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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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I've heard this album btw. It's lush. 9/10

This is all the review i need. Even if an unhealthy dose of precognition was involved.

should have just locked the thread on sept 23rd and saved a whole planet of heartache, not to mention bandwidth

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you guys are nuts if you think that was intentional. Why would March have a "0" before it, but 4 not? Durr?


Probably because you couldn't get 130304 from the sum of 11 11-bit numbers.


130304 in binary has a funny almost-symmetry to it, though:



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so should we talk about the exceptional job Warp and co are doing to prevent a leak so far? I'm pretty impressed. Whatever they're doing is working so far, and if it actually lasts up until the official release date all record labels everywhere would probably like to know what the hell they did in terms of damage control.


I know I'm not the only one here who has so little self control that i will listen to a leak as soon as i get it (without waiting for the physicals) but it would be nice to not have a choice and listen to it for the first time on CD or vinyl.

Edited by Awepittance
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so should we talk about the exceptional job Warp and co are doing to prevent a leak so far? I'm pretty impressed. Whatever they're doing is working so far, and if it actually lasts up until the official release date all record labels everywhere would probably like to know what the hell they did in terms of damage control.


I know I'm not the only one here who has so little self control that i will listen to a leak as soon as i get it (without waiting for the physicals) but it would be nice to not have a choice and listen to it for the first time on CD or vinyl.




Due to the number of people that seem to (or claim to) have the promo, Warp do not seem to have been tight with the distribution so far. Which means that it is highly likely that something else is in place to stop the album leaking.


Whether they have simply threatened to send the Ninja assassin hit squad round, or "this promo will self destruct upon ripping" or whatever... it has worked (so far). And its great.


Hopefully some new technology / distribution method that they will roll out for all releases.


Or it's just voodoo.

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so should we talk about the exceptional job Warp and co are doing to prevent a leak so far? I'm pretty impressed. Whatever they're doing is working so far, and if it actually lasts up until the official release date all record labels everywhere would probably like to know what the hell they did in terms of damage control.


I know I'm not the only one here who has so little self control that i will listen to a leak as soon as i get it (without waiting for the physicals) but it would be nice to not have a choice and listen to it for the first time on CD or vinyl.




Due to the number of people that seem to (or claim to) have the promo, Warp do not seem to have been tight with the distribution so far. Which means that it is highly likely that something else is in place to stop the album leaking.


let's theorize here for a second, assuming the watermark is trackable back to the source and is real (not a 'cameras with no tapes to prevent shoplifting ' scenario) maybe they weeded out people who leaked it last time. It's also possible the legal jargon on the warning was worded in a more intimidating fashion. Maybe the watermark deterrent worked (for now).

Edited by Awepittance
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Whoa, that math is cool! Knew there had to be some sense in that cover (besides creeperface)!

Was a fella on ILXOR made the spreadsheet, I've created another here in all 4 directions and that's how I got the other number: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ashz164heHOwdDdiYzF6Y2VTZ3d0bmd0WlRyOUlxVVE#gid=0


Not sure if there's any significance in 6359 or 12539, unless you can think of anything

Dunno, but now I'm begging to think that the ATP Japan benefit track '6852' is somehow involved..

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Japan has 6,852 islands.


Maybe Exai is a treasure map!

?? .. . . .... .. . ... .... . . . .. ..... . . . . ... . ... ??


that would be awesome :)

Edited by exm
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So have warp sent out promo's and put an embargo on reviews as well as leaks / radio plays?


Certainly not, but quite often labels ask to publish reviews not before the release. Generally, you get the reviews maybe 1-2 weeks in advance.

In regards to radio play, maybe they haven't sent anything out to radio djs? I know that there was a show on byte.fm a few days ago where a guy played Exai.


there was an embargo last time.

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Some of it is tongue in cheek, I get it, but this cover analysis thing is getting dangerously close to twoism-level overthinking. W/ BoC the mystery is intentional, so I get the digging to some degree, but with ae I hardly see them engaging in that kind of stuff.


Lesson for Warp:


1) Hey! Your new leak prevention thingy whatever it is works like a charm!

2) But it leads to fans engaging in paul is dead style self defenestration.

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woah, i bet AE left a usb thumb drop embedded in an ancient japanese shrine somewhere on one of those islands. it contains FLAC/WAV/Mp3 soundboards of the Quaristice and Oversteps tours

Sounds like an MMO-Quest :biggrin:

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Some of it is tongue in cheek, I get it, but this cover analysis thing is getting dangerously close to twoism-level overthinking. W/ BoC the mystery is intentional, so I get the digging to some degree, but with ae I hardly see them engaging in that kind of stuff.


Lesson for Warp:


1) Hey! Your new leak prevention thingy whatever it is works like a charm!

2) But it leads to fans engaging in paul is dead style self defenestration.


You're clearly underestimating numerological detail of Ae releases. Release dates, catalogue numbers, album titles etc, there's always some over-the-head bullshit going on. Ae fooling around or doing their Kaballah routine.

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