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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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this album still remains aoty for me... something about it just feels timeless... pure and relaxed. a very mature release imo

Edited by karmakramer
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Guest VgqepetrahLcwg swr6


The following text will not make sense


Although I like Oversteps as a whole, it just doesn't do the trick for me as Untilted, Confield or Quaristice did.

I hope Move of Then will be a menace, a FUCKING MENACE(!) in contrast to Overstep's light 'n' easy melodies.

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The following text will not make sense


Although I like Oversteps as a whole, it just doesn't do the trick for me as Untilted, Confield or Quaristice did.

I hope Move of Then will be a menace, a FUCKING MENACE(!) in contrast to Overstep's light 'n' easy melodies.

This totally makes sense. Oversteps is like a nice warm bath after battling robots for 18 years, but one does feel the call of battle.

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Guest victorian sewer rituals

Oversteps is a vacation [hiatus]. A moment to clarify and be reminded of the how grand the scheme actually is. Oh and, LUSH IN THE EXTREME.


Can only imagine what its going to sound like when they flip back to a predatory sound.

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I hope that when Sean and Rob pass on they are beatified and made the patron saints of IDM. :emotawesomepm9:

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I've been struggling to listen to this all the way through now. Which is annoying because I do like Yuop a lot as an ending track. I tend to get a little bored after os-veix3.


I still really like it though... it's so comfortable to listen to.

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who here loves st epreo? I've not stopped listening to it for a while now. So many interesting things going on in that track - certainly in my top autechre. It makes for a perfect transition into redfall. st epreo is the muck and dirt, redfall is the cleanser to your ears.

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who here loves st epreo? I've not stopped listening to it for a while now. So many interesting things going on in that track - certainly in my top autechre. It makes for a perfect transition into redfall. st epreo is the muck and dirt, redfall is the cleanser to your ears.


st epreo is brilliant, definitely one of my favs from the album

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St. Epreo and os viex 3 are especially tasty.


I never got the St. Epreo "wtf is this shit" thread, unless a few people at the time of the leak had been thinking that the ending of d-sho was the beginning of Epreo.

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The beats kicking in in Treale at 1:48 is forcing me to blink my eyes every time.

haha yes! i remember this happening when i first listened to oversteps, very loud in headphones on the way to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest vodor

oversteps is boring, boring, boring. i can't imagine how it inspired 300 pages.


it's so boring. i've never ever ever been bored by autechre before. i love love love beatless autechre. a great many of my autechre favorites are beatless or ambient.


but oversteps is boooooooring. i've listened to it many times. always the same.


i've mostly listened in the car. is that my problem? do i need to queue up the 24-bit waves and slip on my $500 headphones to like oversteps? if that's my problem, that's bullshit. headphone-only, tea-sipping, chin-scratching albums are BORING. albums that are only engaging if carefully considered are BORING. good music should engage one emotionally or kinetically or visually or SOMETHING. it should do it against one's will. it should MAKE you pay attention.


oversteps is boring. there are a couple really great tracks, but it's a boring album. i'm sure it's brilliantly made and complex and whatever. of course it is, it's autechre. but it's boring to listen to. i've never been more interested in how they made the music, because the music is boring to listen to and doesn't hold my interest or engage me at all. i'm left wondering about all the brilliant shit they did to make it just to mine something interesting out of it.


i'm convinced that anyone who's taken with this album is trying way too hard to like it.


if you're an autechre fan but didn't really get along with a couple of their albums because they offended some sensibilities of yours, naturally oversteps will be a good fit for you, i think, because if oversteps is one thing, it's inoffensive.


i've deeply loved every autechre album until now.

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Guest victorian sewer rituals

oversteps is boring, boring, boring. i can't imagine how it inspired 300 pages.


Your opinion isn't a universal reality. Oversteps is unreal to me.

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there are a couple really great tracks


Out of interest, what would you say those were? And your choices of the worst tracks too..


I agree that it's boring. I was going go through every track and say why I find them so unsatisfying, but..i won't bother.

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Guest vodor

Out of interest, what would you say those were? And your choices of the worst tracks too..


I agree that it's boring. I was going go through every track and say why I find them so unsatisfying, but..i won't bother.


upon reflection, "couple really great" was kind of generous. the one really great autechre track is r ess. there are a few that might still be great in general, but just kinda good by autechre standards:




os veix3



and then meh/alright, and then dreadfully boring:



see on see




i have listened carefully again since the post i made, and there are some really wicked, brilliant details and nuances (as always from autechre) even in the really boring tracks, but... they're still really boring tracks, and make for a boring album especially.


and yeah i know it's all subjective. i did get caught up in the moment when i tried to denounce other people's opinions of the album. opining on the internet is intense stuff.


i still assert strongly that the album is boring and don't feel the need to tack on "in my opinion," because that is implicit!

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I find Oversteps to be incredible, and of all the Autechre albums I own, I'm least interested in how they made this one - because it hits me with such a great emotional punch.


Move of Ten, however...

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Guest theSun

I find Oversteps to be incredible, and of all the Autechre albums I own, I'm least interested in how they made this one - because it hits me with such a great emotional punch.


Move of Ten, however...












































:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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