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Autechre - SIGN 16.10.20


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A few weeks ago there was some speculation about this; I finally remembered to check it out.  The cover design for SIGN is indeed fluorescent.  Image below illuminated with filtered short wave ultraviolet light.  Non-fluorescent materials do not respond to this lamp, so any image present indicates a fluorescent response.  Note the background is nearly black, (not fluorescent).  Also note the white text appears violet, (a common response present in bleached white fibers such as paper or cotton clothing).  Lastly, the artwork is similarly fluorescent under long wave UV, so will fluoresce under a 'black light' but the separation will not be as clean, (grey sleeve will look dark grey/violet).


Anyway, it's a thing.


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2 hours ago, dingformung said:

Of course Max is freer than a DAW, if you know how to use it. My point basically was that a DAW doesn't fixate you onto a certain time signature and tempo, as someone  has suggested

also it's not as if ae pre sign output wasn't 90% 4/4 already anyway, so kind of a moot point imo.

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1 hour ago, tailings said:

A few weeks ago there was some speculation about this; I finally remembered to check it out.  The cover design for SIGN is indeed fluorescent.  Image below illuminated with filtered short wave ultraviolet light.  Non-fluorescent materials do not respond to this lamp, so any image present indicates a fluorescent response.  Note the background is nearly black, (not fluorescent).  Also note the white text appears violet, (a common response present in bleached white fibers such as paper or cotton clothing).  Lastly, the artwork is similarly fluorescent under long wave UV, so will fluoresce under a 'black light' but the separation will not be as clean, (grey sleeve will look dark grey/violet).


Anyway, it's a thing.  

Thank you for your work here.  Ian would be proud.

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9 minutes ago, eclipsis said:

that's very... practical feature for a record cover to have

Art for bees, among many potential purposes.  As an (un)intended side effect, I'm sure someone stoned will some day find it amusing, but surely it wasn't intended for that effect......  Much more realistically, the use of fluorescent pigments make for a more intense color as the visible light and fluorescent light responses combine.  That is precisely the effect of 'brighteners' in your laundry bleach and why every one glows on the dance floor.

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I think if this album were by someone else, my impression of it would be far more positive... I mean, I think it's really nice, not enjoying it quite as much as my favourite bits from exai-NTS, but I still really like it.

But imagine someone new coming out with something like M4 Lema as an opening track to their debut album?!? I would be EXTREMELY impressed. 

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4 hours ago, drillkicker said:

There are actually limits to what a DAW can do, though.  I don't think you can have a sequencer rhythm that's manipulated by an envelope follower coming from a different track, or if you can then it's probably extremely weird and difficult.  In something like Max it's simple and easy and you can go far beyond that without any restriction.  It's also very difficult to make tracks that use unconventional tonalities like non-octaviating scales in Ableton Live.

Using Ableton as an example is a bit strange, especially since Max for Live is a thing. 

3 hours ago, Stock said:

(also : Metaz form8 is Piezo 2.0)

Yeah, it brings back memories of listening to Piezo on acid, super beautiful.

11 minutes ago, springymajig said:

But imagine someone new coming out with something like M4 Lema as an opening track to their debut album?!? I would be EXTREMELY impressed. 

Right? I'd be thinking, "man these guys really nail the Ae-sthetic"

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On 10/16/2020 at 3:21 AM, xxx said:

"Metaz form8" is a melodic first degree relative of "Bronchusevnmx24". I don't have my tools with me but, depending on the key, the two could be crossfaded into an epic celebration of mechanical gloom. I searched the thread to see if anyone else had picked up on that but I didn't see anything.

That’s a really interesting observation as that’s one of my all time favorites of theirs - was just listening to it actually and thinking back, i can hear it now. Someone should really mash them together  

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On 10/17/2020 at 11:11 AM, apriorion said:

This album fits right between my copy of Steve Hauschildt's recent "Non-Lin" and Locust's recent "The Plaintive". All three are hitting me in the heart in complicated ways, accented by the grey, windy fall weather and cold house, personal struggles, work demands, political uncertainty, and the prospect of death. And I couldn't be more grateful for this. 

Thanks for that - these albums both sound really promising, albeit different vibes from one another. Nonlin sounds lush af so far ?

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On 10/18/2020 at 1:45 PM, Alcofribas said:

possibly even reminds me or terry rileys “a rainbow i[n Cur]ved air”

interestingly, his debut composition is called In C, so maybe there is a connection (In Curve?)

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On 10/19/2020 at 7:35 AM, azatoth said:

Ah yes, you are the one that believe it's BS that they program their synths and effects in Max and they use some more "traditional" DAW. Gotcha.

Yeah, you got me here. IDK. I rather think their production does not differ and did never differ too much from all other electronic musicians. The rest is just marketing for kids. But now we're adult. Sandpaper and tanks, anyone?

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11 hours ago, dingformung said:

Of course Max is freer than a DAW, if you know how to use it. My point basically was that a DAW doesn't fixate you onto a certain time signature and tempo, as someone  has suggested

I wasn't refering to tempo. 4/4 as a time signature was just an example. The DAW urges your mindset to be in a specific time signature and asks for repetitions. There's something Studio One Claustro edition.

claustro casual

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18 hours ago, dingformung said:

Definitely an acceptable position, imo, lol. Maybe I would have liked another atonal beat heavy beast slightly better than ambient lushness. But an album like this was missing in their discography, so I'm not disappointed.

Next album won't disappoint you. Their new style:


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25 minutes ago, Wurstwasser said:



From the nation that brought you Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. :facepalm:

I’m sure Sean and Rob can make this work. After all, on this album they do a fairly listenable rendition of background music to teary faced Kate Winslet hopping around the Moors crying out “Oh! Heatcliff!”

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Having my first listen to this. Only on "au14" so far but man this is so melodic. It's a nice shift away from the last couple of years output, which was great but sometimes a little too overwhelming.

One question - maybe @Rob Ae can answer? WHere's the best place to buy the digitals from - Bandcamp or bleep? What puts more money in your pocket?

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Damn that hour and six minutes went way too fast. Putting it back on for another spin. But after a first listen, this might be AOTY for me.


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6 hours ago, Wurstwasser said:

I wasn't refering to tempo. 4/4 as a time signature was just an example. The DAW urges your mindset to be in a specific time signature and asks for repetitions. There's something Studio One Claustro edition.

claustro casual

The grid can restrict you but you can deactivate it. I think in a way a DAW is even freer than modular systems because you can sequence by hand. You can place any sound anywhere you want. It's just time consuming to make complex tracks that way and not necessarily that much fun. Usually, unconsciously or consciously, you end up sequencing in a way that can also be expressed algorithmically. And that's what the bois did. Lazy fucks

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