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Paul Thomas Anderson - The Master


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anybody else a little disappointed PTA seemed to move completely away from the style he cultivated in Magnolia and then Punch Drunk Love? I feel like both of those movies (despite Magnolia being arguably a Short cuts attempt) are very unique and have a tell tale style almost as specific as a Coen brothers film. With there will be blood he seemed to totally throw that style out the window. I know people love that movie, i just yearn for more movies on the same strange trajectory as Punch Drunk. And on top of that i don't think any director since has utilized a low brow comedy actor like Adam Sandler to such amazing effect as a dramatic sympathetic character. Big Fan with Patton Oswalt is pretty good, but thats just way too much of a depressing drama with not much nuance.

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anybody else a little disappointed PTA seemed to move completely away from the style he cultivated in Magnolia and then Punch Drunk Love? I feel like both of those movies (despite Magnolia being arguably a Short cuts attempt) are very unique and have a tell tale style almost as specific as a Coen brothers film. With there will be blood he seemed to totally throw that style out the window. I know people love that movie, i just yearn for more movies on the same strange trajectory as Punch Drunk. And on top of that i don't think any director since has utilized a low brow comedy actor like Adam Sandler to such amazing effect as a dramatic sympathetic character. Big Fan with Patton Oswalt is pretty good, but thats just way too much of a depressing drama with not much nuance.


I would argue that Eternal Sunshine did just that and maybe to a lesser degree Stranger Than Fiction.

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yes both of those are good examples but i dont think Stranger Than Fiction worked too well, it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a Groundhog Day like comedy or an existential arthouse film .


and to add something to my original comment, maybe it's good that he changed his style so abruptly. After all we've seen what happens when a director gets too hooked on a particular style and beats it into the ground like Wes Anderson

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yes both of those are good examples but i dont think Stranger Than Fiction worked too well, it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a Groundhog Day like comedy or an existential arthouse film .


That I will agree with. It would have worked much better if things were explained a lot less. A lot of the dialogue involving Dustin Hoffman got a bit into silly self-referential territory for me.

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My pants get tight every time I watch the trailer.


Not sure if it is Joaquin, Amy Adams, Scientology being made fun of, PSH being amazing or the shots, or the music. *head essplodes*


I think it could be all of these things.



Best film of the year.

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did i miss the part in 'im still here' where Phoenix becomes a 3rd stage heroin addict for half a decade and then kicks? the fuck happened to his face, he looks like charlie sheen level gaunt blown out post opiate/crack rock binge

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Interesting that Jonny Greenwood did the soundtrack, seeing how Radiohead are good buddies with Beck.


I wonder how their conversations are gonna be like about that subject




Beck: So Jonny, what have you been up to lately?


Jonny: Well, I have been working on the soundtrack of this film called The Master, and-


Beck: What?! I can't hear you above all this mixed bizness! *violently scratches on two turntables and a microphone*

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i think you'll find a comment from me a few pages back to the same effect, though I blamed alcohol :nacmat:


i think alcohol could be a contributing factor but i had 2 uncles basically die from heroin and i recognize the tell tale broken opiate face now, its unmistakable

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anybody else a little disappointed PTA seemed to move completely away from the style he cultivated in Magnolia and then Punch Drunk Love? I feel like both of those movies (despite Magnolia being arguably a Short cuts attempt) are very unique and have a tell tale style almost as specific as a Coen brothers film. With there will be blood he seemed to totally throw that style out the window. I know people love that movie, i just yearn for more movies on the same strange trajectory as Punch Drunk. And on top of that i don't think any director since has utilized a low brow comedy actor like Adam Sandler to such amazing effect as a dramatic sympathetic character. Big Fan with Patton Oswalt is pretty good, but thats just way too much of a depressing drama with not much nuance.


Could it be because PTA only did the screenplay for TWBB whereas he wrote his other films?

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Guest Shit Attack

read somewhere tom cruise got a super special preview screening (having starred in magnolia etc) and he is very upset at how xenu/ L. ron is portrayed. : ( movie still looks good tho despite that unfortunate incident

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Guest Gary C

i think you'll find a comment from me a few pages back to the same effect, though I blamed alcohol :nacmat:


i think alcohol could be a contributing factor but i had 2 uncles basically die from heroin and i recognize the tell tale broken opiate face now, its unmistakable


The guy's pretty method, right? I have a feeling he looks healthier in real-life.

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i think you'll find a comment from me a few pages back to the same effect, though I blamed alcohol :nacmat:


i think alcohol could be a contributing factor but i had 2 uncles basically die from heroin and i recognize the tell tale broken opiate face now, its unmistakable


Or, it could just be the look he is supposed to have in the movie, you know, movie magic. He seems like he's a stressed out WW2 vet struggling to find a place in society.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

the trailer doesn't sell me on this but based on past films and hearing the hype from the secret screening of course i'm excited to see it. the trailer just leaves me a little dry is all.

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Interesting that Jonny Greenwood did the soundtrack, seeing how Radiohead are good buddies with Beck.


I wonder how their conversations are gonna be like about that subject




Beck: So Jonny, what have you been up to lately?


Jonny: Well, I have been working on the soundtrack of this film called The Master, and-


Beck: What?! I can't hear you above all this mixed bizness! *violently scratches on two turntables and a microphone*


I read somewhere that Beck's tie in with Scientology is really loose. His parents were scientologists and he was born into it, but doesn't really actively practice or follow it theses days. It's more or less just another of his little quirks.

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Interesting that Jonny Greenwood did the soundtrack, seeing how Radiohead are good buddies with Beck.


I wonder how their conversations are gonna be like about that subject




Beck: So Jonny, what have you been up to lately?


Jonny: Well, I have been working on the soundtrack of this film called The Master, and-


Beck: What?! I can't hear you above all this mixed bizness! *violently scratches on two turntables and a microphone*


I read somewhere that Beck's tie in with Scientology is really loose. His parents were scientologists and he was born into it, but doesn't really actively practice or follow it theses days. It's more or less just another of his little quirks.


Almost positive I've seen a pic of him at some scientology related fund raising thingy. But that was years ago tho.


And there's also this from his wiki:


Beck has been involved in Scientology for most of his life; his wife, Marissa, is also a second-generation Scientologist. Marissa and her twin brother, Giovanni, were delivered by Beck's mother, Bibbe.[80] Beck publicly acknowledged his affiliation with Scientology for the first time in an interview published in The New York Times Magazine on March 6, 2005. Further confirmation came in an interview with the Irish Sunday Tribune's i Magazine on June 11, 2005, where he was quoted as saying, "Yeah, I'm a Scientologist. My father has been a Scientologist for about 35 years, so I grew up in and around it." When questioned by the interviewer about Scientology's core beliefs, he replied:

What it actually is is just sort of, uh, you know, I think it's about philosophy and sort of, uh, all these kinds of, you know, ideals that are common to a lot of religions....There's nothing fantastical...just a real deep grassroots concerted effort for humanitarian causes. I don't know if you know the stuff they have. It's unbelievable the stuff they are doing. Education...they have free centres all over the place for poor kids. They have the number one drug rehabilitation programme in the entire world (called
). It has a 90-something percent success rate...When you look at the actual facts and not what's conjured in people's minds that's all bullshit to me because I've actually seen stuff first hand.


I don't think he's hardcore like Cruise or Travolta tho, but he does seem positive/defensive about it



edit: I still think Beck is cool tho. Good tunes and stuff.

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