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Max Payne 3.


The game is sweet, but is it just me, or is it hard as hell? I'm only playing on medium but I feel like I have to use painkillers every two seconds and I die at least once in pretty much every gun battle. Kinda breaks the flow.

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As for the pixel art kind of things I highly recommend the Sandbox on iphone/pod/pad/whatever, it's a nice game in which you can create 2D pixellated words, and interact with them by changing the temperature etc. You can even create electric circuits connected to lights or whatever. Of course some of you will think it's a Minecraft rip-off but it has a totally different feel. It's worth for the music itself !!!

Also started FF VII for the first time this afternoon and whoah. Such a nice atmosphere !

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I'm currently addicted to Borderlands2 (living on pizza's and 5hr sleep for the last couple of days =D). Loving the comic style, and the Tarantino vibe it has from time to time. And some of these maps are completely bonkers. That clan map was f-ing awesome. It's a small map, but t feels huge! And than the sanctuary hole in the ground, my god. Lovely stuff. Pure entertainment. Lvl 24 assassin currently. Trying to work my way through 4 rounds of the slaughterhouse. Currently in 3 and getting my ass kicked badly.


There must be a connection between rage-quits and addiction, I'm afraid. ;-p

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Max Payne 3.


The game is sweet, but is it just me, or is it hard as hell? I'm only playing on medium but I feel like I have to use painkillers every two seconds and I die at least once in pretty much every gun battle. Kinda breaks the flow.


Yes, it IS hard and that's one of the things I love about this game. It doesn't take by you by the hand at any point and leads you to the checkpoint. But at one point the mechanics just click and all of a sudden you're able to time your jumps, painkillers, headshots etc perfectly. At least that happened to me and it felt like a blast picking people off with one shot.

I completed it on hard a couple of weeks ago and it was insane. I almost gave up at one point but I somehow managed to complete it and I have been thinking about completing it on Hardcore or whatever the next difficulty setting is called...

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I've been playing Far Cry 3 a lot the last couple of days. And it's ridiculously fun.


I especially enjoy the base takeover part of the game.


My only complaint about it, is that the environment all looks very similar. I know there's not that much you can do with a island setting, but I've would have loved some more variations in the setting. It's not particularly fun exploring in the game. But I haven't reached the second island yet, so hopefully that will be a bit different.

Edited by Npoess
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I've been playing Far Cry 3 a lot the last couple of days. And it's ridiculously fun.


I especially enjoy the base takeover part of the game.


My only complaint about it, is that the environment all looks very similar. I know there's not that much you can do with a island setting, but I've would have loved some more variations in the setting. It's not particularly fun exploring in the game. But I haven't reached the second island yet, so hopefully that will be a bit different.


Might as well tell you straight away, that the second island isn't all that different, but you do get to see bigger villages and different people...

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Guest Frankie5fingers

that Mcpixel trailer is better than most game trailers by bigger game companies. lol and it looks pretty cool to boot.


i just finished playing through Shadow Hearts 1 & 2. such amazing games with great story.


now im off to play Suikoden 4 & 5.

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Guest Mirezzi

Maybe a long shot question here, but have any of you ever played Left 4 Dead in co-op for the campaign mode?


I'm thinking of trying it with a friend, but figured I'd ask you guys first.

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Yes, played both L4Ds campaign modes with three friends. Shit is pretty awesome.

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Yes, played both L4Ds campaign modes with three friends. Shit is pretty awesome.

yep. quite fun. me and my best friend and my girlfriend used to play campaign all the time.

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Just finished Mass Effect 3. I didn't quite understand why people hated the ending so much, until I watched all the other endings and realized just how rushed the whole thing was. I didn't play the first two games, but I could understand how players would feel shorted on that as the ending to a long spanning trilogy.


Still playing League of Legends, predominately as an AP mid. Still need a few more champs before I can start doing ranked but

; I'm scared of how frustrating it will be.
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Did you download the Extended Cut?


Naw, but I listened to the Giantbomb podcast where they get pretty heavily into the ending and the differences between the shipped and extended cuts. I did watch the extended/extra endings afterwards, but it didn't really change much for me. Christ, that Buzz Aldrin scene was depressing. I did get the Leviathan and From Ashes DLC, which helped fill a lot of gaps in the story and made the story a lot more enjoyable.

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Did you download the Extended Cut?


Naw, but I listened to the Giantbomb podcast where they get pretty heavily into the ending and the differences between the shipped and extended cuts. I did watch the extended/extra endings afterwards, but it didn't really change much for me. Christ, that Buzz Aldrin scene was depressing. I did get the Leviathan and From Ashes DLC, which helped fill a lot of gaps in the story and made the story a lot more enjoyable.

Hmmm. I agree that the endings are near identical in the vanilla game, but with the EC installed there's HUGE differences in the different scenes at the end. If you plan to go through the game a second time, make sure to get it. It makes such a huge difference.

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Did you download the Extended Cut?


Naw, but I listened to the Giantbomb podcast where they get pretty heavily into the ending and the differences between the shipped and extended cuts. I did watch the extended/extra endings afterwards, but it didn't really change much for me. Christ, that Buzz Aldrin scene was depressing. I did get the Leviathan and From Ashes DLC, which helped fill a lot of gaps in the story and made the story a lot more enjoyable.


I wonder if they had actually planned that DLC before they shipped the final game or if it was just something they put together to make their game make more sense.

But yeah, like Brad said it seems like he had a better gaming experience than people who played the game when it came out back in March.


And holy shit, I had completely forgotten everything about Buzz Aldrin telling the story of Shepard... god damnit, that was stupid.

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Did you download the Extended Cut?


Naw, but I listened to the Giantbomb podcast where they get pretty heavily into the ending and the differences between the shipped and extended cuts. I did watch the extended/extra endings afterwards, but it didn't really change much for me. Christ, that Buzz Aldrin scene was depressing. I did get the Leviathan and From Ashes DLC, which helped fill a lot of gaps in the story and made the story a lot more enjoyable.


I wonder if they had actually planned that DLC before they shipped the final game or if it was just something they put together to make their game make more sense.

But yeah, like Brad said it seems like he had a better gaming experience than people who played the game when it came out back in March.


And holy shit, I had completely forgotten everything about Buzz Aldrin telling the story of Shepard... god damnit, that was stupid.


A Child: When can I go to the stars?

Stargazer: One day my sweet.


Brad talks about the game was likely EA'd; rushed out the door. I would imagine Bioware planned some sort of expansion when they were told to finish the game; but it would be released as a DLC package and still remain true to the original ending overall.


Cheers for Giantbomb. Jeff and Vinny :wub:

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I don't think it was planned. There was this app for the iPhone called "The Final Hours of ME3" which described the last few months of development. There's this one document on the ending where it says "lots of speculation for everyone" near the bottom of the page, implying that they made the ending this open on purpose. Somehow they thought that people would be totally happy about having to imagine the ending to a 90 hour experience, but I guess it didn't exactly turn out that way...


Still though, they fixed every single issue I had with the ending in the Extended Cut, so I guess the phrase "better late than never" applies here.


What I find really sad is how many people are still bitching and moaning about this damn ending, 9 months after the release. People are STILL asking for a new ending even though Bioware have told everyone a million times that they're done with the ending. It's pathetic how some people just can't accept that the game ended differently than they expected and move on.

Edited by Friendly Foil
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