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yeh judging from that first episode bob odenkirk's doing dep andy heh

was that character in the film?

Edited by vincentvc
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none of the characters in the show are in the film, although some of the archetypes are in both. it's a totally new story that's only real connection to the film is setting & vibe.


enjoy fargo, fellas. it's a good one.

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wow. this was terrible. couldn't even really get into it because of how annoying EVERYONE is. it's like a tv show version of gravity with bits of moon for the flashback sequences mixed in with ai and terra nova (for the technology and unbelievable characters). oh and the mystery, isn't even interesting.

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read a telegraph interview with the show creator about the ending which was pretty vague, the article was one of the first results in my search and now i don't give enough of a fuck to check the wiki synopsis, yay at deflated interest. ;-]

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wow. this was terrible. couldn't even really get into it because of how annoying EVERYONE is. it's like a tv show version of gravity with bits of moon for the flashback sequences mixed in with ai and terra nova (for the technology and unbelievable characters). oh and the mystery, isn't even interesting.


Oh yea. That was bad. 0 Halle Berry boobs/2


F/Xs The Strain was pretty shit too.

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The episode of Hannibal where Fred Chilton is framed as The Chesapeake Ripper is some of the best TV I've seen in a long time.

Poor Abel Gideon.

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started watching Fargo due to all the good feedback here and elsewhere.


pretty fuckin decent. holds up to the movie well. i watched the first 4 eps in a row yesterday when suffering real bad anxiety induced head fuckedness and it did a damn fine job of keeping me distracted.


my one complaint would be the casting of martin freeman, hes an alrite enough actor, but his accent is almost laughable at some points and i find it hard to believe a man who looks like a 14th century farmer would kill his wife.

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Only TV shows I like


The Office (Up till season 4)+ British Office

Always Sunny in Philly


TV has always felt like a waste of time to me since film and books are superior.

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Guest Al Hounos

just watched the first few episodes of Sex and the City.


pretty funny! nice late 90's time capsule too. a more innocent time, really...

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Clarence (another Cartoon Network masterpiece series)


True Blood (last season - first of the season's episodes was pretty lame, hope it gets better)


Silicon Valley - (which is excellent)


Hotwives of Orlando (parody - probably only funny to anyone who has watched the absurdly trashy Bravo Housewives reality shows)


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Guest bitroast

been watching a lot of mde recently. bits of tim and eric youtube things. (watched all of tim and eric nite live yesterday and my god it was hilarious).

just recently got all of tim and eric awesome job and going to give it another try I love their awkward anti-humour style approach, but the flash/internet-y approach still sort of irks me. this time round think I will stick with it.


also, need to grab fargo. loved the movie and its getting a lot of praise...

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gonna start invader zim soon. got the whole series on dvd at a thrift store for ten bucks, never seen it before..

edit oops

Edited by yek
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