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All albums best to worst


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draft 7.30


chiastic slide

tri repitae








This is a weirdly fascinating one


is it because i totally forgot confield? lol

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"Best" and "worst" are qualitative criteria, "means most" a sentimental one.


But where to draw the line? What are purely "objective" evaluations of art? Who's to establish what quantifiable criteria? Is Fernyhough better than Bach because he crams more notes into one bar? Or is it alledged innovation value? But isn't this subject to change, too? Like Gesualdo was scoffed at for hundreds of years til some popular composers decided his off key shit is actually brilliant?


Sorry, but this is kind of a pet peeve of mine. I call bullshit.


Yes, there are no criteria without subjectivity. And there are no real criteria for measuring the quality of any art. Despacito is objetively just as "good" as the Ninth Symphony.

But there are some objective criteria that can be used from a subjective standpoint as criteria for the quality of art. But they are questionable and more used for a broad sense (why is the Ninth better than Despacito) as for analysis (which is better: acroyear2 or cipater?).

And that's still something different than a ranking based on the emotion, hiw important a music is for me.

And that was my point.

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The most interesting weather album to me is Oversteps. It fits summer and winter in equal measure but unfolds a completely different kind of magic during each.








draft 7.30


chiastic slide

tri repitae








This is a weirdly fascinating one


is it because i totally forgot confield? lol



Didn't even notice lol. Nah just a very strange (to me) ordering there.

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^lol this guy! jk <3


That reminds me though, I just wanted to state for the record (WATMM OFFICIAL) that I didn't include AE_LIVE releases as part of the 'albums' but they're probably the best /thing/ that AE has ever done. Just not an album (exactly. mostly? doesn't much matter at this point really tbh)

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^lol this guy! jk <3


That reminds me though, I just wanted to state for the record (WATMM OFFICIAL) that I didn't include AE_LIVE releases as part of the 'albums' but they're probably the best /thing/ that AE has ever done. Just not an album (exactly. mostly? doesn't much matter at this point really tbh)

Yeah, how exactly do you decide if something is an album unless they put the obvious "EP/LP" on it? Length? 


Discogs lists AE Live and Else Q as well as the nts sessions as albums so I just kinda rolled with it.

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I don't remember when I last did this, mightve been a month ago but anyway, in order of bestness


Best thing they ever made and probably will ever make

-> Untilted


Top tier, listen to it all the time, wont ever get tired of it

-> LP5

-> Draft 7.30

-> The remixes

-> Chiastic Slide


-> Gantz Graf

-> Envane

-> Garbage

-> EP7

-> Anvil Vapre

-> The Peel Sessions



Also love these but not quite as good

-> Oversteps

-> Quaristice and related EPS

-> Confield

-> Tri Repetae


-> Cichlisuite

-> Move of Ten


Great when in the mood but dont listen to these very often


-> NTS



-> L-event


I don't think i like this one

-> elseq

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Amber is consistently their worst album for me, and Confield their best. There others hover around different positions depending on mood, though Untilted, Chiastic Slide and Draft 7.30 are usually top tier. The rest are also great, except LP5 doesn't get listened to much for some reason (I can see it's an important and brilliant album, but it's not a favourite to listen to - it's right next to Amber in the 'best to worst' list.) 


Though early Ae speaks to me less (I discovered them in 2000), Incunabula is usually a surprisingly wonderful listen. I like it a lot more than Amber for some reason. (Not that Amber's a bad album - but I mean relative to their other stuff.)


There's very little of their output I don't enjoy!

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Chiastic Slide




Tri Repetae





Draft 7.30





Scrolled up to see how the current list compares to one I had a few years ago... Exai is down a bit, Confield and Untilted way up (WTF was I thinking putting Untilted at the bottom?). Chiastic still at the top as always, that's a very special album for me.


Probably a bit early to rate NTS but initial signs are very promising.


Like Auxien I reckon Elseq is their weakest overall by a country mile, but there's still some top quality stuff even in there, it's all good.

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1. Untilted

2. Quaristice + Versions + Quadrange

3. Exai

4. Oversteps

5. Draft 7.30

6. Chiastic Slide

7. Confield

8. Tri Repetae

9. LP5

10. Incunabla

11. Amber


I'm still digesting elseq after all this time, on top of The NTS Sessions, but I consider both to be top tier.  


And yes, I'm more interested in them at their most technical, doesn't mean the earlier stuff is bad.  Amber is definitely their weakest though in retrospect. 


Also, that's how I listen to Quaristice, every time. 

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oneoahoaintix whatever wishes it made one of those autechre albums 


nts sessions > OPN           


:beer:  :catrecline:

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Top tier:

Quaristice + versions, Untilted, Chiastic Slide, Confield, particular remixes, Amber


Middle tier:

Garbage, LP5, Envane, EP7, Incunabula, We R Are Why, Tri Repetae + Anvil Vapre, Oversteps


Low tier:

pretty much the rest


Still digesting and undecided:

Elseq, Exai


The live Elseq tour was a bit heavy for me. Maybe I'm getting old? lol After hyping my gf way over the top we went to hear it and... well, after the show she said "I experienced it as a personal attack" to which I laughed "you've just been properly autechred" with a naughty grin, but she is a tender soul so idk, and deep inside I felt this unusual lack of satisfaction and a sudden urge to ponder over it with my friends, but they were stoned out of their minds so... So I was there sitting on the floor (usually Ae gets me moving like that inflatable tube man) trying to wrap my head around those monstrous sound boulders to find some kind of structure while fending off my stoned-to-oblivion friends who said they enjoyed it... well on drugs, I can enjoy pretty much anything as well... so... so, I don't know, man... *gets into a typical family car, and drives off slowly*

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I'm pretty much surprised, that Untilted get's so high ranked by a lot of people. I'm still digesting it, but for the first few listens it doesn't felt very special for me.


Any tips how I can get more into this album?

Edited by Chabraendeky
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Pfff... ok so:


Broken Tier: LP5, Draft 7.30, NTS2, elseq, AE_LIVE, Chiastic Slide, Tri Rep, Lego Feet (yeah it's album length u plebs!)


Also-best-music-ever-but-more-mood-dependant Tier: Quari, Untilted (great album balanced by awful sound... Art school/Hemsby>Untilted!), Incunubula, Amber (I>A), Confield (somehow this one doesn't age quite as well as Draft to me), Exai, Oversteps


Undecided: NTS 1,3,4 ... just too early.


This list is coming straight out of my ass tho, might read quite differently even tomorrow. Fuck this rly but there ya go.

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I'm pretty much surprised, that Untilted get's so high ranked by a lot of people. I'm still digesting it, but for the first few listens it doesn't felt very special for me.


Any tips how I can get more into this album?


Do it like me and listen to the live sets instead:

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I'm pretty much surprised, that Untilted get's so high ranked by a lot of people. I'm still digesting it, but for the first few listens it doesn't felt very special for me.


Any tips how I can get more into this album?

Yeah it's a funny one, very dry sounding and hardware based, it's the sound of them pretty much turning their elektron gear inside out.


The live stuff they were doing at the time is really good - it helped me get into Untilted a lot after being quite underwhelmed to begin with. The Hemsby and Glasgow sets are nuts.


If all else fails just bang on sublimit at top volume on a good system.

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-> The remixes


Yeah despite being an explicit best ALBUM thread those deserve a mention. They deserve one in any context really. Easily some of their (and by extension anyone's) best musics ev0rzu!!

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Untilted my best


Quaristice my worst


All the rest shift positions inbetween these bookends

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Thanks for the tips! I just listen to it (Untilted) right now, and I'm enjoying it much more, like before. Is it because I'm in the right mood? Or because I listen to it on my speakers and not through headphones like before?

(I have 'super-free' night - ie. wife isnt home - I can blast the flat with top volume Autechre)

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Here's how my list looks:









Chiastic Slide


DRAFT 7.30




Tri Repetae








Anti EP





Digital Exclusive EP

Anti EP

We R Are Why / Are Y Are We?



Peel Session


Peel Pession 2

Gantz Graf

move of ten

Anvil Vapre




So that was my list 3 years ago


Today it would look something like this:




elseq 1–5


NTS Sessions 1-4



Chiastic Slide




DRAFT 7.30


Tri Repetae








Digital Exclusive EP

Anti EP


move of ten

We R Are Why / Are Y Are We?


Peel Session

Peel Pession 2

Gantz Graf

Anvil Vapre


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