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Great game, forgot how amazing the enemy AI is.

Is this article arriving coincidentally, or the reason you went back to it - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/04/03/why-fears-ai-is-still-the-best-in-first-person-shooters/


Ah, I wonder if the 2 bucks price was the reason they ended up doing a retrospective of it...


Coincidence. It was like 2 bucks on steam last weekend


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Guest bitroast

you have to show restraint. put in one or two lives and say ok no more. playing thru metal slug and just feeding in coins whenever you get killed is the definition of boredom. 

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yeah i can see that. kinda like playing ikaruga for gamecube. great game. used to play it everytime my bud would come over. get a little better each time, get a little further. but after so many hours of play it would start adding extra lives to your playthrough until eventually it gave you infinite lives (i'm sure this was an option you could've turned off, but we never did). so once we got the inf lives and beat it we never played it again -_-

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Now working through Heavy Rain. Very strange game.

Prepare for the dumbest plot twist you're ever going to witness.

Haha, what makes it worse is that throughout the game it lets you hear their thoughts and it doesn't pop up at all.

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so finished Zelda and


glad it's out of the system... the world exploring is killer, some grand moments there.. still haven't touched some areas e.g. the one with the large shroom-shaped trees & thunderstorm. Missing like 20-30 shrines or so. Amazing how people come up with tricks like, there's a video of someone using a mine cart & metal box & magnetism to make an endless elevator. I'm not as clever, and feel especially inept in fights.. mostly just bruteforcing & eating restoring meals.


But oof.. the main quest & everything Zelda-related was just very bad tbh. Probably a big part is the horrible voice acting as mentioned earlier, but also just bad design. The 2nd part of the final boss fight was by far the worst part of the game. Suddenly, horse! "Link, shoot the markers!" Then when you're supposed to hit the eye, I was unable to figure out how to get it to open and the little "tense" music was looping for way too long.. gladly Zelda chimed in: "use the updraft Link!1!" for her final barrel roll moment


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got Metal Slug 3 for the Switch... lol this game is very short also u die a lot

played this a bit on arcade in Italy as a kid - think it was illegal here

All SNK NEO·GEO games are short... arcade games, innt.



got Metal Slug 3 for the Switch... lol this game is very short also u die a lot

played this a bit on arcade in Italy as a kid - think it was illegal here

metal slug games are really good to look at but they were clearly designed to be next to impossible to drain quarters at the arcade. playing on a console with infinite lives just seems pointless


Again... arcade games. Still, you need to gg and see if you can complete the "very short" game on the set amount of lives given. Then we'll talk.


1CC or gtfo

Amen, bro.


These days, Millennials are so reward-focused (with little effort) that earning trophies in games in most cases is a cake-walk.


Now, in my day, there were no trophies, etc. - some games didn't even end - the point was to get the highest score possible, or reach the highest level, etc.


For arcade games, it was all about beating them on one life, not getting hit, etc.


Today's precious snowflakes can't grep that shit.


Also, Ikaruga:

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got Metal Slug 3 for the Switch... lol this game is very short also u die a lot

played this a bit on arcade in Italy as a kid - think it was illegal here


All SNK NEO·GEO games are short... arcade games, innt.



got Metal Slug 3 for the Switch... lol this game is very short also u die a lot

played this a bit on arcade in Italy as a kid - think it was illegal here


metal slug games are really good to look at but they were clearly designed to be next to impossible to drain quarters at the arcade. playing on a console with infinite lives just seems pointless

Again... arcade games. Still, you need to gg and see if you can complete the "very short" game on the set amount of lives given. Then we'll talk.


1CC or gtfo


Amen, bro.


These days, Millennials are so reward-focused (with little effort) that earning trophies in games in most cases is a cake-walk.


Now, in my day, there were no trophies, etc. - some games didn't even end - the point was to get the highest score possible, or reach the highest level, etc.


For arcade games, it was all about beating them on one life, not getting hit, etc.


Today's precious snowflakes can't grep that shit.


Also, Ikaruga:


hm. Finding it difficult to read yr post and not feeling called out as a whiny precious millennial snowflake.

I'm neither of that and you can shuv that half-heartedly aggressive post of yours up yr anus, dad.

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ha, yeah. basically we were too poor to play arcade games. you wanna talk that smack now? come at me in any fighting game and i'll take all your quarters


they just opened a round1 arcade in the metro area that has vanilla tekken 7. been going over there a little bit on the weekends. was mostly running into absolute noobs who would hop off after getting run over a couple of times but last saturday a bunch of the old school atl crew came through along with speedkicks (possibly top 10 in the world?). got wrecked by him for the most part but got a couple of wins against him and his bud (but they were using 2nd string characters, not mains). held my own against everyone else though.


anyways round1 is generally dope outside of tekken as it's got a bar, bowling, billiards, karaoke, etc. looks like they're opening a number of them all over the us right now. 

*grrr page break* this was in response to


hm. Finding it difficult to read yr post and not feeling called out as a whiny precious millennial snowflake.
I'm neither of that and you can shuv that half-heartedly aggressive post of yours up yr anus, dad.
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Persona 5 is owning my life at the moment. It's really gooood


I'm about to buy it =O


I've played all of them and most of the other SMT games (they dropped the SMT branding for P5 didn't they?). Really looking forward to this.


Too many games, so little time .

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You won't regret it. I haven't owned a system since ps2, then bought myself a ps4 last Christmas. This is one of the best games I've ever played so far and i'm only like 3 hours in. It's super dark too. 

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oh shit, makes the ps4 pro look even more pathetic. I bet it's going to cost a million dollars though, and that's quite expensive.

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i assume it'll just continue to have no first party games i care about and so i'd just rather put more money into fleshing out my gaming pc. i really don't care about 4k. 1080 at 60fps is fine

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I've kept out of this generation of consoles cos of the small pissing matches between Sony and Microsoft seemingly every few months. Completely confusing to know which console to back !

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Completely confusing to know which console to back !

You could focus on what console exclusives, type of games you like most out of all the consoles to choose from? 


I don't care much for Halo, forza, but am already creaming for a new god of war, last of us etc...

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I like weird indie lo-fi stuff so that's why I'm quite happy with my old laptop at the moment - My aesthetic choice thankfully dictates the system requirements :lol:

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