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Just read about this study - haven't gone through the full report yet, but they key fact is the vast majority of protests and demonstrations across the US over the summer (there were >10K!!) were non-violent.


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7% were violent I read? which still seems fairly large (and is enough to produce a fair amount of damage and bad press), but not as bad as it was in the 60s/70s (where it was around 12% IIRC). the more positive thing is that, while the protests do seem to have diminished support for BLM in general (after an initial surge in support early on), they haven't reduced support for many specific reforms, and they don't seem to have given Trump much of a boost in the polls either.

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5% for protests overall, 7% for BLM associated protests in the study I linked. The media motto "if it bleeds, it leads", creates such a distorted picture - it shouldn't even be an issue.

Here's the highlights for BLM associated protests for anyone who cares:



  • Since 26 May, the day after George Floyd was killed by police, ACLED records over 7,750 demonstrations associated with the BLM movement across more than 2,440 locations in all 50 states and DC
    • States with the most events: California (819), New York (430), Florida (380), and Illinois (331)
  • The vast majority of these events more than 93% involve non-violent demonstrators
  • Approximately 9% of all demonstration events associated with the BLM movement or nearly one in 10 events have been met with intervention by police or other authorities
    • Of these interventions, government personnel used force3 in more than half at least 54%
    • The majority of these events are reported in California, Oregon, and New York
    • Authorities have also targeted journalists covering BLM demonstrations: ACLED records over 100 events of government violence against the media during demonstrations in 31 states and DC 
    • State intervention and use of force in demonstrations has increased relative to this time last year
  • Non-state actors are becoming more aggressive and are increasingly engaging demonstrators 
    • Since Floyd’s killing, ACLED records over 100 events in which non-state actors intervened in demonstrations, including militia groups as well as individual attackers
      • Individual perpetrators sometimes linked to hate groups like the KKK have launched dozens of car-ramming attacks targeting demonstrations around the country
    • ACLED records activity by over 20 distinct militia groups across the US during this period, and non-state actors are engaging in demonstrations more often relative to this time last year
    • Armed individuals are also becoming more common at demonstration events; in some cases they are present without engaging in the demonstrations claiming to ‘keep the peace’ if not openly intimidate perceived ‘enemies’ while in others they have engaged directly in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement. In total, over 50 such incidents are recorded since late May
  • The BLM movement has prompted a series of counter-protests, and many have turned violent
    • Since May, over 360 counter-protests have been reported around the country
      • Of these, more than 40 nearly 12% turned violent
    • Counter-protests are growing and increasingly turning violent relative to this time last year

Globally, in the weeks following Floyd’s death, ACLED records at least 8,700 demonstrations in solidarity with the BLM movement across 74 countries.4ACLED does not yet cover Canada or Oceania. Data for Western Europe are not yet published, but will be released in the coming months. See ACLED’s full list of country and time period coverage here.


There's a lot of information there, tons to go through.


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lol, jfc. entrepreneurship at its very finest.

Edited by Gocab
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On 8/29/2020 at 5:44 AM, rhmilo said:

Truly the most anodyne man alive.

You are a bit snarky. Obama is not anodyne. He is cool. Cool as a cucumber. Cool as the leather jacket on Andrew Dice Clay. 

HE always was. Look back at his talks in the 90's when he was a young man.. He hasn't changed.

Obama had the most angry group of white fuckheads stonewalling him for 8 years and he never cracked, Never said anything out of line. Never boo hoo'ed or whined. He was cool as fuck the whole time. He did what he could with Mitch McConnell and his army of type two diabetic cunts refusing to be seen in a picture with him and white knuckling their asses to make sure he was a one term president

You are anodyne

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48 minutes ago, marf said:

You are a bit snarky. Obama is not anodyne. He is cool. Cool as a cucumber. Cool as the leather jacket on Andrew Dice Clay. 

HE always was. Look back at his talks in the 90's when he was a young man.. He hasn't changed.

Obama had the most angry group of white fuckheads stonewalling him for 8 years and he never cracked, Never said anything out of line. Never boo hoo'ed or whined. He was cool as fuck the whole time. He did what he could with Mitch McConnell and his army of type two diabetic cunts refusing to be seen in a picture with him and white knuckling their asses to make sure he was a one term president

You are anodyne

“Barack Obama, a man so devoid of color and personality even Oprah can endorse him.”

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Obama is one of the most carefully managed brands in the world. But a third term of Obama would be like the mixtape that drops after the album, perhaps even better. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



VICE News has previously reported that crime scene photos contradict initial statements by the LMPD claiming that the officers involved, who work narcotics, do not wear body cameras. Photographs of officers taken from that night clearly show Tony James, one of the at least seven officers present for the raid, wearing a body camera over his right shoulder.


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  • 6 months later...


Derek Chauvin guilty of murder in George Floyd's death



MINNEAPOLIS — Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts Tuesday for causing George Floyd's death, a jury verdict that could send the disgraced former Minneapolis police officer to prison for the rest of his life. Chauvin's eyes darted left and right over his light blue surgical mask as Judge Peter Cahill read the jury's verdict, but he betrayed little else in the way of emotion.

Chauvin, who was convicted of second- and third-degree murder, as well as second-degree manslaughter, stood up quickly after the judge ordered his bail revoked and compliantly placed his hands to be handcuffed before he was led out of the courtroom. He faces up to 75 years in prison when he returns for sentencing in eight weeks.

Get fucked, Derek.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My Very Own Method to Help Black Lives:

1) Travel to Africa

2) Get yourself kidnapped

3) Let your government pay ransom money to the kidnappers

4) Get home safely

5) Get rich

6) Buy a nice house

7) Find a hot wife/husband

? Get a job

9) Raise kids (teach them to be their own gurus, because your governmental schools won't teach them anything useful and you are too stupid to teach them anything useful either, apart from some survival tricks)

10) Die.

The way I see it, that’s a pretty good life.

Stop being such a wuss. How can you expect to learn anything if you don’t experience the real world?

That’s why I think you should be allowed to travel to Africa and get yourself kidnapped. By god you should experience it first hand.

As for the ransom money, I say maybe you should pay that yourself. You earned it.

But there’s no way in hell you’re getting home safely. I won’t have you throwing your life away like that.

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3 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:


i must be really online and jaded because this strikes me as totally bizarre. I applaud this girl's decision to film this incident, and for that she deserves recognition (which she has already received) but the sobering reality is that it's one of many incidents of police brutality filmed on smartphones. a drop in an ocean really. Events outside of her control and influence caused the George Floyd incident to become oversized and symbolic vs other incidents that were filmed, such as the Eric Garner killing. Ramsey Orta "deserves" this award just as much as Frazier, but he was instead arrested in a plea deal sting iirc. Would Frazier even get this if the jury verdict on Chauvin was not guilty? This "right place, right time" award is also directly in conflict with previous Pulitzer special citation awards in journalism. Can we give a posthumous award to Zapruder?

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