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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest viscosity

see I was hoping Fez had that 3d/2d puzzle aspect to it that would make it innovative. unless that's a complete gimmick? I have yet to play it, will probably check it out tonight

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Anyone else been playing Tribes: Ascend? It's release from open beta was officially today at 2 pm EST. I went back four pages and saw no mention of it.

It's pretty fun and is on the free-to-play model.


is it completely free to play or is there some ultra extreme weapon shop where you can use real cash to buy weaps ?

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God I hate those Max Payne trailers. Apart from the cover system (ugh) and procedural animations (ok cool) you could almost put the same boasting marketing crap on Max Payne 1 footage. Reimplementing 10 year old game features is not innovation.

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Anyone else been playing Tribes: Ascend? It's release from open beta was officially today at 2 pm EST. I went back four pages and saw no mention of it.

It's pretty fun and is on the free-to-play model.


is it completely free to play or is there some ultra extreme weapon shop where you can use real cash to buy weaps ?


nm, looks like a typical pay cash to get l33t gear bullshit.

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Guest Drahken

Anyone else been playing Tribes: Ascend? It's release from open beta was officially today at 2 pm EST. I went back four pages and saw no mention of it.

It's pretty fun and is on the free-to-play model.


is it completely free to play or is there some ultra extreme weapon shop where you can use real cash to buy weaps ?


nm, looks like a typical pay cash to get l33t gear bullshit.


You can buy any of the gear with xp. The only thing that requires cash are skins.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I haven't put a dime into Tribes and I fucking destroy most of the time. Tribes is a skill based no pussies will survive mans game, it requires more multitasking, precision, quick thinking than any good shooter team gaming has seen in a while.


Dirt 3 is such a beautiful racing game by the way.


And Battlefield 3 is confirmed to be more fun with friends in smaller servers.

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Rockstar Games is one of the few companies that can turn shit into gold. Their track record is amazing - GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA IV, The Lost and the Damned DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC, Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare DLC, Bully, Table Tennis (YES!) and so on and so on. I can't think of another company that has made so many awesome games, and their ability to tell compelling stories is beyond what any other company has ever dared to do, and this is why I'm positive that Max Payne 3 is in the right hands. Also, their use of the Euphoria engine in their last couple of games has been the icing on the cake, and they're also using this for Max Payne 3.


The most positive statement ever posted by Squee.

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Guest Hermann

I have been obsessed lately with this game called Heroes of Migh and Magic, and it´s number IV that´s my favourite at the moment. This is of course a part of my series of "re-visiting childhood games".


But this version i´ve been obsessed with is mainly due to its atmosphere that the earlier games just don´t have, and the ones that came after this one well you can pretty much just forget about them..

This one is great for me because of the whole other-worldly map qualities, of course the music plays a big part too, and it's nice and relaxed and calm, which makes it a perfect game to play when stoned!


Another thing I´ve begun to become obsessed with is the stories they´ve written for the campaigns. Pretty much all through the game you get lots of texts popping up telling you the general story that´s going on. Ok I´ll admit some are stupid and cheesy, but they will surprise you now and again with the fact that you´re actually interested in them (or I am at least).



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Rockstar Games is one of the few companies that can turn shit into gold. Their track record is amazing - GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA IV, The Lost and the Damned DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony DLC, Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare DLC, Bully, Table Tennis (YES!) and so on and so on. I can't think of another company that has made so many awesome games, and their ability to tell compelling stories is beyond what any other company has ever dared to do, and this is why I'm positive that Max Payne 3 is in the right hands. Also, their use of the Euphoria engine in their last couple of games has been the icing on the cake, and they're also using this for Max Payne 3.


The most positive statement ever posted by Squee.


That's because they make good products.

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Guest Drahken

It wouldn't be tribes without Shazbot.


Compared to T2, they did a much better job with the physics. I hated how soupy T2 was compared to T1.

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God I hate those Max Payne trailers. Apart from the cover system (ugh) and procedural animations (ok cool) you could almost put the same boasting marketing crap on Max Payne 1 footage. Reimplementing 10 year old game features is not innovation.


Agreed. Remedy explained pretty well why they wouldn't make another MP sequel in the alan wake references, but god damnit.

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I'm back into Fallout New Vegas. I rented the ultimate edition. I already own New Vegas, but it was either pay $10 per dlc, of which there is 4, or pay $10 to rent the ultimate edition with all of the dlc on the disc. So I just have to beat all of the dlc within a week. 1 down (Old World Blues), 3 to go. :gamer:

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Guest trananhhung

I started Mass Effect 2 on the PS3. I'm 3 hours in and the game has frozen 3 times. Anyone had issues with it? I'm running the latest version.

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I started Mass Effect 2 on the PS3. I'm 3 hours in and the game has frozen 3 times. Anyone had issues with it? I'm running the latest version.


I've done multiple playthroughs of Mass Effect 2 on PS3 and it didn't freeze on me at all. Strange that it's freezing up on you.

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Legend of Grimock



great dungeon crawl so far. only 14 bucks.

definetly going to get this, eye of the beholder style crawler. and you're supposed to be able to create your own maps as well, might be cool.


played some tribes ascend just now, really good!

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Guest Alfred E. Neuman



I just bought a TV this week (after not having one for two years), hooked my Wii, and am really laying into this game. I love it so much. I'm not sure that anything has capture my attention as much as this, ever. The playability, all of the hidden items and power-ups, the music, the genius level design--everything. Nintendo needs to pull another Megaman and make more 2D games. Imagine if they did this with the Mario franchise, Zelda and Metroid? They'd make a fortune. So much of Nintendo sales is about nostalgia. Why don't they recognize this and take advantage of it? The average gamer is, like, 35 years old or something. We want 2D!

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