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Will BOC Release A New Album?


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On 4/16/2020 at 2:38 PM, beer badger said:

Just been watching a few youtube clips about myths in rock music. A few on Syd Barrett (the exaggerated tale of randomly walking into the studio when the band were cutting Shine On, his largely exaggerated descent into total madness) and one with Ray Manzarek on his suspicions on the death of Jim Morrison. As you know there are plenty, plenty more. All starting with KIng of the Delta Blues.

Our friends from Hexagon Sun who from day one have expertly drenched their whole existence in mythology and similar tricks will I'm afraid get similar amounts of exaggerated comments directed at them, especially as they take aeons to release music. Telling fans 'oh they don't owe us anything so just be quiet,  grow up and go away' seems absurd to me lol. I'm sure they (BOC) must perfectly understand that. I doubt they take it as personally as some of their ultra sensitive fans do. It is the nature of the beast, and the result of their deal they struck at The Crossroads (or just the one with Warp signed with a biro pen)



Ok so what do they owe you? Like what is your sense of what the brothers are supposed to give you and why do you think they should?  You complain about the idea but I’m curious if you could be more clear about what you think the respective roles are here

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On 4/12/2020 at 3:45 PM, auxien said:

i think they're fine.



I remember hearing from what I consider a reputable source that they banked around 1 million USD from TH. 


No idea if this is accurate:


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^wouldn't surprise me about TH or the total net worth figure there, between the two of them with a career spanning what, almost two decades... very well might've put 2mil-ish into their pockets. it's really not all that much money spread out over that amount of time, but maybe they've even done better than that. 

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i'm just going to quote my friend:

I really don’t think BOC give a fuck tbh. Autechre have given free downloads, aphex did a live stream last night and brainwaltzera has put a pay as much as you like (even nothing if you want) on Bandcamp. Oh yeah plus more stuff from aphex on soundcloud. I’m starting to resent them


hard to tell with boc if they are actually disdainful of their fans, are trying to be mysterious or just don't care. but regardless, even if boc are my favorite idm band, I respect aphex and autechre a lot more. it's very clear (especially now) where their priorities differ

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21 minutes ago, Groundbreaking Pie said:

i'm just going to quote my friend:

I really don’t think BOC give a fuck tbh. Autechre have given free downloads, aphex did a live stream last night and brainwaltzera has put a pay as much as you like (even nothing if you want) on Bandcamp. Oh yeah plus more stuff from aphex on soundcloud. I’m starting to resent them


hard to tell with boc if they are actually disdainful of their fans, are trying to be mysterious or just don't care. but regardless, even if boc are my favorite idm band, I respect aphex and autechre a lot more. it's very clear (especially now) where their priorities differ

I don't think that's completely fair. I seem to remember interviews where they said they'd spend up to 2 weeks on a hi-hat. I don't think it's that BoC don't care, they just have a harder process. And that isn't to say that Autechre has more lax quality control, they just have a much different philosophy and aesthetic that can scale to more frequent (and apparently, longer) releases.

Autechre's openness is a relatively new development, too - we went from surly 90s Sean bitching about gear whores and copycats every other interview, to 3 days of AAA, to now dropping all manner of big hints in mixlr banter. Maybe BoC will get there too, I just think their whole vibe runs counter to a lot of what fans expect in the Twitch/Instagram era. Anyone remember the image on their website around the Geogaddi days that said "THE INTERNET IS AN EVIL AND UNNECESSARY DISTRACTION"?

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49 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

And you believe that? lol

Honestly, it was probably an exaggeration but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. It's apparent to me that they put a lot of effort into getting the details right, and it's not hard to imagine how that perfectionism could be sand in the gears for getting stuff released.

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20 minutes ago, oscillik said:

I spend 4 weeks tweaking the white balance in my photos. Don't you?

Probably longer. Much longer ?The other day I continued editing a photo that I started editing two years ago, that means it took me two years to edit it

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Just now, darreichungsform said:

Probably longer. Much longer ?The other day I continued editing a photo that I started editing two years ago, that means it took me two years to edit it

You've seen it here guise — empirical evididence that @darreichungsform and I both care more about our art than Boards of Canada care about theirs.

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Some people think the BoC bros are deities or something. But they're really just two dudes who used to make music before getting their public accountant certificate and a wife.  

Edited by Candiru
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1 minute ago, Candiru said:

Some people think the BoC bros are deities or something. But they're really just two dudes who used to make music before getting their public accountant certificate and a wife.  

HOw dare you refer to them as BoC bros instead of the correct nomenclature, The Brothers

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I agree with Candiru and just like most brothers they don't hang out with each other like in days gone by. I rarely see my two best friends, who are like brothers to me, perhaps maybe once a year, twice if I'm lucky, because of whippersnappers. 


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5 hours ago, oscillik said:

HOw dare you refer to them as BoC bros instead of the correct nomenclature, The Brothers

Whenever someone uses the moniker "bros" in any context, my first thought association is always this; I was a teenager when it came out and it was repeated ad nauseam on music video channels - remember when MTV stood for Music Television and was still playing videos? There's a recent documentary on them, After the Screaming Stops, if you're into pop culture. But I digress, carry on.

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I'll sprinkle a little sunshine under your feet and just say you are the last person I'm going to have an argument with. You and I know you're a very clever chap, and I'm cool with that. We both know I will loose! 

Trust me I post a little bit of nonsense and a bit of true feelings, just to gently stir the Boards Of Canada cauldron. It's better for the pot to be stirred into life than looking at something stagnant and stale. And this sub forum has briefly burst into life, has it not?

Walk on sunshine Sir Alcofribas and have a nice day ?

(I'm in a good, positive mood today ha hah!)

Edited by beer badger
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4 hours ago, beer badger said:


I'll sprinkle a little sunshine under your feet and just say you are the last person I'm going to have an argument with. You and I know you're a very clever chap, and I'm cool with that. We both know I will loose! 

Trust me I post a little bit of nonsense and a bit of true feelings, just to gently stir the Boards Of Canada cauldron. It's better for the pot to be stirred into life than looking at something stagnant and stale. And this sub forum has briefly burst into life, has it not?

Walk on sunshine Sir Alcofribas and have a nice day ?

(I'm in a good, positive mood today ha hah!)

sorry if i come off as too aggressive m8. i am genuinely curious but maybe you're right that it's a volatile topic. 

praise be the the brothers, marcus and michaelus

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