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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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6 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Turns out my wheezy throat thing is, in fact, a cold. I can feel it in my ears now, and I'm coughing sporadically.  But more annoying than that, is that I bit the tip of my tongue last night, while telling my GF about the last time I was actually offended.  It punctuated what I said in the worst possible way.  Sort of took offence to it tbqh.  Anyway, I can't stop paying attention to it.  Don't recall the last time I was this irritated by anything.  Furthermore, I lay awake for over an hour before coming here, meaning I only got 4 hours sleep.  Awful.

so annoying how a combination of seemly trivial things can build up into a perfect storm like this. if you're losing sleep over it then you know it sucks.

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Just made chana masala for the first time but it came out runny. Pretty sure it's supposed to have a thicker, pastier texture. Hopefully it'll congeal overnight like my Japanese curry does.

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6 minutes ago, ambermonke said:

Just made chana masala for the first time but it came out runny. Pretty sure it's supposed to have a thicker, pastier texture. Hopefully it'll congeal overnight like my Japanese curry does.

Make a slurry with flour?

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1 hour ago, Squee said:

Been working on a project for the past 6 months and I’ve just been told that I can’t tell anyone I worked on it when it comes out.


just in case you haven't already - if you're not allowed to talk about the project yourself, make sure someone in your employment can make a record of it. so ask for a letter of recommendation. that way, in the future you'll have something to show for all the work you've done.

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31 minutes ago, Dragon said:

just in case you haven't already - if you're not allowed to talk about the project yourself, make sure someone in your employment can make a record of it. so ask for a letter of recommendation. that way, in the future you'll have something to show for all the work you've done.

It's all good. My client is cool and I'm sure we'll figure something out. Just kinda wish I could post the music once it comes out. Oh weeeeell!

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7 minutes ago, Squee said:

It's all good. My client is cool and I'm sure we'll figure something out. Just kinda wish I could post the music once it comes out. Oh weeeeell!

aw shit i didn't know it was music. what are you working for Gescom?

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I wiped out in the circle pit during Suicidal Tendencies almost 2 weeks ago and landed on my lower back. I was a bit startled but everything seemed ok. But now it's starting to feel sore. Stupid old body.

Also fuck everybody on fatbikes. Seriously, fuck off and die.


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think i got more allergic to red ants. a bunch of them peed on me throughout the last few weeks of gardening and I look like the fkn elephant man, what the fuck.

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6 hours ago, chronical said:

red ants. a bunch of them peed on me

if i were you i'd high-tail it to FWSucesses my boy. idk where you got this renal telekinesis but i would give anything to be able to determine whether or not a red ant has peed on me. scientists probably buy that shit in jars! (also shit in jars)

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On 6/25/2022 at 12:57 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

The upper range of my voice is all wheezy today.  Woke up with my throat feeling "coarse"... but it's different from a typical sore throat.  I think I've been pushing it too hard in the van-singing department lately.  Plus a karaoke night where I ended up screaming the last chorus of someone else's song (Violet by Hole... fucking nailed it, but at what cost?).  Bummer, since being able to scream-sing with ease was a major vocal breakthrough for me.  Hrmmmm....

Oh wow, I guess this is when I first came down with the 'vid.  That means I'm on day 5 and am okay to re-integrate with the general public according to the health mandate.  Was kind of enjoying having an excuse to not do anything though...  Also this means I was running around passing my disease off left right and centre with every Skip delivery I made for a couple days.  Shit...  I do always put my mask on for this very possibility, and never cough inside a public place (I'm able to choose when I cough, generally... never NEED to).  Anyway... really hoping I didn't inadvertently kill anyone.

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Film Twitter is 99.9% manchildren and .1% twats with lukewarm hot takes. If I have to read another two sentence movie related post containing mid, goat, legendary or masterpiece again I'm going to shit my pants*

Edited by Silent Member
*This post made me shit my pants.
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On 6/28/2022 at 8:04 PM, user said:

I wiped out in the circle pit during Suicidal Tendencies almost 2 weeks ago and landed on my lower back. I was a bit startled but everything seemed ok. But now it's starting to feel sore. Stupid old body.

Also fuck everybody on fatbikes. Seriously, fuck off and die.


Just wanna add that I just managed to land my full weight on my lower back again. This time wiping out my bike because of a combo of trying to catch a train, slippery conditions and not noticing that the road wasn’t as level as I thought it was. 
This time the pain was instantaneous though, counting that as a win. Fuck me. 

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underestimated the coffee stain i received on a nice polo shirt that i just bought


the stain has now basically burned in. i threw everything at it ffs


pro tip: use *cold* water, never use hot water to try to remove a coffee stain.... and run to a tap immediately, don't linger, those damn tannines will bite you in the ass

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14 hours ago, Silent Member said:

Film Twitter is 99.9% manchildren and .1% twats with lukewarm hot takes. If I have to read another two sentence movie related post containing mid, goat, legendary or masterpiece again I'm going to shit my pants*

If you don't already, you should 100% use Letterboxd instead. First of all, the reviews are pretty hilarious, people are self-concious about their bullshit, and the Film Lists are great.


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Earlier forecast called for rain all day today, but there ended up not being a single drop. And no rain in the foreseeable forecast either.

Alaska is turning into a desert. Sucks.

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My cat licked my tofu while i was cutting it.

Had various flashbacks of my brother joking about heartworms and had to throw it away from fear of the mighty heartworms devouring my inner organs.

FFS what kind of cat licks tofu?

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