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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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On 7/3/2022 at 2:49 PM, milkface said:

ummmm becuz violence against fascism makes u a fascist sweetie ❤️ u have 2 vote out the fascists hillary clinton style ? pokemon go 2 the polls!!!!!!!!


I got my first cazepalm of 2022. As the old saying goes: "The biggest prize in journalism is being killed by the CIA, the biggest prize in telling the truth and being a decent human being is getting a facepalm reaction from caze".

Life is good. :music:

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Dems in hoods? Am I in the metaverse?

Also twerking senators is pretty dope I guess? What's like the founding father equivalent?

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Hey MAGAs choose your fighter:

"Outspoken heavily-armed black guy" VS "charging klan lynch mob (but really democrats)"

Also, as WATMM's Rhode Island represant (and assficionado) I'm down with Sen. Mack, esp. if it gets attention to the issues she's trying to address.  As much as an affront to basic human/women's rights as it is, a (and arguably the) key objective in overturning RvW / criminalizing abortion is to keep the poor and disenfranchised poor and disenfranchised. 

Aside from that our state politics are insane (think Dem rat-nests like Albany and Chicago, only dumber), and completely different flavor of insane from national politics.  It's vive le difference every day mon amis :sorcerer:

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4 hours ago, milkface said:


I got my first cazepalm of 2022. As the old saying goes: "The biggest prize in journalism is being killed by the CIA, the biggest prize in telling the truth and being a decent human being is getting a facepalm reaction from caze".

Life is good. :music:

if ur not getting caze palms ur takes are not hot enough.  i wear them with a badge of honor each time they are bestowed

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On 7/7/2022 at 10:30 AM, chenGOD said:

Dems in hoods? Am I in the metaverse?

Also twerking senators is pretty dope I guess? 

we need exorcism for the teen savages shooting up schools


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this is an interesting read. interview with someone who studies these things in other countries for the cia.. or did in the 90s. if you hit the paywall the tweet thread has screen grabs


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7 hours ago, chenGOD said:

john bolton is many things, brilliant is not one of them.

oh by the way, we tried to overthrow venezuela, gotta go now byeeeee

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House Republicans All Vote Against Neo-Nazi Probe of Military, Police

The House has approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to compel government officials to prepare a report on combating white supremacists and neo-Nazi activity in the police and military, despite every Republican voting against the measure.


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Jesus fucking Christ. I’ve just watched the documentary Four Hours at the Capital. Okay I watch a bit of the news, I use to watch much more (maybe up until 10 years ago) but it’s generally doom and gloom so nowadays I kind of avoid it to avoid black sky thinking state of mind. I knew about what happened, that some right-wing pro Trump supporters had managed to get themselves somewhere important and act like a load of cunts in the process. It’s America, so nothing really surprising. Got a busy day ahead, just forget about it. What I just watched has actually blown my mind. To be honest I can’t even put it into words. I never realised it was anything on that scale. No wonder so many of them go around saying God Bless America, because from where I was sitting you need as much as he’s prepared to give. What a loony bin.

Edited by beerwolf
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Dimwit in wheelchair

we’re the proud boys, we believe in leading a good life, like not beating women 

Female cop (quite clearly) gets smashed over the head and crushed into the stone steps by some redneck in a mask wielding a steel barrier…..

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58 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I guess I'm a bit spamming Beau youtubes these days. But this one does a great deal explaining what is wrong about the Uvalde thing. (mass shooting at school in texas where the police basically stood outside doing nothing)


yeah. it only gets worse. they're trying pretty hard to road block more information from getting out. apparently even the governor tried to slow roll the details. 

cops are there to protect other cops. 

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14 hours ago, ignatius said:

yeah. it only gets worse. they're trying pretty hard to road block more information from getting out. apparently even the governor tried to slow roll the details. 

cops are there to protect other cops. 

that's coz everyone is trying to save their job, including abbot


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