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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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america is bananas


Why don't they just straight up worship guns? A gun nailed to a cross made of guns with a gun preaching bullets at the altar.


lol awesome.  Someone photoshop this plz.







all it needs is to be covered in chili cheese fries and it'll be complete. 

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america is bananas


Why don't they just straight up worship guns? A gun nailed to a cross made of guns with a gun preaching bullets at the altar.


Also, Unification Sanctuary? Based on the name of their church and those of the interviewees it seems like some kind of DPRK enclave. 



Christian cults are a South Korean pastime, big time. Sun Myung Moon - look him up. This is like their version of Mormonism. As soon as saw the "Unification" I knew this had Korean ties. 30% of ROK is Christian and a few are part of this evangelical cult-ish sects.

Best known for the things like mass weddings. Also the recently impeached Park Geun-hye had ties to a cult leader who practiced some Roman Catholic / Buddhist hybrid religion.


Christianity in Asia has always been a influential part of politics, especially in the cold war, despite being a minority religion. Vietnam is a prime example - the early 60s South Vietnamese leaders were very anti-Buddhist Catholics. Many expats from Korea and Vietnam were Christian so it doesn't surprise me somersetting like this church exists in the US. Korean-Americans, at least the ones who are older, often were gun owners. The LA riots were a flashpoint of that becoming a stereotype of Korean-Americans in general, as many Korean store owners, who also often had military experience, fired upon looters in a very organized and tactical manner.


In other words Korea + Crazy does not only = DPRK. ROK has had batshit parts of it's sociopolitical fabric since it was established.

Ah, thanks for the background. Yeah I figured I was being offensive or ignorant, it was the "Unification" that made me think "North" but it makes sense that the South also shares this phenomenon. I was aware of Christianity's presence in Korean culture and I thought it was actually a majority there, at least in ROK. I only heard about Vietnamese Catholicism from that recent Ken Burns documentary.

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I thought civilian ownership of firearms was prohibited in RoK? I've heard that locals go deer hunting with air rifles though.


Locals go hunting with real rifles as well. But when they are not hunting, the gun and the ammunition must be stored at the local police station.

Men all know how to use at least basic rifles because of the conscription. Every South Korean man serves in the military, it used to be almost 3 years but I believe is down to 2. The first month (not sure on the exact length) is basic training - so learning how to shoot, live in the wilderness etc.


Also I totally didn't catch the Moonie link, but not surprising to learn of it.


I can't even begin to tell you the number of arguments i had with jesus freaks on the subway in Seoul. Christianity is only big there because they believe that since America (the big powerful nation that "saved" them from the North Koreans) is  Christian nation, they must be Christian too.

And yes the South Koreans who moved to the US up until the turn of the millennium did tend to the conservative side very strongly. Bunch of fucking nutjobs.

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Ah, thanks for the background. Yeah I figured I was being offensive or ignorant, it was the "Unification" that made me think "North" but it makes sense that the South also shares this phenomenon. I was aware of Christianity's presence in Korean culture and I thought it was actually a majority there, at least in ROK. I only heard about Vietnamese Catholicism from that recent Ken Burns documentary.


No worries North's another beast altogether, true. Korea in general has it's quirks culturally.



I thought civilian ownership of firearms was prohibited in RoK? I've heard that locals go deer hunting with air rifles though.


Locals go hunting with real rifles as well. But when they are not hunting, the gun and the ammunition must be stored at the local police station.

Men all know how to use at least basic rifles because of the conscription. Every South Korean man serves in the military, it used to be almost 3 years but I believe is down to 2. The first month (not sure on the exact length) is basic training - so learning how to shoot, live in the wilderness etc.


Also I totally didn't catch the Moonie link, but not surprising to learn of it.


I can't even begin to tell you the number of arguments i had with jesus freaks on the subway in Seoul. Christianity is only big there because they believe that since America (the big powerful nation that "saved" them from the North Koreans) is  Christian nation, they must be Christian too.

And yes the South Koreans who moved to the US up until the turn of the millennium did tend to the conservative side very strongly. Bunch of fucking nutjobs.



thanks for the insight! 

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For a second I thought this was some kind of scientology crap. Then this was just some idiot thinking he could make money on youtube. Seeing the respones on youtube, there's either quite a number of fellow scientologists in on it, or I'm learning about a new generation of people who live through what they see on a touchscreen.

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I thought civilian ownership of firearms was prohibited in RoK? I've heard that locals go deer hunting with air rifles though.


Locals go hunting with real rifles as well. But when they are not hunting, the gun and the ammunition must be stored at the local police station.

Men all know how to use at least basic rifles because of the conscription. Every South Korean man serves in the military, it used to be almost 3 years but I believe is down to 2. The first month (not sure on the exact length) is basic training - so learning how to shoot, live in the wilderness etc.


Also I totally didn't catch the Moonie link, but not surprising to learn of it.


I can't even begin to tell you the number of arguments i had with jesus freaks on the subway in Seoul. Christianity is only big there because they believe that since America (the big powerful nation that "saved" them from the North Koreans) is  Christian nation, they must be Christian too.

And yes the South Koreans who moved to the US up until the turn of the millennium did tend to the conservative side very strongly. Bunch of fucking nutjobs.


I see. Sounds like the same rules on the military installation where I work, where active duty residents have to keep their guns and ammo in a separate storage facility.


There's a sizeable Korean population in my city, and we have at least one Korean worship church. But the ones living here all seem pretty level-headed.

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ugh, this reminds me of a shitty experience I had waiting at a bank atm, people are fucking strange



This thing is fucked on both sides.

I'd never heard about these "first amendment audits" before - seems like a new thing for the "sovereign citizen" movement. Waste of time and energy.

OTOH - the idiots telling him he can't film their license plate lol. The racist was a big ol douche, and the two old dudes butting glasses was some great comedy.

Top work from the sovcitizen - he should get this nominated for some comedy film.

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Why don't they just straight up worship guns? A gun nailed to a cross made of guns with a gun preaching bullets at the altar.


Also, Unification Sanctuary? Based on the name of their church and those of the interviewees it seems like some kind of DPRK enclave.

Christian cults are a South Korean pastime, big time. Sun Myung Moon - look him up. This is like their version of Mormonism. As soon as saw the "Unification" I knew this had Korean ties. 30% of ROK is Christian and a few are part of this evangelical cult-ish sects.

Best known for the things like mass weddings. Also the recently impeached Park Geun-hye had ties to a cult leader who practiced some Roman Catholic / Buddhist hybrid religion.


Christianity in Asia has always been a influential part of politics, especially in the cold war, despite being a minority religion. Vietnam is a prime example - the early 60s South Vietnamese leaders were very anti-Buddhist Catholics. Many expats from Korea and Vietnam were Christian so it doesn't surprise me somersetting like this church exists in the US. Korean-Americans, at least the ones who are older, often were gun owners. The LA riots were a flashpoint of that becoming a stereotype of Korean-Americans in general, as many Korean store owners, who also often had military experience, fired upon looters in a very organized and tactical manner.


In other words Korea + Crazy does not only = DPRK. ROK has had batshit parts of it's sociopolitical fabric since it was established.


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how do people have this much free time on their hands?


disability, retired, won a settlement, live off inheritance or stipend, making money thru scams, etc. 


lots of possibilities 

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I would be sort or annoyed if someone was just taking a video of me on their phone for no reason. I'm not THAT interesting and I know they'd just be doing it as a provocation. I barely post anything on facebook. There are hardly any pictures of me documenting my existence. Flying below the radar is my MO.

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