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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Might just be soundcloud but some of the playlists are gone. 'fast' 'misc'...think there was others but can't recall them. Maybe no big deal though as he just refines them.

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Listening to the Sleep Mix right now. Such a lush/delicious/literally-tear-inducing/tasty combination of tracks. Gonna dream my ass off to this in the near future. Couple more songs to hear in this mix before I hear what's up with these new tracks.

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Gonna give it 10 more mins. Wanna make sure he's def called it a night before I hit the hay...


Also, currently digging Alias Mgroove. A lot. Got that sucker on repeat.


Might just be soundcloud but some of the playlists are gone. 'fast' 'misc'...think there was others but can't recall them. Maybe no big deal though as he just refines them.

You're right. There were 9 but now there's 6.

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I need to go to bed, but by the time I'm done listening to a new track, another one is uploaded straight after. First world problems, eh?


I know what you mean mate!!

whats with all the retarded trolls in soundcloud comments


Absolute cocks aren't they!

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the confidence of some of these people trolling is pretty amazing, especially when their own soundcloud page sounds like this

ok now im convinced this is actually RDJ playing a prank, its too hard to believe this is real. it sounds like a shreds video

the 1st troll attempts to make vaporware with overly long pitched down Eccojamsy loop and forgets to put an envelope or edit on the zero crossing. The clip sound in it is so extreme, wtf lol

(although the comments all over this track specifically seem to think its a pretty good vaporware effort, is this how low the standards are in the genre when people don't even remove clipping sounds from loops? I'm actually very confused now)

these can't possibly be real people, what do you guys think? Edited by John Ehrlichman
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anyone else getting the feeling that

is RDJ trying to make something in an older style of his but much more recently? It sounds to me like hes using all the rare analog synths he's collected over the years to recreate something that was done on a much more basic setup.

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damn thats fucking great. I love the noisey/bare techno tracks he makes reminds me of universal indicator/ab3 vibes. sounds kinda like that speech machine thing Dave Noyze built for richard but i dont think it is since this sounds fairly old


sort of interesting how dark raw and industrial this kind of stuff sounds of his compared to how many people today are trying to make music channeling a similar vibe but sounding so incredibly overproduced and faux dirty, barely anybody is making stuff like this today and its a shame

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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