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Been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 lately, I beat the main campaign last night, man that was a great campaign... Now working my way through Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC and gonna do the other DLC's before moving onto True Vault Hunter Mode. It's gonna be a while before I tire of this game, it's just too damn fun.


Also looking forward to the single player DLC coming out for The Last Of Us next weekend!

Edited by ghOsty
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just now finally getting into dark souls after getting a headache from games-for-windows-live shenanigans and the bad pc port (wised up to the existence of dsfix)...


since i started i've been thinking about it while away from the pc, lying in bed thinking about getting up and playing just a bit more, lol... haven't had this kinda game experience in years. so good.

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Decided to pick Fallout: New Vegas back up and got it running at a decent frame rate after a few optimization tweaks. ('bout the same as PS3 performance now i think)

But after wiping out some Vipers on the way to Novac at XP Lvl 6, I get ambushed and killed by a Deathclaw immediately thereafter. Then the game crashed when I tried to reload it. So I called it quits for the day.

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Just started FF9 on my phone. When importing the .bin images from my original PS1 copy I noticed I hadn't even bothered to reorder the discs 2-4, meaning I've never even seen a quarter of the game before.


What a silly numpty - Apparently it's quite a good one.

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The PS4 game drought is almost at an end...


Rayman Legends

Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn beta (Feb 22)



Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting...


Plus, Dark Souls II next month (PS3)!

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Guest disparaissant

final fantasy v emulated on phone. and once in a while, f zero


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

god i made the mistake of getting the remake of ffv on my phone that square put out. what a pile of dogshit. emulating the SFC version is a much better choice.
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On Fallout: New Vegas still but starting to get bored with it already. Maybe it's cuz I already played it 10 times before when I had a better machine to run it on. It's not so much the technical issues this time as the repetitiveness and backtracking of it that are making me bored with it. Still a great game, but I'm getting burnt out.

Kinda itching for something a little faster paced, more responsive, and less buggy - don't care if it has lower-end grafix.

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I guess because it was withing my "comfort zone" at the time. But this time I can't be arsed to continue with it. Gotta seek more variety as I get older.

Went back to HL2 last night, and even nearly a decade after release it still looks and plays pretty damn good. This'll keep me occupied 'til Metal Slug 3 is out on Steam tomorrow.

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The classic Shump Ikaruga is also on Steam tomorrow, I believe. I wonder if you can turn your LCD portrait and lose the superfulous borders on the sides in landscape...


I'll leave this still INSANE video of a guy playing the game two-player... one hand per player!

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Couldnt catch that nintendo direct, anyone want to sum it up?


still happening but basically: gameboy advance games coming to wii u. new mario kart (8?) and donkey kong games that look really good. other nerdy games that i've never heard of. a new mario game that's been upgraded where you're carrying a mario baby or something that enters a bubble and then a timer comes up and you gotta do something to rescue it.


a new japanese fighting game that's developed by some japanese nerd that's well known to nerds (entire trailer was in japanese)


i'm missing a few things but that's what caught my eye

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