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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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edit: trying not to be a dick. sorry.


smetty is a pretty cool guy, he lols thru guises and doesn't afraind of anything


edit: dammit, you edited while i quoted you and it still changed the quote. fuckkkkkkin mind blowin

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Hey, no one thought Duke Nukem would ever come out. and then it did......and was a piece of shit. lol. God i hope that doesn't happen to BGE 2. the first was a great game. same with Half life.

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Hi I have been playing Super meat boy lately, I love how when the level ends you see the ghosts of all the attemps




Also I have been playing Nihilumbra, as I participated in it and had to test all the levels ;) I wanted to share with you so I made a post:



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Hey, no one thought Duke Nukem would ever come out. and then it did......and was a piece of shit. lol. God i hope that doesn't happen to BGE 2. the first was a great game. same with Half life.


Yea but those developers hadn't been doing anything from the time between the two Duke Nukem. Valve has tons going on Portal 2, TF2, steam, etc... They are active all the time, releasing updates for source and steam. It isn't the same thing comparing the two.

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edit: trying not to be a dick. sorry.


smetty is a pretty cool guy, he lols thru guises and doesn't afraind of anything


edit: dammit, you edited while i quoted you and it still changed the quote. fuckkkkkkin mind blowin



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Guest Frankie5fingers

Hey, no one thought Duke Nukem would ever come out. and then it did......and was a piece of shit. lol. God i hope that doesn't happen to BGE 2. the first was a great game. same with Half life.


Yea but those developers hadn't been doing anything from the time between the two Duke Nukem. Valve has tons going on Portal 2, TF2, steam, etc... They are active all the time, releasing updates for source and steam. It isn't the same thing comparing the two.

thats true. i do sure hope your right.
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LA noire, started it up again. I intend to finish. I'm on the vice squad just did the ice block mission thing. I watched zodiac and it made me want to play again. Kind of cool game just because it's pretty.

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Guest jasondonervan

LA noire, started it up again. I intend to finish. I'm on the vice squad just did the ice block mission thing. I watched zodiac and it made me want to play again. Kind of cool game just because it's pretty.


I love the world/atmosphere of LA Noire, it's the only game I've ever got a platinum trophy for on the PS3, and I usually don't care for that stuff. I just didn't want to leave 1947 LA! I bought it again on Steam's midweek madness deal yesterday, got the complete edition with all the DLC missions which I didn't play on PS3 - should be good!

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Had a couple of deliveries. I shall be playing these :happy:





Why don't you start playing serious games? I bet none of these even have swearing.

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jeez, how much did Mother set you back? I still remember the cocktease of ESRB rating Earthbound for rerelease, then nothing.


btw the net is abuzz that World Of Warcraft is a Wii U eshop launch title and the first console version.

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Why don't you start playing serious games? I bet none of these even have swearing.


Pff, yeah and Super Metroid can be clocked in well under 3 hours - You really should play some serious games.

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That was a joke.




Saying that SMB isn't a 'serious' game is kinda.. silly. nevermind.

the game is about a Japanese Italian plumber eating mushrooms, jumping into pipes, and saving a princess from a giant turtle. you really think thats "Serious". lol.




and now it's ruined

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Been having a lot of fun racing in Dirt 3 again, beautiful game, perfect blend of arcade and simulation.


Saw that Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit was on sale for 11.99, snatched that shit up, just finished installing. Very arcade, super intense multiplayer crazyness, it might be the funnest racing game I've ever played. I love how it's slightly influenced by the drifting and style of Outrun. I'm really pumped to play it again, when my friend got it on Xbox I had borrow it a few times, pretty rare that I ever fiendishly need to borrow a game from a homie.


50 bucks is a lot to put into a game you already bought for me. Can't imagine paying subscriptions on MMOs but, I'm not too mad at myself that I bought Battlefield 3 Premium, lotta content for 50 bucks. The Close Quarters update and the new game type is awesome.

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God Hand is probably the best half-assed game I have ever played. Very underrated game.

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Thank gods I finally got a machine good enough to play Skyrim. Elder Scrolls makes me feel all warm and mushy inside.


And goddamn this game is FUN. Only problem (not really a problem) is that the shadows are a lumpy mess even on ultra quality.

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