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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Again, animal agriculture is a larger and more immediate threat to the environment than the use of synthetic fertilizers. And when you get on that topic, you're talking about a reformation of agriculture industry rather than the effect itself.

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fucking lol




seemed like an overreaction at first but reading a bit more this guy was apparently a bit of a lecherous creep, so i guess there are probably more allegations on the way. my mom will not be happy.

Edited by zaphod
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Y'all wanna know the real problem? Too much fucking. Too many people.

Stop fucking. Stop having babies. Kill a few people, kill your great grandparents, kill yourselves. Too many people need to eat (and in America, waste) too much food. Less people, less problems.

Quit fucking.

No worries for gays and solitary people though. Also, planned parenthood is a force of good. It saves the world from too many brats. And Im seeing American policies on gun control in a surprisingly new perspective as well.

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Y'all wanna know the real problem? Too much fucking. Too many people.

Stop fucking. Stop having babies. Kill a few people, kill your great grandparents, kill yourselves. Too many people need to eat (and in America, waste) too much food. Less people, less problems.

Quit fucking.

No worries for gays and solitary people though. Also, planned parenthood is a force of good. It saves the world from too many brats. And Im seeing American policies on gun control in a surprisingly new perspective as well.

This is what I don't get about the anti-gay/anti-abortion stance. I guess those people just don't see overpopulation as such a big deal.  

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tax bill looks to pass..senate and house have their own versions of the bill so they have to reconcile them or the house could just vote on the senate bill.. 


either way we're more fucked than before.. unless anyone here is making millions then you're better off... 


i guess we're one step closer to being serfs? 


maybe we can just boycott taxes now? class war? 

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Not to worry, you will be making millions once the fence is finished and the Mexicans won't be able to take your jobs and rape your women.


Have you looked into working in the clean coal industry? It's the way of the future.

Edited by Gocab
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Not to worry, you will be making millions once the fence is finished and the Mexicans won't be able to take your jobs and rape your women.


Have you looked into working in the clean coal industry? It's the way of the future.



actually i'm going to perfect molotov cocktails and and run a molotov cocktail business out of my house. what could go wrong? 

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actually i'm going to perfect molotov cocktails and and run a molotov cocktail business out of my house. what could go wrong? 



This made "Molotov Cocktail Party" pop into my head as a new addition to my imaginary bandname list.  But it's already taken as a song title by this Russian Rage Against the Machine wannabe band.  The opening line of the first verse is "I'll rip your head off and I'll shit down your neck."  The whole thing kind of works as a weird metaphor for how the world views America these days, so I'mma post it here.



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If you want to just help the environment and not be a full vegetarian/vegan, just cutting down your meat consumption helps. If everybody cut down like 30% it would already have a huge impact. In essence it would have the same effect as 30% of population turning vegetarian. It's not necessarily either/or.

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Agreed yeah. That was kind of what I was trying to get at, everyone completely switching to a vegan diet all the sudden has (not fully understood) implications.  Trading one set of problems for another. 


We adopted a "vegetarian Wednesday" type of thing here, one day a week we try and eat vegetarian. Fairly healthy, can't hurt the environment, saves money too. 

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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I'm mostly vegetarian as far as dinner goes, I have meat for dinner once or twice a week, but don't try to take away my cheese or cured meats!

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actually i'm going to perfect molotov cocktails and and run a molotov cocktail business out of my house. what could go wrong? 



This made "Molotov Cocktail Party" pop into my head as a new addition to my imaginary bandname list.  But it's already taken as a song title by this Russian Rage Against the Machine wannabe band.  The opening line of the first verse is "I'll rip your head off and I'll shit down your neck."  The whole thing kind of works as a weird metaphor for how the world views America these days, so I'mma post it here.





Molotov, that is a blast from the past. Remember listening to their first album in the late 90s. And their Mexican.

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