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Guest brianellis

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Heh, I think Nina would regard my studio desk as a bit messy, especially given the lovely cable hanger I'm not making full use of over to the side there...

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Nina was nice enough to install some lights for me, check it out:




Lovely to look at. Nice atmosphere. How much did it cost you (the synths, not the lights)?

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Lovely set-ups on that page, especially liking the small modular in TechDiff's. I have other stuffs to buy before, but that's pretty much the only hardware I'm still lusting for (that and a MachineDrum). I'm now really happy ITB tbh.


Not the sexiest purchase, but finally got a nice encoder based MIDI controller (MIDI Fighter Twister). Feels good.




Now I'm seriously considering saving for a set of Amphion monitors. I love my Coax, they're quite fantastic honestly... but they're so detailled that it often leads me to endless (and I really mean it) nitpicking. From what I've read, the One12/15 might be exactly what I need. Now that's some serious money, but it seems that they're totally worth it.

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Lovely set-ups on that page, especially liking the small modular in TechDiff's. I have other stuffs to buy before, but that's pretty much the only hardware I'm still lusting for (that and a MachineDrum). I'm now really happy ITB tbh.


Not the sexiest purchase, but finally got a nice encoder based MIDI controller (MIDI Fighter Twister). Feels good.




Now I'm seriously considering saving for a set of Amphion monitors. I love my Coax, they're quite fantastic honestly... but they're so detailled that it often leads me to endless (and I really mean it) nitpicking. From what I've read, the One12/15 might be exactly what I need. Now that's some serious money, but it seems that they're totally worth it.


K702 on the pic?


Oh man, keep the detailed monitors and learn how to produce stuff that you are satisfied with. You keep nitpicking because you don't know what you are doing yet, believe me. Not trying to be an arrogant asshole here I really mean it in a good way because I had (and still having) a similar experience. Of course, if you are simply not satisfied with their overall sound then change them.

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Ragnar: Buzztracker, right?


Jev: No offense taken, even though I'd say I know what I do, what I want, and how to proceed ;) Not saying that it's an easy process though!


The Coax aren't even magnifying glasses, they're absurdly precise microscopes. I love them to bits, but they're often telling me way to much, and damn that can be confusing and confidence destroying at times. Not blaming them, blaming myself for being so anal and lunatic when it comes to my own work. I'm starting to think that, no matter how good they are, they just might not be the right ones for me. I might also think differently once my LP is done and released though...


As you can guess from my set-up, I'm not a gear-fetish at all (not that there's anything wrong with that...), so it's more about having the right pieces of kit rather than GAS. From what I've read, the Amphion might be exactly what I need.


And yes, these are K702. And a pair of Focal Spirit Professional when it comes to headphones, APS Coax nearfields and Abacus CBox 2 (the tiny white ones).


I love the K702 but they can be misleading and confusing for production duties. I first bought the Focals to contrast the Coax (didn't have the AKGs then): I don't like them that much (not comfy enough, and weird high freqs) but they can be really useful, especially in the lows.


The Coax are stunningly fast when it comes to transients, super flat and accurate frequency wise (but won't tell much under 60Hz) and finally they have an astonishing stereo image (seems to be a strength of coaxial designs). They translate really nicely: I remember going to a friend's pro studio, listening to tunes of mine on Barefoot and expensive Focal sets and being super happy to hear that everything sounded as expected.


The CBox 2 are super compact monitors, excellent ones I'd say, that I bought for my former "closet" studio: the Coax were way too big for that tiny room, sounding absolutely awful there (exciting all its nulls and resonances). I kept them as second references, but consider selling them.

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Jev: No offense taken, even though I'd say I know what I do, what I want, and how to proceed ;) Not saying that it's an easy process though!


The Coax aren't even magnifying glasses, they're absurdly precise microscopes. I love them to bits, but they're often telling me way to much, and damn that can be confusing and confidence destroying at times. Not blaming them, blaming myself for being so anal and lunatic when it comes to my own work. I'm starting to think that, no matter how good they are, they just might not be the right ones for me. I might also think differently once my LP is done and released though...


As you can guess from my set-up, I'm not a gear-fetish at all (not that there's anything wrong with that...), so it's more about having the right pieces of kit rather than GAS. From what I've read, the Amphion might be exactly what I need.


I love the K702 but they can be misleading and confusing for production duties.


OK, mate. Whatever works for you.


I love microscopic details and brutal honesty when making music because it pushes me to try harder. And knowing the balance between nitpicking and not caring at all is part of the work imo. The test is to play music you adore on your detailed speakers and try find something to nitpick. If there is nothing to nitpick it is your level of production to aspire to. At least that is what I do. If "they" can do it, I can do it too (hopefully, even if it takes me my whole life lol).


What is it in your opinion that causes your speakers to be so "microscopic"? Speed? Mid-centric response? Too much highs?



I love the K702 but they can be misleading and confusing for production duties.


Can you elaborate what confuses you? I own K701 and love them for most of the work (I am cross checking with my Focal speakers, notebook speakers, and variety of low-end headphones to get the best perspective). I love how intolerant they are to badly mixed material.

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Lovely to look at. Nice atmosphere. How much did it cost you (the synths, not the lights)?



Thanks! It's hard to say, as bits of it were made by Nina, and other bits were swapped with bits Nina had made, so a lot of the value's in her labour rather than cash. I even managed to solder one module myself, though Nina did a much nicer job with all of hers. The rest is probably in the region of about two to three grand, maybe? I'm finally settling down buying new modules, now getting compressor, EQ and NLS plug-ins for the mixing stage of everything, so that's something. You can't really see in the photo, but just to the left is Nina's workshop, and it's not the biggest room... Of course, Nina's synth (the one we play live as Bitloader) looks even nicer than mine, but that's another matter entirely!

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Guest Chesney

Some nice stuff going on in here. Can we have a better lit pic ig? wanna see what's in the rack and whatnot ;)

I see you like your waldorf like me.


Rag: clean up ya messy buggar! ;)

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currently making drum sounds




i work at the muffwiggler store so shit happens.






Wow, it looks almost like a pro studio to me.


What kind of acoustic treatment is that? DIY or pro?


Lovely to look at. Nice atmosphere. How much did it cost you (the synths, not the lights)?



Thanks! It's hard to say, as bits of it were made by Nina, and other bits were swapped with bits Nina had made, so a lot of the value's in her labour rather than cash. I even managed to solder one module myself, though Nina did a much nicer job with all of hers. The rest is probably in the region of about two to three grand, maybe? I'm finally settling down buying new modules, now getting compressor, EQ and NLS plug-ins for the mixing stage of everything, so that's something. You can't really see in the photo, but just to the left is Nina's workshop, and it's not the biggest room... Of course, Nina's synth (the one we play live as Bitloader) looks even nicer than mine, but that's another matter entirely!




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Here is some of it..

Not usually set up on my desk like that, but every so often it's nice to do. Have picked up a couple other modules since this pic.


Not visible is dead laptop henge, and the place where MIDI controllers go to die.


thats a lovely modular setup. around how much, if you dont mind?

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all lush is welcome here. Covered in dust or crisp crumbs or partially obscured by cats, house plants, supermodels, it's all welcome here. We even accept shitty decor surrounding the equipment, my eyes are still smarting from those curtains, omgord.

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acoustic stuff is from GIKs acoustics. they're nice people. helped me fix some bass problems. made the studio when i refinished the basement. but it's just a room w/decent lights and acoustic panels. it doesn't have a floating floor anything like that. i need all the help i can get w/mixing. w/o basstraps i'd be fucked. after 20+ years it's nice to not have a studio in the kitchen or piled up next to my bed.




imo, it's not too crazy packed w/gear though. MW XT, blofeld, NL 2X, G2 engine, Octatrack.. eurorack system, old PC laptop for whatever FX munging mackie mixer, yammy DX-11.. some old boss half rack FX and a TC D2 delay, 2009 Mac pro. RME fireface, lnyx aurora, unitor 8 for midi and stack of hard drives.


i've gone through having too much gear and just having a computer and a sampler. i have a good relationship w/the gear i have now if that makes sense. i use it all. it's nice to focus on different things.. different working environments.

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