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MSPs have backed Nicola Sturgeon's calls for a second Scottish independence referendum later this year in a vote at Holyrood.

The Scottish parliament passed a motion demanding that Boris Johnson allow another referendum on Scotland's place in the UK, pointing to Brexit as a "material change in circumstances" since the 2014 vote.

The motion, backed by 64 votes to 54, now calls on the UK government to "reach an agreement with the Scottish government on such a referendum taking place on a date and in a manner determined by the Scottish Parliament".




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Well it happened, and the lights are still on.


Can't wait for the first anti-Brexit headlines to appear!

Brexit causes cancer!

Brexit leads to accelerated erosion of Dover cliffs!

Brexit gives you Coronavirus!


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brexit won't be properly happening until the end of the year, so the accurate headlines pointing out how shit it's been will have to wait until after that.

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1 hour ago, Soloman Tump said:

Well it happened, and the lights are still on.


Can't wait for the first anti-Brexit headlines to appear!

Brexit causes cancer!

Brexit leads to accelerated erosion of Dover cliffs!

Brexit gives you Coronavirus!


Well, the Brexit really didn't happen overnight, like the hard Brexit would have, now there's the transition period going on and who knows how fucking long this is going to last. December 31st they say, but let's see.

From the BBC. I bolded the the funny part.


The transition (sometimes called the implementation period) is due to last until 31 December 2020.

During this period, the UK will remain in both the EU customs union and single market.

That means, until the transition ends, most things will stay the same. This includes:

  • Travelling to and from the EU (including the rules around driving licences and pet passports)
  • Freedom of movement (the right to live and work in the EU and vice versa)
  • UK-EU trade, which will continue without any extra charges or checks being introduced

Now transition has begun the UK will automatically lose its membership of the EU's political institutions, including the European Parliament and European Commission.

So, while the UK will no longer have any voting rights, it will need to follow EU rules. The European Court of Justice will also continue to have the final say over any legal disputes.


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17 minutes ago, beer badger said:

Just get some cocaine and put on some porn and forget about it.

Choke the chicken till it squawks its last breath.

don't do that, you'll make Merzbow mad


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10 hours ago, Braintree said:

I honestly can't wait to afford to visit England.

Even if I can't go there, I just like knowing I can afford it.

There are a plethora of nicer countries in Europe to visit ?

Edited by milkface
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10 hours ago, Braintree said:

I honestly can't wait to afford to visit England.

Even if I can't go there, I just like knowing I can afford it.

Lucky for you the people of England just voted to make it much, much more affordable.

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  • 4 months later...

Bwah hah hah hah

‘We want you back’ - Boris Johnson urges EU workers to return to UK to help the economy


We have a new koan, "What is the sound of a million middle fingers being raised in unison?"

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Yes, what a nice idea. The worst corona situation in Europe and unknown status after the Brexit. At least there are the weather and food, right?

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49 minutes ago, zkom said:

At least there are the weather and food

Get you a lovely tikka masala on a rainy night in Stoke and see if you don't fall in love all over again, innit.

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Reminds me a bit of the embedded US green card lottery ads I see when I'm reading the news from the USA. "Sure, that's where I want to move"

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