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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Dude kills 6 people in Texas after befriending them. Apparently one of the victims bought land right next to the killer - methinks there are a lot more bodies on those properties that will be unearthed... Creepy shit indeed.

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LAX building special terminal for celebrities and rich folk, costs $1,800 premium per trip and you will be driven directly to your plane. And how much taxpayer money will this cost? Fuck you LA.



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LAX building special terminal for celebrities and rich folk, costs $1,800 premium per trip and you will be driven directly to your plane. And how much taxpayer money will this cost? Fuck you LA.




what makes you think it will cost tax dollars? there was no mention of that in the article. $1800 per trip sounds sounds like a pretty good way to finance it.

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Working in infrastructure, how can you have a project as massive as an airport terminal on public property that is not somehow funded or approved by the local municipalities? If it's a private air terminal, then they might as well just fly from a private air field. It sounds like this will link to both commercial airliners and private jets. I mean, if the $1800 is pocket change to them, then why put up with the traffic into LAX, TSA, etc. it must be for long distance international travel that is out of range of a typical Lear type jet.

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I usually try to avoid political ranting, but hearing about all these GOP politicians wanting to prevent refugees from Iraq and Syria from coming into the country as a knee-jerk response to the Paris attacks...makes me wonder how people so stupid can have so much power

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I usually try to avoid political ranting, but hearing about all these GOP politicians wanting to prevent refugees from Iraq and Syria from coming into the country as a knee-jerk response to the Paris attacks...makes me wonder how people so stupid can have so much power

Do they want to prevent the refugees from coming, or slow down the process?


At least here in Canad'er.... people don't mind the refugees coming but they want the security process to be very thorough. Our PM has committed to 25,000 refugees placed by January 1st and we haven't even started taking any in yet.


Seems like that arbitrary deadline will force agencies to cut corners etc when it is so critical to do exactly the opposite...

Edited by StephenG
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I usually try to avoid political ranting, but hearing about all these GOP politicians wanting to prevent refugees from Iraq and Syria from coming into the country as a knee-jerk response to the Paris attacks...makes me wonder how people so stupid can have so much power


Just shows that attitudes really haven't changed all that much in 70+ years.



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^ interesting reads.


Quite sad, really.


I'm all for taking in the refugees, just want to be confident the vetting process is sound but our government doesn't seem to be speaking to it (or I'm just daft and I'm not able to find details).


More than likely the latter of those two.

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I fucking hate LAX. reading that thing about a private terminal for the wealthy and famous makes me hate it even more. worst airport in the world, hands down.

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I fucking hate LAX. reading that thing about a private terminal for the wealthy and famous makes me hate it even more. worst airport in the world, hands down.

I remember even back in May 2001 on a field trip for high school band I was changing clothes inside one of the restrooms @ LAX and some random lady outside got all suspicious asking what I was doing in there. Paranoid twats.

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I'm not even bothered about the TSA/Border Police/general suspicion in that place, it's just an extremely inefficient airport. I was warned by my former boss before I embarked on my States trip that LAX was going to be shit, and it was. flying back to Aus, we spent a good hour trying to figure out the right terminal (it wasn't the one they told us it was), and I'm dragging my oldies behind me meanwhile. I had to get them to sit down so I could go find it myself, then come back and get them.

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what does his color have to do with it?


There are statistics demonstrating that somewhere between 76 and 89 percent of all naked people in airport bathrooms at any time are black, and that a new naked black person will appear in one every 3.31 seconds.

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I usually try to avoid political ranting, but hearing about all these GOP politicians wanting to prevent refugees from Iraq and Syria from coming into the country as a knee-jerk response to the Paris attacks...makes me wonder how people so stupid can have so much power


Just shows that attitudes really haven't changed all that much in 70+ years.





This reminds me of that part in Cryptonomicon where all the european countries refused to accept that Jewish 'Cruise' ship. Not sure if that part was based on real events. I do remember reading it though and thinking not much has changed.


Edit: derp just scrolled down the first linked article and saw the St. Louis part. Read the article before commenting spiral ffs.

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