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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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If you're considering getting a dog, please at least stop and think to see if you'd have the balls to open your front door to someone who's just been charged at and had his leg gashed open by your cute critter completely unprovoked. Don't give a toss if it couldn't hurt a fly, it could have taken the leg off my kid, and I know you're sitting in your front room because I can smell you smoking a joint through the window you utter cunt

Holy shit, lol...

You should probably get a tetanus shot

and rabies jfc

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rereading this whole thread again.. currently on page 955 (tapatalk)

great entretaiment to loose time during my lazee summer job


my fwp being that my summer job gives me way, way too much free time and I'm reading watmm.


edit: when I'm done reading this I'm doing the skrillex thread

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work itself is not bad, it's just the cunts I have to deal with. I'm doing a short outposting at another agency at the moment which is going well and has the potential to help my career in a big way. the biggest problem is the home front, that's where things are the worst rn and where I have the least ability to be able to change anything. it's complicated. I'm actually tangled up in court stuff at the moment.

I suggest a nice relaxing bowel movement.

Get settled in, bring a newspaper, your phone, maybe a fan if it's very hot.

Take a good hour to sit on the toilet and shit.

You'll feel like a new man after.

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I suggest an unrelaxing bowel movement.

Where you're on the lam and Jonny Law is constantly barking at your heels.

The act of finding a proper place to shit will free your mind of the doldrum of work/relationship life.

You'll need sharp senses and some soft paper for this one.

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Better than overhearing work colleagues saying "Grenfell was a tragedy, not saying it isn't......but how many people in that tower do you think were English?"



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not to desecrate the dead or detract from that big friendly death seared across the mind as less of a tragedy due of ethnicity, or killer dogs on the rampage & possible rabies shots, but there are no kitkats in the fridge


although dogs are better than cats and jack russells the best of them all, if *you ever have to immobilize a dangerous dog quickly you pull both its front legs apart until they snap




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The problem with that method is that the mouth is above the front legs and that's usually the most dangerous bit(e) of any dog


Also I am not fond of dogs either, they are brainless morons

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I'm watching facers trying to hijack people. Fucking morons. I mean, the cause they're supporting is great but who on earth told them it's a good idea to wear silly hats, clown noses, walk around barefooted, and awkward dances in front of people.

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I downloaded the Isis discography and am probably on some FBI/NSA watchlist by proxy.  You'd think a fancy-pants terrorist organization like that could at least do some research before choosing an acronym.

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I downloaded the Isis discography and am probably on some FBI/NSA watchlist by proxy.  You'd think a fancy-pants terrorist organization like that could at least do some research before choosing an acronym.

Oceanic is a great 'pinnacle' sort of album, very emotional, but I really feel that In The Absence Of Truth really is their best all around.


Assuming you're talking about the metal band and not the R & B group. Or the terrorist organization's side gig.


Fun side note: this album OSIRIS by ISISIS, though a track or two on it ain't bad, contains this wonderful/fucking ridiculous mission statement: 


Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess; the ideal mother, wife and patroness of nature and magic.  She is the divine friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden. 

ISIS is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria; self-proclaimed caliphate claiming religious authority over all Muslims across the world. 
I̡̡͕S̵̡̡I̡̧̡S̡̡͝I̡̡͎S̡̡̀ is a London-based 21 year old tech/security programmer born in Luxor, Egypt. 
I̡̡͕S̵̡̡I̡̧̡S̡̡͝I̡̡͎S̡̡̀ believes the military is usurping Isis' energy as a deliberate neuro linguistic programming method to change the consciousness of the energy of ISIS.  This project rebrands the divine feminine that is the original ISIS, through the concept of ISISIS… This is Isis 3.0 
I̡̡͕S̵̡̡I̡̧̡S̡̡͝I̡̡͎S̡̡̀ is now recording for Detroit Underground...
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A peculiar piece of Isis related info is that Aaron Harris (along with two members of Deftones) was in the Paris venue the Eagles of Death Metal were playing in moments before a terrorist attack occurred in 2015 (although he left before it happened).


Basically, a former member of Isis the band was in the venue before Isis the terrorist group shot the place up.

Edited by Bechuga
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Panopticon, nigras.


edit: actually I think Wavering Radiant is their most accomplished and compete record all round, though Panopticon is more special to me because of the time and place I first heard.

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A peculiar piece of Isis related info is that Aaron Harris (along with two members of Deftones) was in the Paris venue the Eagles of Death Metal were playing in moments before a terrorist attack occurred in 2015 (although he left before it happened).


Basically, a former member of Isis the band was in the venue before Isis the terrorist group shot the place up.

 Awkward lol 


Thanks for all the Isis album recommendations.  I will probably go through all of them chronologically and report back with my findings.

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so the internet connection i'm using is from my landlord that lives upstairs, i'm basement. it works fine but it's not fast enough for my switch to play online. i don't know if i want to pay for my own internet just for games... is there some sort of way to increase the connection in my flat, like buy some kind of hardware??

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