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man you’re not missing out. he’s playing relatively frequently, like every other month or so & it would be a mistake to go tonight... better come here in spring/summer.,



I prefer wandering around on warmer days anyway. Thanks for the tip. He does play often though. I remember back in the old days, DJ Stingray was a hard man to find :)

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Fuck 2017, it was horrible.


And let me be the first to say fuck 2018 too. It's also going to be shit.

Yup. Horrible is a bit of a stretch for me but it was subpar for sure.



one of the worst years of my life.

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nye is amateur night. not that there isn't fun to be had somewhere but in many cities it's a vastly overhyped overpriced shit show.

straight up. I usually try to find a show to go to, or, failing that, hide out in one of my favorite watering holes that never draws a huge crowd. Got invited to a house party this year too and was just like... nahhh


i enjoy remembering conversations the next day

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It’s not just world events that made 2017 bad. It was really like one 365 day long kick to the balls. Even if good things were happening there had to be a few horrible things that canceled them out.


That’s the thing. Even if I earn something great, it’s like I have to pay for it with years of crippling depression. Forget breaking even.


On that note, happy new year!

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It’s not just world events that made 2017 bad. It was really like one 365 day long kick to the balls. Even if good things were happening there had to be a few horrible things that canceled them out.


That’s the thing. Even if I earn something great, it’s like I have to pay for it with years of crippling depression. Forget breaking even.


On that note, happy new year!



true. for every thing to be happy/excited about there were at least 3 bad things to shit on them.  just in the USA alone even.. world wide.. well.. there is a constant shitting on the good things. 


sometimes i think if i just focused on local stuff i'd be better off but there's no way for me to avoid the other 49 states and federal olitics and general 24 hour news cycle w/o just throwing the internet in the garbage and working on music and taking up a new hobby like vaping. 

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Racism is so primitive to me. It surprises me to see people that you'd think would have half a functioning brain to stray away from the preliterate idea that such frivolous things as skin, hair and eye colour would make them undisputedly superior than someone of different physical features.

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I wish Leonard Cohen had never written Hallelujah, so that it would then never have been covered by Jeff Buckley and turned into a staple for every off-key talentless busker in the fucking world. it might be my most hated song ever, or at least up there.

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I’ve been catching mice in my apartment with sticky traps. I found one that was squirming and squeaking but I was too lazy to do anything about it so I just threw the dead mouse in the trash outside the next day. The other one was already dead when I noticed it.


About a year ago I caught one and actually tried to free it outside by prying it off with a plastic spoon while wearing rubber gloves. I ended up smashing its face into the sticky pad and breaking three of its legs because of how sticky it is. I used these traps intending to be a chill nice dude but I ended up getting medieval by accident.

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if a cat had snuffed those mice it woulda fallen into the WATMM cat love feels


get a jack russell, my own got a rat from the drain last week and shredded it proper


jack russells, man's answer to vermin & unwanted furry infiltrators, cheaper than guns, not as lethal as SWAT call-outs & less autistic than cats

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Discussing world problems and what we could do to improve the situation does about the same amount of good as criticising a football team's last game and what could have been done to improve the score. All idle commentary after the fact.

“During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high.” - Kurt Vonnegut

My comment is as pointless. All comments are pointless! Revel in irrelevance.

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