a week after the story was published, I received a package at AP’s world headquarters, which was then at 50 Rockefeller Plaza. This was years before 9-11 so of course I opened it without trepidation.
Inside was a sheet of paper with three typed words: “Here’s your apple.” The signature in black ink read “Bill Cosby.” And wrapped in a paper towel was indeed an apple, dried and withered.
I marveled at the time that a man in his position would go to the trouble of locating a dead apple, placing it in a paper towel, finding out the address of the Associated Press and mailing it to me.


Edited by John Ehrlichman
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Have we gotten any kind of indication that the Chris Cunningham situation is now under control? I just can't sleep anymore.

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Guest mrgerbik

Have we gotten any kind of indication that the Chris Cunningham situation is now under control? I just can't sleep anymore.

naw, I heard Chris went apeshit on everyone once again. he's currently shipping crates of dead, rotting apples to former rephlex artists.

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