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Cryptocurrency as the next significant stage for computing technology, not just an investment


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Jim come get your damn house!


it's a free house!


It’s definitely acquired the flavor of a cult. Browsing r/cryptocurrency gives me the same feeling I got listening to the Jonestown tape.




I have a banker friend on fb who has recently gotten into it and become a full-on evangelist, along with a bunch of his mates. one of them said that not buying into crypto right now is as absurd as being offered Microsoft shares in the 80s and turning them down.

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there's this new coin called real estate, it's kindof like bitcoin but instead of data you buy land nd buildings, mite b worth checking out


You're right, now that I've researched it more I've seen that real estate is immune to the types of speculative bubbles people accuse crypto of being


A permissionless uncensorable global financial network to bank the formerly unbanked doesn't provide utility to the world like cement, 2x4s, and sheet-rock assembled and then marked up 500% in desirable locations does.  Real estate is even more profitable as well because you have to pay taxes simply for owning it, and the world's most valuable real estate is located near coasts, which will bring its value up even more when the surrounding areas are flooded due to climate change

Edited by Zeffolia
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Also, to be clear here, the argument that "if everyone cashed out at the same time the system would crash and tons of people wouldn't get their money" applies to fractional reserve banking even moreso and this is one of the reasons people are switching to crypto. But they're not switching as a temporary value holder before inevitably cashing out to fiat, they're switching out permanently. I am at least.. I don't know how much cash Coinbase keeps but I don't care because I don't want shitcoins like USD. And make no mistake, USD and all government issues fiat currencies are shitcoins by the high standards of judgement we traditionally apply to crypto




>Monetary policy decided by a centralized group of authorities


>Physically losable and rippable


>Wastes resources printing larges quantities of notes, and creating ink


The list goes on and on. USD is officially a shitcoin, cryptos like this aren't touched with a ten foot pole by aware crypto investors.


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