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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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probly america



this guy has a great life ahead of him, excellent job prospects and a stable future for sure.
Did you just assume their species?
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An Indiana man is suing his parents for destroying his porn collection, which he claimed was worth almost $29,000.


In a January 2018 email that was part of the lawsuit, the father admitted to destroying some of his son's belongings.


"I do not possess your pornography. It is gone," the email said. "It has been either destroyed or disposed of. I may well have missed a few items that are now in your possession but, at this point, if you don't have it, it is gone. Ditto for your sex toys and smutty magazines."


"If you had a problem with my belongings, you should have stated that at the time and I would have gone elsewhere. Instead you choose to keep quiet and behave vindictively," he wrote, according to the lawsuit.


His father allegedly responded that one reason "I destroyed your porn was for your own mental and emotional heath. I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine. Someday, I hope you will understand."



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A New Mexico man is accused of illegally detaining migrants at the US border with his right-wing militia group, which — according to him — was also training “to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,” authorities said Monday.


The charges Hopkins received — being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition — stemmed from a prior conviction and followed reports of his group’s detaining of migrants.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Another fuckin god damn school shooting.

20 years ago the Columbine shit was in the headlines for weeks after it went down. Now it seems to be a weekly occurrence. Same with climate change symptoms. And raging Trump tweets.

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A northern Kentucky teenager banned from school for refusing the chickenpox vaccination due to his religious beliefs now has chickenpox, his attorney said Wednesday.

Kunkel and his family have no regrets about their decision to not be vaccinated.

Some ultraconservative Catholics oppose chickenpox vaccinations because it was developed in the 1960s from cell lines of two aborted fetuses.



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9 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

And Iran war gets more likely everyday.

Who's going to support the US (besides Israel and some Arab states)? I don't think the EU will support this. Or China. Or Russia. To name a few.

Also, does it even make sense in the context of 2020? Trump is an opportunist. He's thinking in 2020-mode. Threatening and posturing towards Iran is good for his supporters (in the US, and in Israel/arab states). They like him behaving like an asshole. But actually starting a war, I don't think that'll sit well with them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my take is this is Trump being a bully. The dog is barking but it's not going to bite.

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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

spells out a large swath of america in smart comic form.  really kind of amazing 


this is great. i read his graphic novel 'any empire' and thought it was pretty good. seeing this minicomic it puts that book into context better. anyhow, american paramilitarism is some real shit. only going to become more embedded as the pressure on and inside the US empire increases. there are a number of good books that connect the dots between militias and white power movements and cops and vets. Bring the War Home by Kathleen Belew is a good one. Alt-America by David Neiwert provides a good overview of the history. 

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1 hour ago, goDel said:

Who's going to support the US (besides Israel and some Arab states)? I don't think the EU will support this. Or China. Or Russia. To name a few.

Also, does it even make sense in the context of 2020? Trump is an opportunist. He's thinking in 2020-mode. Threatening and posturing towards Iran is good for his supporters (in the US, and in Israel/arab states). They like him behaving like an asshole. But actually starting a war, I don't think that'll sit well with them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my take is this is Trump being a bully. The dog is barking but it's not going to bite.


ya never know w/him though.  when the tariffs started w/china our allies approached the white house asking to "do this together. to work as a united front" since there are a lot of things that various nations want to sort out w/china and gradually make changes.  trump let everyone know that this is "his fight" and he'd be going alone. meaning.. the USA would be going alone. 

what's hilarious is USA imports more steel from Canada than from China. but whatever... 

i don't think trump would go whole hog on an invasion but he's dumb enough to be convinced to do anything.

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check the video below. see that lady with the camera that just scream umerika? that's laura loomer: uber conservative vlogger and lunatic. she was banned from twitter for life. she visted jack dorsey's house and the cops were called. she was then banned from facebook. she went to one of their offices hoping to get the ban lifted but that's didn't work. according to her she's the most banned woman the world. you know how some countries don't allow women to show their hair? well this is worse. 

her life is over and so she has taken her grievances to alex jones. what you are about to witness is a meltdown of epic proportions. if you wanna skip alex's intro, just forward to 3:00min


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12 hours ago, goDel said:

Who's going to support the US (besides Israel and some Arab states)? I don't think the EU will support this. Or China. Or Russia. To name a few.

Also, does it even make sense in the context of 2020? Trump is an opportunist. He's thinking in 2020-mode. Threatening and posturing towards Iran is good for his supporters (in the US, and in Israel/arab states). They like him behaving like an asshole. But actually starting a war, I don't think that'll sit well with them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my take is this is Trump being a bully. The dog is barking but it's not going to bite.

Well, Israel is already bombing Iranians in Syria and has a huge influence on US politics. Saudi Arabia is bombing Iranian affiliated groups in Yemen. And Europe is totally spineless when it comes to the US. They might not actively participate but provide aerial reconnaissance and such

It doesn't have to make sense, there is a lot of ideology involved plus interests of the military-industrial complex. And it doesn't have to be 2020. Right now a war doesn't seem too likely but with some preparation the political climate could have shifted further than you would think in a few years. Also, it's not just about Trump. American government loves war to bits, almost doesn't matter which president is in power

14 hours ago, ignatius said:

spells out a large swath of america in smart comic form.  really kind of amazing 


Good stuff

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