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Warp Tapes WAV


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Was half asleep when stream of part 2 was on, have properly listened now in full quality and fuck me , this is so good.

Think in an alternative universe part 2 could have been Incunabula! 

Although agree with previous comments it does seem like they have tidied it all up and mixed/remixed? bits so might be sounding even better than if this was actually released in the early 90's. Though with Ae who really knows..

Also fairly sure this will be my fav release of 2019 which is pretty mad for nearly 30 year old music just checked out for free!

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5 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

I’m getting into autechre (“ae”) is this a good place to start?

I somehow feel like this early material fits in better with their newer material than Incunabula... I think just cos it has a slightly darker, more aggressive edge to it maybe?

Somehow it feels like it fits the black-and-white graphic design aesthetic they use on newer releases a lot better...

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15 hours ago, mcbpete said:

Hell yeah, Helter Skelter style -


hah! I used this exact image to illustrate how I thought they should release them when discussing it in chat a few days ago.

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The recordings are clean as fuck — even cleaner than the Lego Feet reissue, which in my opinion sounded great. Top notch job on digitising these, Sam & Rod.

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lol alco

This is some treat. The nostalgia kicks like a mule because you can hear all the tips and tricks that went into the released tracks e.g. 606 flex outs, hard-hitting double time drums like "Crystel", etc. 

Even though it's "primitive" compared to what they would become, it was still such a cut above their contemporaries. I can remember so many mixes and compilations in the 90s where people thought it was just fine to ride out the same loop for 8 minutes and call it good. Even as lads, Ae kept it mutating and engaging, which couldn't have been comfortable on all the old klob.

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3 hours ago, phudoshin said:

thanks Ae boise!

still digesting Exai for ffs! ?


"I hope they return to shorter albums after the long tracklists of the last three" (2013: the age of innocence)

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Agreed on the digitised audio quality and littering of nostalgic crumbs. I have such a great time listening to these, very primordial ooze to our long-time obsession, and distinctly them. 89-93 also encompasses my own early childhood years (b.'88), so it aligns personally quite nicely. My family didn't even have any tech in the house until we got a TV towards the end of '93.


On my alphabetically arranged iTunes this release goes directly into The Avalanches Since I Left You, works a treat.

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3 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

I can't believe how they've been sitting on this music for 30 years, it blows my mind that they didn't think to themselves "this is so good we HAVE to release it" right when they made it.  Thanks m8s

Well, they did — that's why they were sent to Warp as demo!

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